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  • in reply to: Lightbox #1274115

    perfectly working now !

    in reply to: Lightbox #1273843

    Hello @Guenni007
    Thank you for mentioning this .. i actually never realized this until now .. the scroll works for a while then it freezes !

    can you show me exactly how to do that ? because i am not expert in this :)


    in reply to: Lightbox #1272929

    It worked
    Thank you very much

    in reply to: Plugin Group #1272927

    Thank you ! yes we can close it

    in reply to: Lightbox #1272830

    Can i please have a final code ? i am not expert like you guys so i am not getting what you are saying

    i want to copy a final code and paste it in my functions.php if that’s possible please

    in reply to: Plugin Group #1272829

    Hello Mike
    Yes it is not working at all .. i get a white screen when i click on the plugin . no “add group” or anything else shows ! i tried to contact the developer but he doesnt offer any support

    Anyway thanks Mike .. i figured out a way to do that via SSH

    in reply to: Lightbox #1272670

    Thank you @Guenni007 for your time

    can you help please ?

    in reply to: Lightbox #1272472

    Hello @Guenni007
    I have followed your instructions but it is still scrolling to top and acting weird on Mobile


    in reply to: Lightbox #1272233

    Hello Guys
    Since you are both much more advanced than me, can you please give me one final solution .. like a simple instruction on what i should EXACTLY do to solve my issue ? as this has become a bit complicated for me to understand especially after followup modifications i got lost
    Thank you

    in reply to: Need Urgent Support with Site Crash ! #1270964

    Hello Ismael
    How can i enable that ? this is driving me crazy as i am not able to make any edit

    The moment i start editing any page or post or product, the site crashes due to low ram memory !

    in reply to: Lightbox #1270648

    Hello @guenni007 and @Ismael

    1- I tried to add
    `.mfp-wrap ~ #wrap_all {
    position: fixed !important ;
    to the Additional CSS
    Result: No more scrolling to top, however it jumps instantly to top(you can try it yourself as the above code is still in Additional CSS
    On mobile, the pop up does not show at all, and i still have a scroll up to top

    2- I do not have the snippet mentioned on #1270205 in my functions.php initially.
    I tried to add it but it did not change anything

    I hope you can advise further to solve this

    Thanks !

    in reply to: [woocommerce_my_account] Not working #1270593


    Thank you for your support .. after 10 hours of support with WooCommerce and Server and research … the problem was solved

    Apparently there was an error with the database update of WooCommerce 4.8.0, even though it shows the latest update has been installed, but it is not sometimes !

    the solution was to completely remove WC and then install it again .. everything is working now !

    Thank you

    in reply to: Masonry Size Probelm #1270586

    Yes we can close :) thanks

    in reply to: Masonry Size Probelm #1270416

    Thank you yes it worked perfectly !

    in reply to: Lightbox #1270187

    Hi @Ismael
    Thank you for the answer .. this solution did not work !
    I hope you can try again and solve it !

    in reply to: Lightbox #1270029

    Dear @Mike
    I am having a problem concerning this solution that worked for a while but now it is acting weird
    Whenever i click on the photo for the lightbox to appear, i get a page scroll up to the top

    i think it is due to the #

    would you try it yourself .. and it is also acting more weird on mobile !

    whenever you see “Student Success Stories” you can click on any of the photos named “Nesta, Nur …)

    Thank you for the help !

    in reply to: autoloaded data is too large and crashing my server #1268485

    Hello again
    So after trying for few days, i still get site crash !
    only when i try to make any edits on the site, it goes down ! this is so frustrating

    in reply to: Slow site performance, site stops loading #1268409

    Hello @ismael

    I am still experiencing site crash each time i try to edit a page or a post or a product .. although the below options are disabled:
    CSS file merging and compression
    Javascript file merging and compression
    add unique timestamp

    It is really frustrating .. my server support team keeps telling me that i should contact my theme developer !
    and when i post here for support i am not able to fix this issue !

    My server support team said that there is a large database autoload ( 1.9677MB) / | wptv_postmeta | 113 MB |
    | wptv_posts | 69 MB |
    also they sent me this error and asked me to share with you as it is occurring more frequently

    1. Theme error: [Thu Dec 10 06:17:29.701458 2020] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 23349:tid 140163699173120] [client] AH01071: Got error ‘PHP message: PHP Warning: Illegal string offset ‘id’ in /home/wp_vgbfwm/ on line 813PHP message: PHP Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 2 to be an array, string given in /home/wp_vgbfwm/ on line 420′, referer:

    Please help me fix my issue as i am not able to make edits on the site and it is stopping our customers to surf the site when it goes down !

    what is weird is that when i first disabled the mentioned options above, i did not have any site crash in 3 month time
    when i turned them on again, after Enfold introduced new options (fix WP bug….) to test the site if it will crash with them enabled, the site started crashing again.
    i turned them off again, and deleted old CSS and JS files, the server team restarted the server and cleared transients, but after that i have been having site crashes always .. and my “available memory” is always low. they said i have to refer back to you to check why i am having a very high memory usage

    Thank you

    in reply to: Slow site performance, site stops loading #1267964

    Thank you @ismael for clarifying this

    in reply to: autoloaded data is too large and crashing my server #1267963

    @codesamurai Thank you for your answer !

    Thank you for clarifying this. Yes i noticed that and i currently disabled the plugin ! it seems to be working fine (at least for now) still need more time to test things out ..

    Thanks for the support

    did the solution provided by @Victoria solve your issue ?
    and @Victoria, disabling these options will make the site too slow and installing Autoptimize as an alternative will crash the site again just like when the 2 options mentioned in your scan were “enabled”

    in reply to: Slow site performance, site stops loading #1266838

    did any solution work for you???
    and what are the disadvantages of disabling these options ?

    in reply to: autoloaded data is too large and crashing my server #1266833

    I have been facing the exact same issue .. i am with Dreamhost and they told me the exact same thing !
    Did you find a solution ?

    solution worked for me for a while .. but once i installed Autoptimize the site started to crash again .. although i dont see any reason for extra load .. no new plugins (except for Autoptimize) and no new major changes .. the site crashes every time i try to edit a page or post or product ..

    in reply to: Enfold Diagonal Color section alternate top and bottom #1264902

    How can i achieve this:

    Thanks a lot

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Cloudypro.
    in reply to: Enfold Diagonal Color section alternate top and bottom #1264900

    Thank you Mike

    in reply to: Masonry Sorting Problem #1264593

    Hello @Ismal
    Thank you !

    I hope Enfold can fix this option for a logical reason
    – If you have 1000 products and you do not want to list them all at once (this affects load time of the page), if you choose to have few rows, then people visiting the page will not know what Tags you have in this product portfolio, and therefore a store might lose a potential sale since the visitor would think that only few product types (tags) are sold by the store. And this makes the element miss a logical function for without it there wont be an interest in using it at all
    The only solution is to then display all 1000 products, and this will need many many minutes fr the page to load !

    Please consider this update

    in reply to: Enfold Diagonal Color section alternate top and bottom #1264592

    @Mike !! YOU ARE A GENIUS !
    I thank you very much . it worked and i am so happy about it
    Many thanks :)

    I have a question…
    Is there a way to cancel the option of scrolling down the page, but instead forcing people to click on the arrows that are provided by the Color Section ?
    In other words, can the end of one color section be the end of the page, (no more scrolling) but by clicking on the arrows down, the user can jump to the next color section, which will be the end of the page, and so on …
    This is just an idea (not looking to reach the exact same, but this one forces a full page view without the ability to scroll through the pages. It gives a direct jump effect to the next section

    Is this simply an advanced layered slider ? or does it have to do with Parallax effect ?

    Thanks !

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Cloudypro.
    in reply to: Enfold Diagonal Color section alternate top and bottom #1264091

    Hi Mike
    Unfortunately no it is not the same thing
    A Diagonal border on the bottom of the color section overlays the background of that specific color section
    However, the diagonal border on the top of the color section would overlay that color section

    See attached of what i want to reach
    bottom photo when in parallax it goes beneath the diagonal border

    in reply to: Enfold Diagonal Color section alternate top and bottom #1262846


    Did you find a solution for this one ?
    It is annoying when you want to add a diagonal effect but the next color section’s image set as a background has a straight top border ! which makes it useless !

    There must be a way to have a diagonal border for the TOP of the second color section and not only to the bottom of it !

    Any workaround this ?

    in reply to: Options Tables Huge ! #1262335

    Thank you @mike
    you have been very helpful and i appreciate your time and effort

    No further questions

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