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  • in reply to: 403 Error Entypo/Fontello fonts #536790

    Hi Andy.

    Sorry…Yes everything is now working, can’t believe it was something so simple.

    You can close the thread.



    in reply to: 403 Error Entypo/Fontello fonts #536758

    Hi Andy,

    After all this… I embarrassed to say that I had uploaded a duplicate htaccess file to the wp content folder by mistake, so even though I had cleaned up the one in the root folder, the file in the wp content folder had code preventing the fonts loading!

    Too many late nights at the screen!

    I appreciate your time and effort, once again thanks!



    in reply to: 403 Error Entypo/Fontello fonts #535566

    Ok, have done. It will probably be Monday now by the time I hear back from them. Will update once I have an answer.



    in reply to: 403 Error Entypo/Fontello fonts #535552

    Will check with them and get back to you, thanks.

    I take it if there is a cache then this needs refreshing?



    in reply to: 403 Error Entypo/Fontello fonts #535499


    Appreciated the effort

    No luck with that either unfortunately


    in reply to: 403 Error Entypo/Fontello fonts #535481


    Yes Andy…first thing I tried :) …Im stumped.



    in reply to: 403 Error Entypo/Fontello fonts #535459

    Hi Andy,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I have a modified htaccess can i post the content here?

    I added your code to the bottom of all code, doesn’t seem to have worked, does it need to sit in a specific part of the file?

    I have also just deleted the Enfold theme and uploaded the latest 3.4.2…no change



    in reply to: 403 Error Entypo/Fontello fonts #533815

    Hi Basilis,

    Please try again, I have allowed temporary access.


    in reply to: 403 Error Entypo/Fontello fonts #533640

    Hi Andy,

    Unfortunately that didn’t work either.

    I have managed to get access to the database, removed all ithemes security entries and cleaned up the htaccess file also.

    The problem is still there I get a 403 on the three font files!

    I have checked permissions on every folder and file in the structure leading to those font files and all seem correct.

    Any suggestions?

    in reply to: 403 Error Entypo/Fontello fonts #531139

    Hi Andy,

    Sorry for the delay in replying.

    I have de-activated all plugins. Installed the latest Enfold update too (3.4.1). The issue is still there.

    I think its htaccess related. Deleting themes security doesn’t remove the permissions it writes so there is something preventing the fonts from loading, I know it writes to the database too (however I don’t have access to this at present – otherwise I would completely remove all ithemes and start fresh with the settings)…will try to get this tomorrow.

    Any help in pointing me to the correct part of the htaccess file would be great. You can view when logged in here

    Sucuri Security > Access file integrity


    in reply to: 403 Error Entypo/Fontello fonts #526488

    Hi Basilis,

    Disable the plugin or the htaccess??

    Cheers man

    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for the reply.

    Ah apologies….I wasn’t bumping per say, I just hadn’t heard anything from you guys (not a problem) so just kept updating/editing when I fixed something. Will refrain next time and wait for a response. :)

    Yes I had the image set to parallax, it is great feature, one that i love, however for this site with these particular images and the way they need to display as the portfolio page head… it just didn’t work for me, the filter addition is ideal as I can add the slider (with only one image) with hidden controls…bingo.

    3. Fixed, brilliant. I just need to re-up a more suitable image of the office now.

    Thanks for you time and help Ismael, (and team Kriesi)

    Greatly appreciated.


    P.S. I am probably 65% of the way through this site….so I may be back at some point for more fantastic support, this thread can be closed


    Hi again guys,

    So, I managed to fix the portfolio issue (1.) by adding the filter

    add_filter('avia_post_nav_settings','avia_remove_fullwidth_slider_check', 10, 1);
    function avia_remove_fullwidth_slider_check($settings)
    $settings['is_fullwidth'] = false;
    return $settings;

    to the functions.php to always display the nav buttons, this in turn has allowed me to have a full screen slider instead of the colour section and have my previous/next buttons back (and also on mobile)….result.

    Only issue left…is (3.) the grid not collapsing on retina iPad on the contact page…see reply

    Any quick fix for this?



    Hi Guys,

    Any info on my last reply?

    Also another issue…the next/previous portfolio button disappear on mobile, is this supposed to happen? If so then how do I navigate to the next/previous portfolio item without having to go back through the menu?? I would like the buttons to display on mobile of portfolio…tablet is OK

    I figure that out. Still waiting on the previous issues though.



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by bluebubble.

    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for the reply.

    1a, If the image is already large (2560×1440) 16:9 and my screen is the same 16:9 why is it scaling up the image more than it needs to? as an image this size should cover the majority of screen sizes…no? I know there will be certain screen ratios that this will be inevitable and there will be some cropping.

    1b. Also why does the navigation on the portfolio break if I put a slider as the first element?

    If this didn’t happen then I would be happy man and go with the slider as this is how I want it to look, please see the JCB page screenshots :)

    Even when the browser window is reduced by hand there is a lot of the image missing, so I thought I may be using the wrong element from the advanced builder, this is when I tried the fullwidth slider…bingo, however I cannot now click through to the previous/next portfolio item.

    This is the view I get:
    First element full width slider: (also would like the scroll down arrow on here too but there seems no option for this at present time)
    Second element: color section 100%

    You can see how much is being cropped, however I can’t have the slider as the left and right portfolio navigation disappears.

    2. Fixed, thank you.

    3. Sorry, I thought I had added the screenshot, here you go: (from before the menu fix)



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by bluebubble.

    Hi Rikard, sorry I missed a space when typing the url is (without the /best).

    You should see what I mean now with the top two images on the JCB page, and the left and right slide out nav buttons disappearing.

    Also is there a way to change the portfolio item url name?…as in change dreamtexltd dot com/portfolio-item/jcb

    Thanks for your time


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by bluebubble.
    in reply to: Testimonial Slider styling #438063

    Thanks man…the text in the quote box is still grey, could you give me the css to target this please, thanks for you help!

    EDIT* Its ok I figured it out

    Thanks again!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by bluebubble.
    in reply to: Testimonial Slider styling #438039

    Thanks man, worked a treat…forgot to mention that I need white text…how do I target the quote and the name and description below so all is white?

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