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  • in reply to: Underline on main menu when active #1354437

    Hi Paul,

    That’s done the trick, thanks so much for the help today :)

    in reply to: Underline on main menu when active #1354409

    Hi Yigit,

    Thanks for both of those points…

    We are getting there… It’s now underlining the “Blog” link when in the “Categories” but still not when in the “Posts” within the Categories.


    in reply to: Underline on main menu when active #1354319


    in reply to: Text loading bold and immediately going non-bold #1354303

    No all good thank you Mike, appreciate the help.

    in reply to: Underline on main menu when active #1354280

    Don’t worry about the length of the underline, i’ve grown to like it as it is now.

    If you can just help me fix the blog categories/pages underlining the “Blog” menu i’ll be good :)

    in reply to: Underline on main menu when active #1354279

    Sorry I also cannot get it to work with the parent categories set. I’ve set all categories to a child of the “Blog” page and it’s not showing up still.

    in reply to: Underline on main menu when active #1354278

    Never mind, i’ve worked it out and altered the position. I’m not a coder/designer so didn’t realise you were giving me general code I could play with.

    Can you tell me how I can make it around 90% wide of the link?

    For example:

    Link 1

    Link 2 which is longer

    Neither go right to the edges and are 90% wide of whatever the link size is?

    in reply to: Underline on main menu when active #1354277

    Please could you remove the link in your post for anonymity?

    As for the screenshot, I’m confused…. You are showing me a screenshot of how it looks normally and what I showed you in the original post?

    I want it moving up just below the text, not right at the bottom where it’s barely visible? Sorry if I wasn’t clear enough in my original post.

    Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: Underline on main menu when active #1354271


    I’m sorry but it doesn’t appear to have done anything at all.

    To confirm it’s not a cache issue I have disabled WP-Rocket and bypassed Cloudflare going direct to the server. I also use a test browser which clears everything upon closing it.

    Also, you indicated it just adjusts the height of it, I also requested to underline the “Blog” link when I am viewing the “Categories” or pages in the “Categories” as it currently doesn’t underline anything when on these pages.

    in reply to: Text loading bold and immediately going non-bold #1354263

    Cracked it…..

    Enfold > General Styling > Fonts > “Heading Font” & “Font for your body text” were both set to “Multi”.

    I swapped it to “Default” for both and it’s fixed it.

    Surprised as it’s a feature of Enfold you haven’t seen this before though?

    in reply to: Text loading bold and immediately going non-bold #1354262

    Getting closer…

    It’s something in the “General Styling” section.

    If I reset just that section it stops, but I’m not sure what it causing it yet. As soon as just select the “Enfield Classic” predefined colour scheme it starts again.

    in reply to: Text loading bold and immediately going non-bold #1354258

    Hi Mike,

    Just to keep you updated, CloudLinux have confirmed it wouldn’t be anything related to the server and suggested I bypassed Cloudflare with the windows hosts file and going direct to the server.

    I did this and it was still happening going direct to the server.

    Next I disabled all plugins and it was still happening.

    I then disabled all custom styling and it was still happning.

    Next I removed all custom css and it was still happening.

    So I next reset all the theme and boom, it stopped (although the website now looks nothing like it should).

    I reverted to a backup from before all these alterations and and reset the theme will all plugins re-enabled and it stopped again. So I think it’s safe to say 100% it’s a theme issue.

    I’m now going to go through each section bit by bit and see if I can narrow it down, unless you can suggest some areas that might be causing it? I’m also wondering if it’s just changing text size rather than going bold?

    I’ll update

    in reply to: Text loading bold and immediately going non-bold #1354254

    Hi Mike,

    I’m using CloudLinux on the server so I i’ll check with them if there’s any kind of caching. I have development mode on Cloudflare so that shouldn’t be caching anything either.

    I’ll also try disabling each plugin as you suggest if they have no idea.

    I’ll come back to you, thanks again.

    in reply to: Text loading bold and immediately going non-bold #1354250

    Hi Mike,

    My apologies, I’ve updated it now.

    in reply to: Text loading bold and immediately going non-bold #1354244

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the fast reply.

    Yeah, I just want it to load as any normal website. In a regular font unless I specify a bold font or other.

    I’ve included the log credentials as requested.

    in reply to: Text loading bold and immediately going non-bold #1354236

    Hi Again,

    I was just going over again what you said and trying to understand it. I noticed in the advanced styling something, the “All Headings (H1-H6)” and “Strong” so I have deleted them.

    Please see the highlighted sections in the screenshot which I have now removed. The text looks a LOT nicer now but it is still loading (on every page) initially in bold and flicking to non-bold.

    Could something else in this section or another section be causing it?


    Sections I have deleted now

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Paul.
    in reply to: Text loading bold and immediately going non-bold #1354235


    Sorry, I’ve just seen at the bottom of your reply requesting admin access if your reply didn’t resolve the issue. If my reply doesn’t clear up what the issue is I’ll be happy to provide admin access, please let me know.

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: Text loading bold and immediately going non-bold #1354234

    Hi Mike,

    I don’t quite understand. In the page editor I have just tried to get this text loading as a H1 tag, please see the code here:

    <h1 style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 17pt;">WELCOME TO ************</span></h1>
    <h1 style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 17pt;">THE BLOG THAT WOULDN'T BE POSSIBLE *******************</span></h1>

    That is all that should be applied. Is there some code elsewhere that is messing with this?

    I have uploaded a screenshot of the styling page but in all honesty, this was setup for me and I don’t really understand it. I bought a website which came with your theme which I have now bought so I can get the support. I’m not a web designer but understand little bits.


    Advanced Styling Screenshot

    in reply to: Alter Sub Categories Menu #1354233

    Hi Mike,

    Yes this can be closed now, thanks for the help.

    in reply to: Alter Sub Categories Menu #1354218


    Please accept my apologies, everything is working now. There is something majorly going wrong with WP-Rocket and/or Cloudflare as it was still caching even though these were disabled. I’ve managed to get it working now.

    Could you just tell me if the Child theme ever needs updating though or just the main theme?

    Also, will it still alert me in the “Enfold > Theme Update” about updates?

    Lastly, which theme will be updated when it does update? The main theme or the “Child theme” as that’s now the active one?

    Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: Alter Sub Categories Menu #1354217


    Okay this is still not working. I’ve done a lot of testing and this is where I’m up to:

    1) The Child theme is now installed and the text to change it from “Menu” to “Categories” is working, I have removed it whilst we get the other things worked out though to ensure it’s not that code causing any of the other issues I’m still facing. I would like to ask if the Child theme ever needs updating though or just the main theme now? Will it still alert me in the “Enfold > Theme Update” section and update the main theme or Child theme as that’s the active one?

    2) The original code to move the menu left is still not working on the Blog page and the code you gave me is almost identical to the original code for the other pages. I have tried both the original code and the latest code in both areas you advised and it’s just not working.

    3) The original code has an issue with the menu opening when you click it. It’s more obvious when you re-size a computer browser window down so it changes to the mobile menu and try clicking it with the mouse, it doesn’t do anything.

    This is not cache or my browsers as I have completely disabled WP-Rocket and put Cloudflare into development mode to bypass any caching. The browser is Firefox and a testing browser is set to delete all cookies, cache, history and everything each time I close the browser. I’ve tried all this and it’s still not working in the Blog section or clickable as described.

    Rather than going back and forth trying different code every 24 hours would it be possible for you to test the code you give me before giving it to me then we know it works?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Alter Sub Categories Menu #1354104


    Actually scrap the above…. It’s WP-Rocket causing some issues so I’ll take it up with them.

    However, I have 2 last questions…

    1) It’s left-aligned on all pages but the “Blog” page, do I need additional CSS for that page?
    2) Do I need to re-add the code to the functions.php file each time I upgrade the theme? If so, is there a custom file I can put it in that will not be overridden?


    in reply to: Alter Sub Categories Menu #1354102


    Okay, that’s fixed but there’s still an issue with the menu button.

    When you click it on the mobile you have to click it 3 times before the menu opens. When clicking it in the browser (re-sizing the browser width below the 768 pixels) the menu doesn’t work at all no matter the amount of times you click it.

    I removed the custom code from the functions.php file in case it was causing it but it’s still happening so something else is causing the menu not to open.


    in reply to: Alter Sub Categories Menu #1354087

    Hello? Is there any update please? Thanks.

    in reply to: Alter Sub Categories Menu #1353917


    Thank you for that. It’s nearly all there but there is a slight issue…

    When clicking on the menu/categories link, one of the categories is appearing to the right of the menu button rather than below like the rest of the categories.

    I thought it might be because it didn’t all fit on screen but when scrolling up to give it enough space it still occurs.

    Also, please ignore that is says “menu” not “categories” until you click it, i think that’s a WP-Rocket issue so am checking with them on that.

    in reply to: Alter Sub Categories Menu #1353809


    Please ignore the script above, I copied it from the email and it was malformed. I found the post had the correct code:

    // additional custom scripts
    function ava_custom_script_mod() { 
            // replace fullwidth sub menu placeholder text
    add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_custom_script_mod');

    However, it’s still not left-aligned for the Mobile mode only?
    Also, it’s not changing the menu to mobile mode at 885px as I requested?


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Paul.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Paul.

    Hi again,

    Okay, I’ve resolved it, it was WP-Rocket, fix here (needed to do both sections):

    I do have another question though relating to the sub-menu with the categories…

    Can you tell me how I can rename it from “Menu” in mobile mode to say “Categories”?
    Also, I would like to left-align it when in mobile mode, but keep it centred in desktop mode?
    Lastly, can I change it to switch to mobile mode at 885px rather than what it lets me set it to? (trying to maximise the proper menu until it starts wrapping to two lines at 885px wide).

    Thanks for your help.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Paul.


    Still waiting for a reply, but looking into this some more I’ve noticed it’s also not appearing on the desktop version either. It was only appearing when on page load when I logged in but as soon as I log out it doesn’t load on the desktop version either.

    As well as this, it’s not appearing when I scroll but when you just either touch the page on the mobile or when the mouse hovers over any part of the page.

    For example, if you refresh the page the slider doesn’t load, but as soon as you move the mouse from the browser bar to the website it loads instantly.



    Just to let you know, I have also tried with the “Fullwidth easy slider” and it’s the same so I’m fairly sure the issue is not related to the Resolution Slider.


    If you look now I’ve removed it and it’s still happening.


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