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  • in reply to: Child Theme changes are not showing on site #1290506

    Hi Nikko,

    Thanks for your reply.
    In the meantime, I have received the following suggestions in an FB Enfold group:

    1. I made everything right. But I didn´t “connected” the Child Theme with the Original Theme.

    This code fixed it in the Child Theme functions.php:
    add_filter(‘avia_load_shortcodes’, ‘avia_include_shortcode_template’, 15, 1);
    function avia_include_shortcode_template($paths)
    $template_url = get_stylesheet_directory();
    array_unshift($paths, $template_url.’/shortcodes/’);
    return $paths;

    So I consider this case as closed.

    in reply to: Portfolio and post slider change sort by to custom date field #1261746

    Thanks for your reply.
    In the meantime, I have received the following suggestions in an FB Enfold group:

    1. Plugin “Post Types Order”
    In the submenu of the posts or portfolio entries the item “Re-Order” appears and you can arrange the posts by drag & drop as you need it. Works very reliable.

    2. Hire a freelancer for customization programming
    At the moment I’m talking to a freelancer for customization programming. In this case the advantage that the entries are sorted automatically, in contrast to the plug-in solution.

    So I consider this case as closed.

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