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  • in reply to: Page editor not working (empty white box) after update #907203

    Would you like me to send a screenshot-video of what I do in both chrome and firexfox, to demonstrate that what you are describing is not what happens to me, regardless of browser? I’m more than happy to do so.

    Sorry but what is a moderator? I’d like someone from tech support to look at this, if that’s okay. This is the second day now that I haven’t been able to edit my pages. It’s important.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Page editor not working (empty white box) after update #906862

    I logged in, opened a page and clicked to edit with the advanced editor.
    In firebug, I see these errors:

    TypeError: a is null
    Line 29

    Line 1


    in reply to: Page editor not working (empty white box) after update #906806

    The site login remains as before, but if you want to look with ftp, please use the details shown below.

    in reply to: Page editor not working (empty white box) after update #906796

    The only thing really different on this site which worked very well until yesterday, was the update to the latest versions of wordpress and enfold – but even then it was only an update from whatever was current at the start of November to today’s versions.

    in reply to: Page editor not working (empty white box) after update #906793

    Php settings have been largely untouched for 2 years, other than a change to php7 yesterday to see if it solved the issue and are:

    display_errors = Off
    max_execution_time = 300
    max_input_time = 600
    max_input_vars = 5000
    memory_limit = 128M
    post_max_size = 8M
    session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
    session.save_path = “/var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea-php70”
    upload_max_filesize = 8M
    zlib.output_compression = On

    The login given was not autoexpiring, no.

    in reply to: Child version of loop-index.php not working? #889366

    Unfortunately that links shows me a code snippet that means nothing to me at all. I’m confused as to why enfold’s creators have actually made minor modifications to fundamental templates significantly harder to make. Adding a snippet of html and a simple ‘if’ instruction to an archive or post template is something that is as far from rocket science as Trump is from being a coherent President. Yet enfold requires the creation and insertion of shortcodes and/or modification of parent theme files to do this? I mean, that’s just plain silly.

    in reply to: Child version of loop-index.php not working? #887970

    No, I only found the post referring to it. But Ismael says it cannot be done in a child theme, which is confusing.

    in reply to: Child version of loop-index.php not working? #887928

    While searching through other tickets, I just found this from September this year:

    Was the advice given not correct?

    in reply to: Child version of loop-index.php not working? #887925

    I don’t get why can’t postslider be modified in a child theme.

    In any event, what I want is a simple 3-col blog output, whatever it’s called, which allows me to add some simple html wrapped in a simple if statement. I’ll be honest and say I’m stunned that something so simple should be so difficult in enfold, which is normally pretty accessible when it comes to simple customisations.

    in reply to: Child version of loop-index.php not working? #887916

    I am using the grid layout. So how do I modify the blog archive output, using grid layout? Trying it by means of modifying the parent theme would be insane, as I’d lose those modifications on a regular basis and need to know/remember what had been modified and re-modify the theme each update.

    I mean, modifying the blog page can’t be so complicated, surely? It’s a remedial-level task normally.

    in reply to: Child version of loop-index.php not working? #887138

    I’ve been browsing various posts here and digging through theme files.

    Maybe I should go over what I need to do, for clarity To explaion, I will actually explain what I normally do with other themes, because it seems enfold is different.

    On a different site, I have a custom post type which also uses custom fields.
    One of those custom fields is call ‘sold’ and is either empty or has a value ‘yes’.

    I have a customised single-cpt.php file to deal with single posts
    I have a customised archive-cpt.php file to deal with the archive display. In the course of customising the archive page, I add my own php and html. This includes adding a simple ‘if’ statement which looks at the custom field ‘sold’ and adds a div containing an image which is overlaid with css over the post thumbnail if the ‘sales’ field is not empty (which means it must say yes, and means the item is sold). It’s an incredibly simple modification to make, even in complex themes like avada.

    I wanted to do the same thing with Enfold, except the field would be called ‘rehomed’.

    However, enfold’s archive.php file only deals with what comes above and below the blog output. It includes a get template part, which calls loop-index.php but changing this doesn’t make any difference to anything, as if the file had no purpose at all.

    I found reference in another post ( to a file called postslider.php, which was referred to by a moderator. I copied that to my child theme. Modifying it didn’t actually make any difference.

    Modifying a blog archive page, be it to add html or maybe a little php, should be simple, so for the life of me I can’t understand why I can’t do something so childishly simple. Plainly, I’m missing something.

    Can you tell me how one makes this change in enfold?

    in reply to: Force display of all posts on an archive page #731596


    in reply to: Remove mediaelementplayer.css #731584

    So excuse me if I sound a little stupid here, but you’re telling me that the file enfold/js/mediaelement/skin-1/mediaelementplayer.css is not an Enfold file and that I should go and ask about it in WordPress forums? How many other things inside the Enfold theme folder are WordPress and nothing to do with Enfold?

    In a previous question the same day you also told me that the Enfold archive page isn’t an enfold page but a wordpress archive page and if I want to know how to sort posts I should go ask wordpress.

    Is your job here to say that the answer to every question has nothing to do with enfold and to tell everybody to go and use the wordpress forums? Seems so because the third question asked, about usernames in plain view on post pages was totally ignored. I guess that’s a wordpress issue too and you didn’t want to repeat yourself?

    What happened to support offering support?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by brian7454.
    in reply to: Admin username output on page in av-structured-data #730867

    I have partially resolved this by creating a fake user/contributor and reassigning something like 1200 custom posts to that name but it’s a short-term solution as it means I need to remember not to post as admin, which is silly and I’m also likely to forget.

    I don’t know if I missed it before, or if the difference is a result of me attributing posts to a contributor, but the username is shown twice, not once. The output spans are below:

    <span class='av-structured-data'  itemprop="publisher" itemtype="" itemscope="itemscope" >
    <span itemprop='name'>xxx-USERNAME-xxx</span>
    <span class='av-structured-data'  itemprop="author" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="" >
    <span itemprop='name'>xxx-USERNAME-xxx</span>

    Hope this helps.

    in reply to: Force display of all posts on an archive page #730771

    I wasn’t asking for customisation, I simply wanted to know how to specify the number of posts shown in a loop using your standard archive.php

    In any event don’t worry, I set the number of posts shown as 700, which works perfectly (yes, it’s a little slow at 5-6 seconds without yet adding minification or cache plugins, which I will obviously do) and then a snippet thanks to the avada group on facebook to restrict the number of normal posts, which works a treat. Inifinite scroll is a nightmare and totally inappropriate for what I need, but thanks for the suggestion.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Enfold Showcase #713121

    Um, not sure of your name…
    The site – was built from scratch but I think when we started we began with the medical demo, just to save a little time. Seriously though, the css is the absolute easiest part of the work involved! Contact me via the site with your details and I’ll see what you want and if there’s any assistance I can give you.

    Out of interest, the plugins of most use to us were formidable forms pro, plus advanced custom fields.


    in reply to: Enfold Showcase #707930

    We decided to use Enfold for a website promoting pet rescue and rehoming in the UK:

    Think it looks quite good…

    in reply to: Open blog posts in new window #706837

    I found the solution – it was an issue with ajax.

    in reply to: Open blog posts in new window #706820

    Vinay / Yigit,

    The fix which your guys applied to my custom post archive (making them open in a new frame) works a treat….. except….

    I added a search and filter bar (search and filter pro) on the pages. If I don’t use the filter bar, the links still open correctly, but as soon as I filter the posts, they refuse to open in a new window. I looked at the css and there’s no reason I can see why it should not work.

    Plainly, it is connected to the filter bar – which is essential – and I have asked the author if he knows what the conflict might be, but I wondered if you might have any ideas?

    I’ve added a login below, in case you want to take a look. Thanks

    in reply to: Remove excerpt only from blog archive #701097

    Thanks for that.

    in reply to: Open blog posts in new window #701096

    I’ll have a look at that. Thanks

    in reply to: Remove excerpt only from blog archive #699494


    The name archiveadvertsloop-index.php is not a CPT template file. Inside your default archive.php there is reference to the loop-index.php file. In all the themes I currently use, this would be the file which provides the loop to fetch and display posts on the custom archive template, and at least with avada which I use often, I can rename it in the way I had done here. Obviously it’s different with Enfold.

    The modified archive file I am using is called archive-adoptions.php and includes/included the line:
    get_template_part( ‘includes/loop’, ‘index’ );
    which I assumed built the posts.

    From what you say, my renaming attempt was wrong, so that’s my fault. I was copying practices used with other themes I’m familiar with, but obviously Enfold’s files do different things.

    The reason I was trying to modify things was that I wanted to be able to do was add the word ‘posted’ in front ot the date meta, and ideally create and position a button connected to the post permalink with the words ‘read more’. It’s so childishly simply in most themes, but in Enfold I simply cannot see where the output comes from in order to modify it!

    My question then, as I want to modify something, is where is the $blog output created? What file do I need to look at?

    Thanks for your help.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by brian7454.
    in reply to: Open blog posts in new window #698936

    That’s great, I’ll have a look at it tomorrow when I get up.

    Um, as regards other themes, I have somewhere around 40 sites using wordpress, which I believe use 12 themes (I may be wrong). I have to say that this is the first time I’ve found one where I’ve needed to ask for help to get blog links to open in a new frame. I’ll admit that I have only needed to do it with the blog page a few times, maybe 6, but it has never been a problem. I need a similar setup to that I used on, because if you set up a search feature to filter posts, users won’t want to redo the search every time they click on a link. That site has around 500 catteries, plus maybe twice as many vets, and the average user who makes enquiries contacts 4 catteries. So redoing a search after each contact would be a pain in the butt. It may not be the kind of thing people use often, but when they do it’s usually for a good reason. I came across several enfold users searching for ways to open links from portfolios and also blogs in a new window, so perhaps a code snippet – a revisable example – would be a good addition to the snippets section?

    To be honest, I’d have been able to do it myself except there’s no reference anywhere as to how the blog output is generated. The archive and loop templates seem to have nothing that can be modified to allow manual creation of links, and I can’t see where the output comes from. With sites like this I generally use avada, which is a doddle to modify in that respect. I first tried using enfold a year ago, but eventually gave up. I’ll say that the current version (of enfold) is much better, but it’s a shame it’s so difficult to modify and there aren’t any guidelines for people who want to modify stuf (not custom coding, but indications as to which files do what). Still, I’ll keep going and hope I can get the right results this time.

    Anyway, thanks.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by brian7454.
    in reply to: Open blog posts in new window #698789

    I’m glad to hear you’d love to help me with this question.

    It would appear that when you visited I was trying a different theme, yes. People do that. It’s a way of testing things. If you’d looked, you’d have noticed Enfold is there too, but deactivated while I try to find answers to something. I can’t just sit here not doing anything, waiting for an answer. The original question was posted two days ago. I’ll now activate Enfold again and wait for an answer. You’ll forgive me but I don’t understand why someone needs to log onto my site in order to tell me how to get links from a blog page to single post pages open in a new window, but maybe I’m missing something.

    Seriously, I cannot believe that it takes two days for someone to answer a question about how to open links in a new window.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by brian7454.
    in reply to: Open blog posts in new window #698590

    That’s absolutely no help at all.

    How do I get links from a blog page, grid layout, to open in a new window? There are no options to alter and there is nowhere I can add any code unless perhaps in the archive template. This is a basic feature, available more or less everythwre on the internet, but it is not apparent how to do this on your blog pages.

    Please explain how to do it.

    in reply to: Open blog posts in new window #698451

    Just to be clear, I’m asking how to make links on a blog page – grid layout – open in a new window? Nothing else? As I said above: “All I want is for the post links/featured image links to open in a new window.”.

    I’m confused as to why that would require admin access, as links opening in same window appears to be default Enfold behaviour insofar as that’s how your own demo functions, and there are no visible options which affect this. So it’s not a case of plugins interfering with anything. But anyway, I will add a temporary login below.

    I’d prefer that you don’t turn off plugins without needing to, as I’m working on the site more or less all the time at present. In any case, if you turn off Formidable forms, only the submission forms will break, but if you turn off ‘adoption posts’ or ‘advanced custom fields’ nothing in relation to custom posts will work, and so there will be zero content on the blog pages. If you really need to turn things off, then please put them back on asap.

    If extra code needs to be added to the archive and taxonomy template pages then please tell me because I’ll add it myself – there are currently 4 pages in use, but there will be more added in future, so I need to know how to do this myself.


    in reply to: Remove excerpt only from blog archive #698212

    Should have said, I then have a file called archiveadvertsloop-index.php in the child ‘includes’ folder.
    That’s the one that seems not to work if I try to edit it – no matter what I do, nothing changes. I wondered if maybe I was missing something?

    in reply to: Remove excerpt only from blog archive #698209

    Yes, of course. Also taxonomy templates.

    For example:

    archive-adoptions.php (adoptions is the name of the cpt, and this is in the child theme folder)

    All of these are edited so that instead of showing:
    get_template_part( ‘includes/loop’, ‘index’ ); (which I believe is the file that creates the individual posts shown in the lists)
    I have:
    get_template_part( ‘includes/archiveadvertsloop’, ‘index’ );

    Yet the custom loop file just never seems to be active – only the default. I can’t work out why….

    in reply to: Remove excerpt only from blog archive #697713


    Yes, I know I can use css, as I said in my post, but I was hoping to remove it from the template rather than just hide it. I’ve been looking again and although I set up an alternative ‘includes’ folder and added a custom named ‘adoptsloop-index file, no matter what I do I can’t shift the content without css. I even tried deleting the content – it can be shown via a custom field elsewhere – but that then caused the post date meta to vanish too.

    In fact, I suspect that the child custom loop file isn’t working anyway — though I can show that the custom archive file I created for the purpose is working. Its odd. I can and have customised the single post page without any issues, adding custom fields and so on, but the custom archive file won’t play ball. I’ve tried adding fields and even breaking the php to see what happens, but it seems not to work. In my custom archive template I have this – extract –
    get_template_part( ‘includes/advertsloop’, ‘index’ );

    $more = 0;
    get_template_part( ‘includes/advertsloop’, ‘index’ );

    This should cause the archive template to use advertsloop-index.php, (in the child ‘includes’ folder) shouldn’t it?
    For some reason it won’t…
    Maybe that’s why I can’t find how to not display the content?

    I know you don’t help with custom bits, and I’m not asking you to, but this would be how to set up a custom archive page, no?
    Or is your archive behaviour different to single posts? Odd, I never came across this before.

    in reply to: Add gallery to single post template #578893

    Wow, what a reply.

    I asked what html I needed to add a gallery to a php template so that I can add a post’s images to it. The “starting point” given was to paste in a shortcode, and even a thumbsucking moron like me knows I can’t add my field data to that. So, as a “starting point” it ranks up there along with “Why are you asking me?”

    The actual solution I employed and which could have been (but wasn’t) suggested in 12 words (“open a gallery page and copy the relevant source code with firebug”) left me almost there but still in the dark on one point. How to hide an empty gallery. I asked how to do it because I didn’t have a clue. After searching online (not actually knowing what I was looking for) I found the solution after getting on for a day and a half. It took about 10 seconds to type the code.

    The “custom work” you refer to above which I should pay someone for or “work out for yourself” (why not just say “we’ve got the money, now fuck off?”) extends to two simple lines:

    <?php if( get_field(‘name_of_field’) ): ?>
    add gallery container here…
    <?php endif; ?>

    Is your support so lacking that you think it’s sufficient to tell me to use a shortcode to do something it won’t do (instead of just saying what to copy) or can’t be bothered to write two simple and bog standard lines of php? Or do you just not know the answers if they’re not written in kiddie crayon above your monitors?

    I paid for this theme on the grounds that I could always ask questions if I needed a little help, rather than go to the sites where this, avada and god knows what else are free (and up to date as of 2 days ago) – but without support. Guess that makes me dumb then.

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