That didn’t do it.
That was one of the first things I checked – all three sliders are set to be Responsive. There is some positioning code in the bottom logo element, but there is no image attached. Also, I cleared out that code on one, and it didn’t seem to affect how it displayed on my phone.
Yes – I’m in visual mode. Doesn’t seem to work. The editor removes the space.
Adding a space between paragraph would be helpful. My clients don’t know HTML so text tab workarounds are not really useful.
That did it! Thanks!
One more quick question, how would we resize the child menu items? We can manipulate the top items, but that makes the sub menus look too small.
Got everything working great, thanks for the feedback!
The tabs work fantastically! Thank you very much!
The top menu, however, still isn’t sizing – we’d like that to be much larger.
Thanks! That seems to have done the trick!