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  • in reply to: Gallery images 80px even if medium size is selected #945547

    I was referring to the theme’s media elements (sliders, gallery, horizontal gallery etc), not the default gallery.

    Me too. Unfortunately these unattractive 80px x 80px gallery settings are the themes default settings and it is necessary to use css to make it look a bit like a gallery. But I am repeating myself and I have to recognize that you prefer to ignore the problem.

    in reply to: Gallery images 80px even if medium size is selected #944121

    That is quite intentional because we don’t expect users to opt in for the default gallery when there are media elements in the builder that are, arguably, far more advanced and elegant.

    You call a gallery with images with a dimension of 80px x 80px advanced and elegant??? 80px x 80px may be used as size for an avatar but this is surely not an appropriate size for a gallery. A gallery is meant to present images. The enforced enfold gallery settings are anything else but not advanced and definitely not elegant.

    In addition you cannot expect users to use the Avia Layout Builder by default. This is an option nothing more and nothing less. Therefor it must not override default settings where you need some html and css knowledge to reckognize why your gallery is looking so inconspicuous and tiny .. in short ugly.

    So please be honest and say that you just don’t want to care. But don’t call these setting advanced or even “elegant”. This is a joke …

    in reply to: Gallery images 80px even if medium size is selected #943307

    The theme shouldn’t override the media settings. And users shouldn’t have to use CSS in order to see their media settings in the backend. Cannot believe that the moderators don’t get it …

    in reply to: Gallery images 80px even if medium size is selected #941568

    Hi Victoria,
    you just need to read the previous posts. Enfold is overriding the gallery height and width.
    To be more specific:

    base.css line 397

    #top .gallery .gallery-item{
    margin:1px 1px 0 0;

    Therefor all gallery items are forced to a width of 80px and a height of 80px. Doesn’t look very nice.

    Thank you, Nikko, this works. The author appears below the comments. While this is better than nothing it would be cool if I could move the author name below the content before the comments start. Are there some more filters available? Thanks so much …

    P.S.: Found it … I changed the priority to 8 … now everything is perfect! Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!! :-)

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by bluecafe.

    Hi Nikko, thanks for your reply. A hook would be much appreciated since I have more than hundred posts and it would be a pain to insert shortcodes manually. I think the author name should be something that can be added automatically. Is there a hook I could already use?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by bluecafe.

    Hi Mike, thanks for your reply. I have already tried the advanced excerpt plugin but it doesn’t seem to have any effect when using enfold theme. The enfold theme seems to have it’s own rules defined in postslider.php as described in this post . However, I can’t see how I can prevent words being cut in the middle.

    in reply to: Magazine Excerpt in Child theme #751755

    I have the same problem in my child theme. Line 367 in magazine.php is part of a function. Could it be that the line number has changed in the meantime? Where exactly do I have to put the modification so that I am able to see an excerpt in a child theme?

    I’m not sure what’s so bizarre about limiting the items to two when the container is a bit smaller compare to full width.

    A fix number of two is not flexible. Compared to the size of a masonry item on a full width screen the size of the two items within the container is in no relation. If a fixed number is set the number four would be far more appropriate. But then again … a fix number of four isn’t flexible.

    Removing the forced width and replacing it with a min-width of a masonry item could solve the problem and flexible would be really flexible.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by bluecafe.

    How many columns are you expecting?

    Not two for a color section as it is the present state ;)

    if I choose “automatic based on screen width” I expect the script to detect the appropriate column number. It shouldn’t be too small and it shouldn’t be too big. This is why I think min-width 300px is the best solution. Then the script would automatically find the right column number. If I force a max-width of 33.33% I can choose three columns as well. This has nothing to do with “automatic based on screen width”. Just my 2cents ..

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by bluecafe.

    Thanks for the explanation Ismael. I think this should be deleted in the theme files because a fix width and ‘flexible’ is a contradiction, isn’t it?

    I couldn’t find a way to delete the line in a child theme so I deleted it in the parent theme. Now I got 6 grid items in a row which made the grid items too small. I fixed it by adding a min-width to the child theme
    #top .container .av-masonry-col-flexible .av-masonry-entry{
    min-width: 300px;

    Could this be an option? Deleting the line in enfold and adding a min-width instead?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by bluecafe.
    in reply to: Gallery images 80px even if medium size is selected #717216

    Hi, I have changed my css to #top .gallery .gallery-item { width: auto; height: auto; } in order to being able to use the standard wordpress gallery without having the images resized to tiny 80px images even if you choose medium size images. So you won’t see the effect on my site any more.

    You can easily check it by placing a gallery inside a post using enfold theme with the standard wordpress editor. I trust you will have a demo version running with enfold?

    I don’t think that a theme should disable default wordpress features such as choosing image size of gallery photos.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by bluecafe.

    Thanks for your reply. I have created an admin account for you.

    A robots.txt does not prohibit access to a path. As long as google does not list your icon you shouldn’t worry about.tests simulating googlebot agents which is never the same as google.

    in reply to: Masonry Gallery images not showing up on mobile devices #685306

    have you tried to deactivate image overlay?

    Hi Rikard, thanks for your reply. I have made a demo page showing that the setting “automatic based on screen width” on a page inside the layout element 1/1 (or color section) without any sidebars results in two columns only.

    I would expect four or at least three columns for an automatic column number for a masonry in a 1/1 layout element on a page with no sidebar.

    The masonry width is correct if I don’t place the masonry element inside a layout element.
    Here the width is adjusting to show more than two columns.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by bluecafe.
    in reply to: How can I change post meta on blog grid raster? #682307

    Hi Yigit, thanks so much for this useful link und info!

    Great, thanks … will try this out!

    p.s. works beautifully … thanks!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by bluecafe.

    Alternatively you can ALB to build the page

    What does ALB mean?

    in reply to: Startseite wird nicht mehr gefunden #523503

    Ist die Startseite sowohl bei Einstellungen => Lesen als auch in den Themesettings von Enfold als Startseite eingestellt? Ich hatte das auch schonmal und da lag es daran, dass die Einstellungen hier nach einer Umstellung unterschiedlich waren.

    in reply to: Adding a header widget to the logo container #522982

    Thanks, Rikard. Yes you can mark the thread fully satisfactory resolved :-)
    Thanks again …

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by bluecafe.
    in reply to: Which hooks are available in header region #522172

    Thank you, much appreciated!

    in reply to: Adding a header widget to the logo container #522169

    Hi Rikard, thanks so much for pointing me to helper-main-menu.php.
    ava_before_bottom_main_menu is the perfect hook for placing the icons within the inner container and above the main menu. Thanks again. Sorry if I have been a bit grumpy … I just have been stucked on this … very happy now, have a nice day! :-)

    in reply to: Adding a header widget to the logo container #521425

    I have already used these hooks and the are NOT whithin the inner container. Can please anybody answer my question if there are any hooks within the inner header container who knows about theme hooks? Thanks

    in reply to: Adding a header widget to the logo container #521165

    Hi Rikard, thanks for your reply. However, this won’t help much because the absolute positioning is relative to the parent container which is #header (you can see it in the above link where I have applied your css)

    The #header element goes from the left side of the monitor to the right side. A position right would position the flags at the right side of the monitor but not within the container which defines the width of the site. This is why I am asking for a hook within the container that contains the logo and defines the max-width of the site. I am quite familiar with css.
    The position right: 90px is way outside of the main content region if looking at the site with a larger monitor. Is there a hook reference somewhere? What hooks are available WITHIN THE CONTAINER of the header region?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by bluecafe.
    in reply to: Adding a header widget to the logo container #519691

    I have uploaded my test environment for you:

    What I want to achieve is that the language flags appear in the header area where the social icons (Twitter and Dribble) are placed.
    I don’t want to use the social icons … just to demonstrate where I want to place the flags.

    I assume the social icons are using any hook in the header region? Then I could use this hook to add the polylang widget with the flags to this hook. This is why I asked if there is a hook reference to see the hooks that are available.

    Since the flags are outside of the container where the logo and the social icons are placed … how would you use CSS to place them at the place where the social icons are and let them stay there even if the browser window is resized?

    in reply to: Adding a header widget to the logo container #519056

    Hi Rikard, if you know a css rule that would achieve this I would gladly use this. What CSS rule do you recommend?

    in reply to: Loading problem at the end of the masonry gallery #518529

    I have looked at your site and I could replicate the issue. The reason is that your images are huuuuuge (around 1MB – 1,5MB each photo!!). The galleries are not loading thumbnails but full size images that are resized so the browser has a lot to download. If you are scrolling down the browser does it’s best to download all the big image sizes and at the end of the site there is no power left to load all images this is why you see fractions only. If you reload the site the browser can download the rest and you will see all images. The only solution I can see is to put less images in a gallery or make the images smaller.

    For example your gallery is almost 52MB (!) big. The browser has to load way too many photos
    and the loading time is extreme for visitors. Then it is no wonder if images cannot load in full at the end.

    in reply to: Adding a header widget to the logo container #518526

    What I mean is that the suggested code snippet in the documentation

    add_action( 'ava_main_header', 'enfold_customization_header_widget_area' );
    function enfold_customization_header_widget_area() {
    	dynamic_sidebar( 'header' );

    is using the hook ava_main_header

    This hook is placing in the header region ava_main_header but not inside the container which defines the max-width of the site.
    main-header is full width from the left side of the monitor to the right side of the monitor. However I want my widget aligning at the right side of the inner width of the site which is defined by the max-width of the container element (not the full widht of the monitor).
    The max-width of the container is defined in the theme settings.
    I cannot define a max-width using absolute positioning. This is why I want to add the widget to a hook inside of the container element and not within main_header (which is outside of the container)

    I have looked in the source file header.php but the header container is most likele created by a function and not located in header.php.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by bluecafe.
    in reply to: Adding a header widget to the logo container #518288

    Thanks for your reply. Absolute position such as 50% may work if you want to have the widget in the middle.
    However, I want the flags being aligned at the right side of the header container. Absolute pixel values won’t be useful for responsive behaviour. I would like to have it where the social icons menu is meant to be. Is there any hook I could use? Or do you have a hook reference by any chance so that I could look if there is a hook I could use? A hook reference would be very helpful.

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