Forum Replies Created
Hi Victoria, i fixed it already.
But can you help me with another thing. How can i remove the borders between the social share icons here: and change the mouse over text from english to german?
Greetings, Alex
1) The Disclaimer apears after clicking it away
2) the youtube preview window is not displayed
3) instead there open a new browser windwos with the target of the youtube videoi have uploaded an older version of enfold. now everything works. but the errors above come with the new update. greetings, alex
I upload an old version of the theme via ftp and post the errors for you. thanks, Alex
I deleted all the CSS code an disabled plugins. the error is still here :(
All posts have the same big youtube video work.
Gibt es einen Weg den Editor von WP Ultimatrecipie im Avia Layout Builder anzeigen zu lassen?
Ich liebe dan ALB und würde das Plugin sehr gerne im ALB nutzen? Danke für eure tolle Arbeit, lg Alex
Kommt Endold mit diesem Plugin zurecht? Gibt es da Erfahrungen eurerseits? Lg, Alex
Hey Victoria, the problem is caused by the comet cache plugin. maybe you can fix this with another enfold update? which cache plugin do you prefer? i think comet cache was the suggestion in the enfold settings :)
greetings, alex
OK, it works now. ???????
can you please recheck? thanks, alex
:) Thanks a lot!
This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by
Thanks Nikko.
I have found another problem here with the load more button. Can ypu please check out :) Greetings, Alex
Thank you nikko, what was the problem? Thanks a lot :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok. thanks nikko
Hi. Nope same problems with Firefox:
Hi Basilis. the error is still here.
please take a look on your desktop pc not mobile. when you click “load more” the new posts have a wrong style. double title and you cannot see the whole picture.
please check it again. thanks!
Hi Mike. i have set alle pages to “tranparent header” setting. is this ok, or should i use the default setting for all pages.
/*Header transparent machen*/ #top #header, #top #header.av_header_glassy.av_header_transparency .header_bg { background-color: #000; opacity: 0.3; filter: alpha(opacity=10); }
This is the code i use at the moment. but it do not work perfect. 1.) how can i get the logo, the serachicon and the menu button 100% white and 2) looks pretty nice.
Thanks Mike, greetings, Alex
Thank you victoria.
It looks great at page load: but when i scroll down the header gets fully transparent. but i also want this 50% black transparent look when scrolling down. is this possible. greetings and thanks, alex
OK, i will try this. thank you mike. but is there no way to do this in the “erweitertes styling” options? thanks, alex
Thank you. It looks like this at the moment:
1: white transparent on page load
2: black whan scoll down3: it should look like this: 50% black transparent and also 50% trsanparent on scroll down. how can i get this look. thank you very much victoria :)
Greetings, Alex
And can you please help me to also delete this line:
Thank you. Victoria. CLOSED:
Hi Basilis, i have set the border to not active but there is still this white horizontale line.
Greetings, Alex
The Header loads transparent: but when i scroll down it gets blue. how can i use a permanent transparent header? and how can i change the menu an the search icon color to white?
Thanks, Alex
Thanks but this is for the mobile header victoria. how can a use the transparent header for the desktop view at pcs? i have selected transparent header but get the blue header. please help me :) thanks, alex
Thanks i added this code but it do not work. it is still gray. please take a look Jordan:
Any ideas here?
Hi Nikko, no i have still problems. Can you please help me to set the background color for all mansorys to black and the font color of the text (title on mouse over) to white.
thanks, alex
How can i activate a permanent transparent header menu like here:
Danke Guenni007. Wie finde ich eigentlich die Page ID und die section id heraus? Falls ich den Code an einer anderen Stelle nutzen möchte. Danke für den Code .) Lg, Alex
This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by