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  • in reply to: Contact Form –> Mail does not arrive #1006645

    Hi Ismael,

    thx for your answer! Guess what – nothing helped, but it doesn’t matter. :-)
    Or better say – my provider was the problem! I must set a mail-adress in
    the skript-settings because it isn’t set automatically. My provider says that is
    a security-aspect against spam. So now I know it. ;-) And now you too! :-)

    Maybe it’s good for you to know the name of the provider. He’s called “Host
    Europe“ and he is a german subsidiaries of “Go Daddy”. I tell you that, be-
    cause it’s a very popular provider in germany and maybe there are more cus-
    tomers of Kriesi like me. ;-)

    So ok, the first thing is solved! :-) But what is with my “one more thing“?
    It would be nice, if you can help me with that too.

    Best regards

    in reply to: Burger/Mobile Menu / How can I get it bigger/thicker? #1004500

    Hi Mike,

    for the moment everything is fine…you can close the thread, thx! :)

    Best regards

    in reply to: Burger/Mobile Menu / How can I get it bigger/thicker? #1004470

    Hi Mike,

    thx a lot for your answer and your information! I’m very happy that it was only
    a small thing. If my english were better then I haven’t got such problems any
    more. Or if the translations of the “Enfold-Backend“ are completley in german. ;-)
    As long as both things takes I’ll be patient…promised ;-)

    I wish you a nice sunday!

    Best regards

    in reply to: Burger/Mobile Menu / How can I get it bigger/thicker? #1004090

    Hi Mike,

    thx for your fast response!

    Unfortunately the restore of the line 2283 brought not the result I wished. I cleared the
    cache but the navigation is still not working normal. The pages are still not showing up,
    at least here in my browser, sorry. ;-/ Where’s the mistake? Does the navigation work
    in your browser correctly?

    I’m glad if I hear from you again…till then…

    Best regards

    in reply to: Burger/Mobile Menu / How can I get it bigger/thicker? #1003852

    Good Morning Victoria (and Mike),

    thx for your message! And yes, I need further assistance, because the website-desktop-
    navigation doesn’t work correctly at the moment. No page is shown up after I clicked
    any menu-point. Look by yourself…

    After I deleted Mikes last code-snippet, I didn’t change back the line 2283 in the layout.css
    because I didn’t know what was there before. Please let me know what I have to change
    there, that everything is so like before?

    @ Mike: maybe the best way is, that you change it again, because you did it before and
    knows best, what you’ve got change, right?

    Thank you for your support!

    Best regards

    Hai Peter,

    dankeschön für Deine Anmerkung…so hatte ich es mir im Grunde auch
    gedacht, dass Du es so gemeint hast. :-)

    Erneut besten Dank und Gruß

    in reply to: Burger/Mobile Menu / How can I get it bigger/thicker? #1003657

    Hi Mike,

    thx for your new feedback and your work! Unfortunately it not looks like I thought. ;-/
    I apologize, but I think the burger-menu looks better after all. So, I switched back
    to your first code-snippet right now. Sorry again, but sometimes you must see some-
    thing first to understand, that this is the wrong way, right?

    Thank you very much again and no offense!

    Best regards

    Hai Peter,

    merci fürs superschnelle Feedback…ja, so klappt es!

    Hätte man wohl auch wieder selber drauf können,
    aber ich dachte halt, dass der Dateiname ausschlag-
    gebend wäre. ;-) Danke auch für den weiteren Tipp
    der Code-Erweiterung. Wobei die Frage wäre, in welcher
    Art und Form man erweitern kann? Was wäre, aus Deiner
    sicht, jetzt eine sinnvolle, bzw. mögliche Erweiterung des
    akt. Plugins? Fällt Dir da spontan etwas ein? Falls nicht –
    ist jetzt kein „Muss“. ;-)

    Besten Dank und Gruß

    Hai Peter,

    herzlichen Dank für Deine neue Antwort!

    Als Zip-File hat es jetzt prima geklappt! :-)

    Bin jetzt nicht sicher, ob ich das beim ersten Plugin auch so gemacht habe,
    aber da ja alle Plugins als Zip-File installiert werden, hätte man auch
    selbst drauf kommen können, nun denn. ;-) Fürs nächste Mal weiß ich aber
    jetzt schon, dass ich es alternativ auch per FTP laden kann. Auf alle Fälle
    funktioniert es jetzt genau so, wie es soll und so soll es sein. :-)

    Anschlussfrage: dieses Plugin kann ich doch grundsätzlich auf andere
    Seiten übertragen, oder? Natürlich mit der Anpassung des Menüpunktes.

    Habe gesehen, dass im Plugin-Bereich die Neuen jetzt alle „Enfold-An-
    passungen“ heißen, obwohl ich das letzte jetzt noch am Ende „malerei“
    genannt habe. Da weiß man ja irgendwann gar nicht mehr, was was ist,
    oder? Kann man die nicht konkreter benennen? Wäre hilfreich.

    Schönen Mittwoch noch und freue mich wieder auf Dein Feedback!

    Beste Grüße

    in reply to: Portfolio / Next-Page-Preview? #1002780

    Hi Ismael,

    thank you for the code-snippet – he works fine! :-)

    But for the moment please let the thread be open,
    because I couldn’t test it on a cell-phone til now. ;-)
    I will tell you soon, wether it’s ok!

    Till then…

    Best regads

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by designbasis.
    in reply to: Burger/Mobile Menu / How can I get it bigger/thicker? #1002772

    Hi again Mike,

    thx for your feedback! I tried it again, but it’s still not working, sorry.
    So, ok…here are the login-data…

    I deleted of course also your first code-snippet again. So, for the moment
    in my “Quick-CSS-Field“ is none of your codes. :)

    Hopefully you find the conflicting css! I’m looking forward to your new answer.

    Best regards

    Hallo Peter,

    vielen Dank für Deine umfängliche Antwort…ganz prima!

    Bei der Plugin-Erstellung ist dieses Mal aber leider ein Error
    aufgetaucht. Bitte schaue auf den Screenshot. Ich habe
    den neuen Code mit dem von neulich verglichen, konnte
    aber keinen Fehler erkennen. Du wirst sicher gleich wissen,
    was WordPress damit meint, nicht wahr? Ist es vlt. der zu
    lange Dateiname? Ich wollte das 2te Plugin vom Ersten unter-
    scheiden können, daher der erweiterte Name.

    Hoffe, Du kannst mit dem Error-Code etwas anfangen.
    Freue mich auf Deine neue Antwort.

    Beste Grüße

    Guten Abend Peter,

    merci für die schnelle Reaktion! Da Du ja dem „deutschen“ mächtig bist,
    erlaube ich mir, wieder auf Deutsch zu antworten. :-)

    Zunächst – ich benutze nach wie vor kein Child-Theme, muss mich aber
    wohl demnächst mal näher damit beschäftigen. ;-) Ergo, könnte ich den
    Code wohl auch in meine akt. „functions-php“ einbauen. Das habe ich
    probiert, aber leider kommt dann das hier bei raus…siehe Screenshot 1.
    Was habe ich hierbei falsch gemacht? Ich habe den Code einfach nur
    reinkopiert und aktualisiert, aber das mag die „functions.php“ scheinbar
    nicht. ;-/

    Und damit kein Missverständnis aufkommt – ich habe natürlich nicht nur
    den einen Portfolio-Eintrag, sondern recht viele. Und bei denen soll über-
    all der Menüpunkt „Malerei“ aktiv bleiben. Siehe Link 2.

    Verständnis-Frage: warum ist es denn grundsätzlich in Enfold so einge-
    richtet, dass ein Portfolio-Eintrag keine Parent-Seite haben kann? So
    wirklich verstehen kann ich das nicht, denn auch ein Portfolio ist doch
    Teil einer Contentseite, welche über die Navigation „logisch“ erreichbar
    sein muss/sollte., oder nicht?

    So, dann freue ich mich auf Deine neue Antwort. Bis dahin…

    Schönen Abend & schönen Gruß

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by designbasis.
    in reply to: Burger/Mobile Menu / How can I get it bigger/thicker? #1002297

    Hi Mike,

    now I tried the second code-snippet, but it doesn’t work, sorry. ;-/

    For me it’s important that it works also on very small screens (cell-phone resolution),
    not only on tablet-resolution. For me the code looks like that he is only for tablet-resolution,
    but maybe I’m wrong. Please take another look, thx!

    Best regards

    in reply to: Burger/Mobile Menu / How can I get it bigger/thicker? #1002039

    Hi Mike,

    thx for your superfast Feedback!

    The first code-snippet is that, what I was looking for and it works very well!
    The second one I try a little bit later. :) And because of that my feedback also
    comes a little bit later. ;) So, you hear from me soon.

    Until then…good start into the new week.

    Best regards

    in reply to: Portfolio / Next-Page-Preview? #1001902

    Hi Folks,

    I have a new question following to that theme. :-)
    I have discovered that the “prev-buttons“ disappears at very small screens. Why is that so?

    Ok, I think I know the basic reason for that, but I would like to have them active also at
    small screens (cell phone resolution). Which css-code-snippet I need for it?

    Thx for your support!

    Best sunday regards
    Carsten Heil

    Hi Nikko,

    thx for your new answer!

    Now I understand. But I was a bit confused, because the form button just
    appeared again in the text block some time ago, although you already
    had the form option in the avia editor. Maybe it was a short mistake by Kriesi,
    which was corrected in the next update, who knows? ;-)

    Best regards

    Good Evening Nikko,

    thx for your answer! Of course I can give you my login-data, but before
    please read the next two sentences. Currently it is only a test for a customer.

    For better understanding please take look at the screenshot.
    Than you will understand me, I’m sure. :-)

    Best regards

    in reply to: Portfolio / Next-Page-Preview? #994594

    Good Evening Ismael,

    thx for your answer and I understand.

    I’ve found another solution by now. Do you know the plugin “Post Types Order”?
    This plugin has got a very basic functionality, but it works.

    And there is another plugin which do the same and more. You can buy it in the

    And here is a third possibility:

    Maybe the WP-developers bring some of that functionality in the backend in the future. ;-)
    By the way – it would have been nice if I had received the plugin suggestions from you. ;-)
    Next time again. :-) But I’m also happy to help where I can! ;-)

    Best regards

    in reply to: contact form –> captcha –> german translation #993996

    Hai Dude,

    merci für die erneut superschnelle und ausführliche Antwort!
    Habe jetzt das Plugin erstellt und es funktioniert prima…herzlichen Dank!

    Ich denke, damit kann dieser Eintrag geschlossen werden. :-)
    Wünsche eine schöne neue Woche und sage – bis demnächst…

    Beste Grüße

    in reply to: contact form –> captcha –> german translation #993718

    Hai Dude,

    soweit ich mich erinnere, kann man Dir auch auf Deutsch antworten…geht halt schneller. ;)
    Sorry, dass ich erst heute reagiere, aber ich hatte vergessen auf „notify“ zu klicken. ;)

    Danke für Deine schnelle Antwort! Habe dazu noch folgende Frage: die „functions.php“
    im Theme finde ich, aber Du hast ja geschrieben „im child theme“. Ich weiß zwar, was
    das ist, aber ich bin nicht sicher, was Du jetzt genau meinst? Meinst Du damit die „functions-
    enfold.php“? Eher nicht, oder? Also, wie gesagt, ich kenne den Begriff „Child Theme“,
    habe aber wohl noch keines eingerichtet. Bitte kläre mich Anfänger auf…vielen Dank!

    Noch einen schönen Sonntag und einen guten Start in die neue Woche!

    Beste Grüße

    in reply to: Portfolio / Next-Page-Preview? #993716

    Hi Ismael,

    thx for your help – works very well! :-)

    But two further questions: how can I change the order of the portfolio entries?
    The preview shows the “portfolio-entrys” in the order as they are uploaded
    in the backend. But I wanted to arrange them like in my frontend-overview.

    And is it possible to say to the preview, that she only should show the entrys
    of particular year at a time? For example: if you’re in the 2010-area, please
    show only the entrys of the year 2010 in the preview.

    How can I do this?

    Best regards

    in reply to: Portfolio / Next-Page-Preview? #992052

    Hi Victoria,

    yes, that’s correct! I want to change the background-colour.

    And now I also want to change that the round prev-picture disappears.
    I know that I only have to delete the prev-picture in the portfolio-entry
    for that, but I want to keep it in the backend…for better optical orientation. ;-)
    So, is there a way to do that in the frontend? A quick-css-snippet hopefully?

    Best regards

    in reply to: Portfolio / Next-Page-Preview? #991154

    Hi Victoria,

    wow, that was the fastest reaction I ever had from Kriesi-Team. ;-)
    And that on Sunday…great! :-)

    Just easy…look at my “reply #989221“

    Nice evening

    in reply to: Portfolio / Next-Page-Preview? #991128

    Hi Victoria, (and Rikard)

    thx for your answer!

    Of course you’re right – this wish isn’t or wasn’t a “style-wish“, but a “technic-wish“.
    And of course afterwards I understand that this is not covered by your team.

    But what is with my question from July 24th? It would be nice if I could get an answer
    to that. :-)

    Best regards

    in reply to: Portfolio / Next-Page-Preview? #989708

    Hi Rikard,

    my customer now has another wish. ;-)

    The preview-flag shouldn’t open, if you click, resp. hover, on it. Is that possible?
    So you should only be able to click on, but the flag remains closed. Like the
    screenshot below!

    Best regards

    in reply to: Portfolio / Next-Page-Preview? #989221

    Hi Rikard,

    thx again…that works fine!

    But – I only want to change the “open” flag (dark grey)…see the screenshot again.
    I don’t want to change the closed flag (light grey)…see the second screenshot.

    With the code I only can change the entire flag colour. I think, I need one more
    code-line…something like “highlight-background“ or so… :-)

    Best regards

    in reply to: Portfolio / Next-Page-Preview? #988802

    Hi Rikard,

    you’re welcome! It’s always a pleasure if supporters are open for suggestions…keep it up! :-)

    I have one more question: how can I change the color of the preview-flag? Please take a look at
    the screenshot below again. Now it is dark grey, but I want to change it. Which “Quick-CSS-
    Code-Snippet” do I need?

    Thx very much in advance!

    Best regards

    in reply to: Portfolio / Next-Page-Preview? #988434

    Hi Rikard,

    thanks a lot! Oh man…so easy, but I really didn’t see it. ;-/
    But now everything is fine again. ;-)

    You (and your team-colleagues) are open for constructive criticism, don’t you?
    In my view it would be better, that the complete backend is translated and not
    only a few parts. Maybe such problems wouldn’t appear than. ;-) And second:
    why don’t you design the complete backend like the “header- or mainmenu-
    tab-section”? There you have previews on top to see what’ll change. Icons or
    previews like that are helping a lot to make working much easier and faster! :-)

    So, thx a lot again and see ya next time…

    Best regards

    in reply to: Portfolio / Next-Page-Preview? #988186

    Hai Rikard,

    thx for your answer again!

    Yes, on my site everything works fine (also your new code-snippets). But on the new
    customer site the “next/previous navigation“ doesn’t show up. ;-/ Normaly you
    must do nothing that the n/p-navi shows up, it does it automaticly. But on the new
    project, I repeat: it doesn’t and unfortunately I can’t finde the mistake.

    I copied also my complete “Quick-CSS-Codes“ into the project-site. But also this
    did not help.

    In my view it is necessary that you have put a “contributing picture“ in your portfolio-
    entry, that the preview works correctly, right? So, I have! I also thought that it is
    necessary to create a „portfolio categorie“, but It’s not…right?

    So, what I’m doing wrong, resp. what do I don’t see? Where is the thinking error?
    Maybe you take a look into the backend?…See link below…

    Best regards and Bon Weekend!

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