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  • in reply to: Easy full width slider #321816

    hmm this doesn’t do it

    in reply to: Easy full width slider #321808

    Ah okay is this normal to have to add the css for this effect?

    in reply to: Easy full width slider #321388

    I’m setting it transparent and glassy header in the actual page itself and its not seeming to be transparent look

    in reply to: Twitter Feed not in side bar #318837

    Hi Josue

    The grey bar is just some html and css and a grey overlay image. The div tag <div id=”twitter-feed” class=”tw-wrap” style=”display: block;”></div> is where I want the twitter feed text placing

    I used this step by step guide to create it using static html files and everything works a treat.

    I’m not really expecting to get that working in enfold necessarily. I was just wondering if enfold has its own built in twitter feed function that I can style up? I took a look at some wordpress pluugins but there mostly just available as sidebar widgets. I couldn’t see a solution for one that goes inside your page content.

    Is there anything you advise?

    Hi Josue

    Thanks for the feedback. I excluded other style sheets and only left the style.css child theme and it still seems to happen. For some reason additional styles are being generated and being applied to the enfold dynamic style sheet that Ismael mentioned before.

    Where is it coming from? Where are these styles being generated from and why is the enfold theme applying it to the dynamic avia style sheet?

    No this fails to help.

    I deleted the file.

    I then re saved my styles and it does the same.

    It seems the very moment I save anything within the quick style tab it does these strange things to the style sheet on any page that is not using the default page template how strange?

    in reply to: Color Element #317575

    In fact it had nothing to do with that. In order for the color element to be full width it needed to not be the very first element within the page content

    in reply to: Color Element #317570

    It seemed setting background property, Stretch to fit fixed it :)

    in reply to: Color Element #317566

    If you go on home, and then click on what we do, the two pages are basically identical. What we do uses the “default template”. The home page uses a template file that is basically page.php saved as a new file name and given a new template name. The two pages should be identical. For some reason when using your own template file the color element is being wrapped in a container. Please help :(

    in reply to: Masonary #317559

    Great thank you! Can you look at the footer of

    Regarding the facebook widget on the footer. Can the dark text be changed to white? I have attempted the following css but it failed :(

    #u_0_3 {color:#ffffff!important;}

    in reply to: Color Element #317443

    Am I doing the right thing using page.php as a template for a page template?

    I’ve simply just opened page.php and saved as page-alternativehome.php and then I placed this in the top of the file

    Template Name: Alternative Home

    And uploaded the file to my child folder.

    Then I set it as my page template and the issue is still there of it being within a container. But if I use the default template it isn’t

    What am I doing wrong my friend?

    in reply to: Color Element #317427

    How strange I actually took the content from the page.php template and pasted it over my own custom template (I didn’t replace the template naming at the top of course)

    And it still failed to do have the image at full width it

    in reply to: Color Element #317416

    hmm i can see it working fine on this page

    looks like its something to do with my home page template file

    in reply to: Color Element #317398

    I’m not sure why. What is the name of the container it shouldn’t be within ?

    in reply to: Enfold Showcase #317335

    Couldn’t do it without such a great theme

    in reply to: Color Element #317292

    Hi have you logged in and changed anything?

    in reply to: Color Element #317274

    Hi Yigit

    This isn’t appearing to work as a full width image can you look at for me?

    It’s the image underneath the contact form

    in reply to: Mobile Responsive #316622

    hmm it still isn’t responding and reducing in size. For the theme to be truly responsive the logo should respond and reduce (shrink)

    in reply to: Mobile Responsive #315804

    Sure. Site is

    Let me know if you can advise any solution

    Thanks a lot in advance

    in reply to: Icons On Demo Site #315213

    Is it possible to place a small opacity box around the icons a bit like the tool tip shows so that it can be legiable its hard to read with the background image chosen

    in reply to: Icons On Demo Site #315204

    Hi ah sure great thanks Yigit! Wow what a fantastic effect this has. It really looks amazing :)

    The page with the sticky and shrinking toolbar is

    This particular toolbar doesn’t really look good how it shrinks down in size.

    I think maybe it would look great if I could keep it sticky but stop it squeezing down in size as the text can’t be read when this happens. Please advise if I can achieve this my friend

    Thank you

    in reply to: Browser Logo #314986

    Hi Yigit

    Thanks for the rapid reply :)

    Yes I’ve removed the css that I mentioned above.

    All I want to do now is remove the shrinking header behavior from ONLY this page. Is that possible via css?

    Maybe using .page-id-36 as part of the rule ?

    If it has to shrink is there a way to have it shrink in a central behavior as it goes to the left at the moment

    in reply to: Browser Logo #314954

    This is the offending css

    .page-id-36 .logo {
    left: 50%;
    transform: translate(-50%, 0px);

    I did this to center align the logo. How ever I’ve increased the canvas of the image so it appears to be center aligned and I can not use the above css. My issue now is that when I scroll downwards the logo squezes (sticky effect) but not in a central way it goes to the left.

    Is there a way for just this page to remove the sticky header effect ?

    in reply to: Parralex #314719

    Hi it’s okay I debugged and realised it was something inside of my header file within my child theme. I have to make no modifications to this file so I simply removed this all together from my child theme and everything works now.

    All I have to master is the jquery no conflict now and subsitiute the $ function for something else to get my home page hanging frames to work. Will get there soon!

    in reply to: Diable the Enfold Lightbox (urgent) #314707

    Hi where in the theme options?

    in reply to: Parralex #314705


    I have uploaded the original avia.js and I have amended the functions file to include avia.js not avia2.js

    The issue is still present

    in reply to: Diable the Enfold Lightbox (urgent) #314156

    Will this disable the lightbox in woocommerce products?

    in reply to: Parralex #314144
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Conflicting js #314031

    Sorry infact it is just this 1 line of js to be commented out from avia.js line 1601

    //!function(a,b){“use strict”;var c,d;if(a.uaMatch=function(a){a=a.toLowerCase();var b=/(opr)[\/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a)||/(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a)||/(version)[ \/]([\w.]+).*(safari)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a)||/(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a)||/(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a)||/(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(a)||a.indexOf(“trident”)>=0&&/(rv)(?::| )([\w.]+)/.exec(a)||a.indexOf(“compatible”)<0&&/(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec(a)||[],c=/(ipad)/.exec(a)||/(iphone)/.exec(a)||/(android)/.exec(a)||/(windows phone)/.exec(a)||/(win)/.exec(a)||/(mac)/.exec(a)||/(linux)/.exec(a)||/(cros)/i.exec(a)||[];return{browser:b[3]||b[1]||””,version:b[2]||”0″,platform:c[0]||””}},c=a.uaMatch(b.navigator.userAgent),d={},c.browser&&(d[c.browser]=!0,d.version=c.version,d.versionNumber=parseInt(c.version)),c.platform&&(d[c.platform]=!0),(||d.ipad||d.iphone||d[“windows phone”])&&(!0),(d.cros||d.mac||d.linux||!0),(||d.opr||d.safari)&&(d.webkit=!0),d.rv){var e=”msie”;c.browser=e,d[e]=!0}if(d.opr){var f=”opera”;c.browser=f,d[f]=!0}if(d.safari&&{var g=”android”;c.browser=g,d[g]=!0},d.platform=c.platform,a.browser=d}(jQuery,window);

    in reply to: Conflicting js #314030

    Hi in the file avia.js could you tell me what the lines of code running from 1590 – 1625 at the bottom of the file are used for?

    I’m thinking of removing them from the file as it’s causing problems with my own script. The js in avia that I want to remove is

    * jQuery Browser Plugin 0.0.6
    * Original jquery-browser code Copyright 2005, 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors
    * Modifications Copyright 2014 Gabriel Cebrian
    * Released under the MIT license
    */!function(a,b){“use strict”;var c,d;if(a.uaMatch=function(a){a=a.toLowerCase();var b=/(opr)[\/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a)||/(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a)||/(version)[ \/]([\w.]+).*(safari)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a)||/(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a)||/(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a)||/(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(a)||a.indexOf(“trident”)>=0&&/(rv)(?::| )([\w.]+)/.exec(a)||a.indexOf(“compatible”)<0&&/(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec(a)||[],c=/(ipad)/.exec(a)||/(iphone)/.exec(a)||/(android)/.exec(a)||/(windows phone)/.exec(a)||/(win)/.exec(a)||/(mac)/.exec(a)||/(linux)/.exec(a)||/(cros)/i.exec(a)||[];return{browser:b[3]||b[1]||””,version:b[2]||”0″,platform:c[0]||””}},c=a.uaMatch(b.navigator.userAgent),d={},c.browser&&(d[c.browser]=!0,d.version=c.version,d.versionNumber=parseInt(c.version)),c.platform&&(d[c.platform]=!0),(||d.ipad||d.iphone||d[“windows phone”])&&(!0),(d.cros||d.mac||d.linux||!0),(||d.opr||d.safari)&&(d.webkit=!0),d.rv){var e=”msie”;c.browser=e,d[e]=!0}if(d.opr){var f=”opera”;c.browser=f,d[f]=!0}if(d.safari&&{var g=”android”;c.browser=g,d[g]=!0},d.platform=c.platform,a.browser=d}(jQuery,window);

    /*Vimeo Frogaloop API for videos*/
    var Froogaloop=function(){function e(a){return new e.fn.init(a)}function h(a,c,b){if(!b.contentWindow.postMessage)return!1;var f=b.getAttribute(“src”).split(“?”)[0],a=JSON.stringify({method:a,value:c});”//”===f.substr(0,2)&&(f=window.location.protocol+f);b.contentWindow.postMessage(a,f)}function j(a){var c,b;try{c=JSON.parse(,b=c.event||c.method}catch(f){}”ready”==b&&!i&&(i=!0);if(a.origin!=k)return!1;var a=c.value,,g=””===g?null:c.player_id;c=g?d[g][b]:d[b];b=[];if(!c)return!1;void 0!==
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    // +
    // requestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik Möller. fixes from Paul Irish and Tino Zijdel. can be removed if IE9 is no longer supported or all parallax scripts are gone MIT license
    (function(){var lastTime=0;var vendors=[‘ms’,’moz’,’webkit’,’o’];for(var x=0;x<vendors.length&&!window.requestAnimationFrame;++x){window.requestAnimationFrame=window[vendors[x]+’RequestAnimationFrame’];window.cancelAnimationFrame=window[vendors[x]+’CancelAnimationFrame’]||window[vendors[x]+’CancelRequestAnimationFrame’]}if(!window.requestAnimationFrame)window.requestAnimationFrame=function(callback,element){var currTime=new Date().getTime();var timeToCall=Math.max(0,16-(currTime-lastTime));var id=window.setTimeout(function(){callback(currTime+timeToCall)},timeToCall);lastTime=currTime+timeToCall;return id};if(!window.cancelAnimationFrame)window.cancelAnimationFrame=function(id){clearTimeout(id)}}());

    jQuery.expr[‘:’].regex = function(elem, index, match) {
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    regexFlags = ‘ig’,
    regex = new RegExp(matchParams.join(”).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,”), regexFlags);
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