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  • in reply to: Enfold slow loading front & back end. Need Help #1299491

    Hi Rikard,

    Thank you again for your continued support.

    The site is on complete idle right now and I have the Server Support contact trying to get it accessible so I can make those updates to the new WP & Enfold versions.

    Will reply again as soon as i’m able to get those updates from timing out.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Enfold slow loading front & back end. Need Help #1299045

    ^^^Bump (sorry just want to keep it fresh on the support list I know you guys are very busy)

    in reply to: Enfold slow loading front & back end. Need Help #1298406

    Hi Rikard,

    I’m very sorry to have missed your reply I had no idea you contacted me. We are still having major issues with the site and my hosting support is all out of answers after trying yet again trying to figure out how to get around the query issues with Enfold. Below is their latest diagnostic urging me to contact Enfold Theme support. I have also provided a temporary user account for our site in the private content section.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to help figure this out, it has been very frustrating.
    :Hosting Support Response:

    Thank you for your patience. I am able to see this immense slowness on my end as well, and thought it was traffic related at first however, there did not appear to be suspecious traffic and attempting to clear the traffic did not help.

    I was able to get a stack trace during this delay and after reviewing it, the issue appears to be the same as what occurred in ticket IORT-9370 back in November of 2019. Reviewing the capstrace, it appears that the enfold theme is causing a decent amount of SQL queries to be consistently generated. This stack trace was not of a request to completion but 1.5 minutes. Listed below are the top queries with hit counts within this period.

    211 SELECT option_name, option_value FROM wp_options WHERE autoload = ‘yes’ /* From [] in [/chroot/home/purleveh/] */;
    170 SELECT option_name, option_value FROM wp_options WHERE autoload = ‘yes’ /* From [] in [/chroot/home/purleveh/] */;
    170 SELECT option_name, option_value FROM wp_options WHERE autoload = ‘yes’ /* From [] in [/chroot/home/purleveh/] */;
    75 SELECT option_name, option_value FROM wp_options WHERE autoload = ‘yes’ /* From [] in [/chroot/home/purleveh/] */;
    5 SELECT option_name, option_value FROM wp_options WHERE autoload = ‘yes’ /* From [] in [/chroot/home/purleveh/] */;

    As before, the top query is coming from /chroot/home/purleveh/ and although this is a different line than before, it appears to be the same function.

    795 if( ! function_exists( ‘avia_deep_decode’ ) )
    796 {
    797 /**
    798 * This function performs deep decoding on an array of elements
    799 *
    800 * @param array|object|string $elements
    801 * @return array|object|string
    802 */
    803 function avia_deep_decode( $elements )
    804 {
    805 if( is_array( $elements ) || is_object( $elements ) )
    806 {
    807 foreach( $elements as $key => $element )
    808 {
    809 if( is_array( $elements ) )
    810 {
    811 $elements[ $key ] = avia_deep_decode( $element );
    812 }
    813 else
    814 {
    815 $elements->$key = avia_deep_decode( $element );
    816 }
    817 }
    818 }
    819 else
    820 {
    821 $elements = html_entity_decode( $elements, ENT_QUOTES, get_bloginfo( ‘charset’ ) );
    822 }
    824 return $elements;
    825 }
    826 }

    We setup W3 Total Cache to do full page caching as well as database caching. While this does appear to be helping some parts of the site, the large amount of database queries being caused by the theme is causing the immensely slow loading of the site.

    I contacted another technician to take a look over the server and your site, and they are not finding any issue server-side, and are also seeing the theme’s queries being the issue. We highly recommend that you contact the theme’s developers to look into what is causing the large amount of duplicate queries to be generated, reducing the speed of the site.

    Hi Mike,

    Thank you so much for looking into this!

    We use as our host and I have pasted your response to the ticket I have open with them. Waiting for their reply and I’ll get back to you.



    Please help, our site is at a standstill because of this.

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