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  • in reply to: Responsive background images #728440


    I used the custom code in the theme’s child and will post credentials for you to check it.

    It would be really great to get help on this, because I can’t find what went wrong with the 2 images :(

    Thanks for helping!

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Responsive background images #727408

    Hi Ismael,

    thanks for your answer. That’s exactly what I did, Nikko posted some CSS that I use to get the content on mobile in 1 column. I checked every cell and really don’t know what went wrong, because only the 2 images get lost. Everything else is fine.

    I really need help on that, any ideas??

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Responsive background images #724202

    everything works fine now, but I found out that only 2 images are not showing up in the mobile version. I didn’t notice that before and don’t have an explanation for that. In the cell edit I enabled “always display” for the images. Very important was that the alignment of every cell was equal and set to top. I changed that on the whole page, but the 2 images are still missing.

    I will post new screenshots and it would be great if you have a solution? It’s very important, because the website is online!

    Thanks again for helping.
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Responsive background images #712938

    Hi Nikko,
    yes, that’s it – looks much better and works great!!!
    Problem solved, I think this is a good solution :)

    Thanks a lot for helping!

    in reply to: Responsive background images #712869

    Hi Nikko,
    thank you for providing new code.
    I enabled the background images for mobile now to check it. The boxes still are very long and narrow, word break is better now. But the anabled images appear in full width extremely low.

    Do you have an idea how we can fix it?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Responsive background images #712122


    in reply to: Responsive background images #712118

    Hi Nikko,
    thanks for this solution. Unfortunately it’s not working how expected.
    The word breaks work, but the content isn’t really readable when using it, so I guess this should be like it is, if there is no other solution?

    Big gaps:
    Seems to be the cell padding, it was 100px before in full size, e.g. 320px width, so there are gaps in the top and bottom of each cell.
    The footer (3 cols in full size) also has big gaps on top and bottom after becoming 1 column.

    1 column:
    After deactivating the background images for mobiles, it’s already 1 col below 768px, so the CSS for this is useless.

    Cut off images:
    I tried iPad mini in portrait mode (1024 x 768px = 2 cols), the images seem to have the same height as in full size mode, so they are not responsive at all and the cell padding is way too much. The most important item would be having the background images and cell padding responsive for less then 768px and between 768px and 1024px.

    Do you have any idea how to solve this? It would be great.

    Thank you for helping.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Responsive background images #711635

    Hi Nikko,
    yes I used background images and now turned them off for mobiles in the settings for the cell. But for medium screen resolutions like tablets it’s still cutting off the images. I’ll post credentials for you to have a look at it.

    I also noticed that the word breaks are missing in the mobile sizes so that every text block in the narrow size gets big gaps. The text blocks with the deactivated images now have a way too big padding as well. Do I have to adjust everything manually with media queries? Any suggestions?

    Best regards,

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