Hi Rikard,
Thanks for your response. What I’m trying to achieve is a ‘WP Courseware Unit page’, without a sidebar.
WP Courseview automatically changes pages in posts, and this posts (based on Enfold Single.php) automatically have a sidebar. WP Courseware gives the opportunity to work with a substitute for Single.php, called single-unit.php.
To make this single-unit.php, I have to copy the Enfold single.php and delete some lines which make the sidebar appear.
I hope this makes clear for you what I’m trying to do? Looking forward to your response.
Best regards,
Hey Devin,
Thank you for your message.
One moment I thought I made a mass of my site, by making some changes to the functions.php. But… everything’s working fine again :)
If you want to take a look: http://cuehouseofcoherence.nl/home
I’m having the same problems. Changes (color, fonts, etc) in the styling are saved, but not visible on my website.
I followed your instructions (folder permissions 777, generated a new dynamic stylesheet after saving my changes in the Theme Options), but without success. I also emptied my cache, refreshed my browers (both Firefox and Chrome).
Is there anything else I can do?
Thanks for the help,