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  • in reply to: WooCommerce rectangular thumbnail images #181841

    I think I found the solution: regenerate thumbnails without the “hard crop” option.
    (Before that, I was looking in the css, but couldn’t find anything).

    in reply to: Enfold – Woocommerce – Product site optimize #181021


    Super Thread! Wegen der Produktbeschreibung: Ich habe wie von Dude bei Punkt 5 beschrieben die meisten Tabs herausgenommen. Und jetzt kommt das tolle: Man kann in der Produkt-Beschreibung auch Avia-Framework-Codes verwenden! Also: Einfach auf einer Seite den Advanced Layout Editor verwenden, um zum Beispiel Tabs / Accordeons per Avia zu gestalten. Dann in den “debug” Modus schalten und die Avia Shortcodes kopieren und auf der Produkt-Seite in die Beschreibung einfügen.

    Die Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten sind so fast unbegrenzt.

    Eine Frage aber noch an die Moderatoren:
    Ist es möglich, das div für die Produkt-Beschreibung auf die gesamte Breite zu ziehen – also so, daß es den Freiraum unter dem Produktbild nutzt?

    in reply to: Woocommerce – Category Layout #181018

    Found it… Problem solved in this thread – Thanks guys :)

    in reply to: WooCommerce – General Question for modifying shop module #178455

    Thanks, Ismael. Unfortunately this didn’t change anything in the WooCommerce section:
    Breadcrums are visible only on the Category and Product pages, but not in the Checkout or Cart pages.

    I’d like to enable breadcrumbs especially on the Cart and Checkout pages, so that customers can conveniently go back to the Shop if they would like to more products.

    in reply to: WooCommerce – General Question for modifying shop module #174764

    That’s great – Thanks Yigit!

    It works great. But unfortunately, it also removes the Bradcrumb from the Cart and Checkout-Sections :(
    And also in the “My Account” and my “Terms & Conditions” page. So basically, on every Woocommerce page that is NOT a product page…

    Is there a way to re-enable breadcrumbs in those sections?

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by BelIblis.
    in reply to: WooCommerce – General Question for modifying shop module #172961

    That’s fantastic!

    So, to take the .woocommerce classes even further:
    Would it be possible to display the breadcrumb only in the Woocommerce Shop but NOT on the rest of the website?

    I know I can turn the header on & off. But ideally, I would like to keep the header in my “Portfolio” section, and only turn the breadcrumbs off.
    And in the Shop: have the header AND the breadcrumb.

    (This is something that has been bugging me quite a bit, and would be a suggestion for a feature request, as I think this makes the entire theme even MORE flexible than it already is – at least for visual artists that use your theme as a portfolio & shop).

    Once again: Thanks for the outstanding support here!

    in reply to: Padding underneath header #171944

    Looking great – Thanks very much Yigit!
    Just out of interest: Is it always the #full_slider_1 CSS tag? Or is there also a #full_slider_2?

    in reply to: Padding underneath header #171718
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Padding underneath header #171660

    I have a working pre-release of the website online – could I send you the log-in details / link as a PM or e-Mail?

    in reply to: Padding underneath header #171657

    Nope, still not working. I even went back & activated the main theme instead of the child theme for a quick test. Don’t understand why it’s working on your end :(

    I’ve tried it both with the Quick CSS section, as well as the custom.css sheet

    On the EasySlider it’s OK, but not on the fullwidth Easyslider.

    in reply to: WooCommerce – General Question for modifying shop module #171551

    Cool, thanks.

    Just out of interest: Is there a separate CSS for the woocommerce side of things? Ideally, I’d like to customise the colour scheme (and maybe the fonts) for my Shopfront, to make them different from the rest of the site.

    Is that possible?

    in reply to: Padding underneath header #171544

    Hmmm… still doesn’t work. (I flushed the cache).

    But I noticed:
    Your solution works for the “Easy Slider”, but not for the “Full Width Easy Slider”.

    Is there any way to make it work for the full width slider?

    Thanks for your help!

    in reply to: Padding underneath header #171355

    Sorry – that doesn’t seem to work. It still looks exactly the same, both with or without that CSS :(

    Website is in development on localhost at the moment. But by “double arrow” I mean the same as here on the forum page:
    On the top you have a banner for your Enfold template. And when I hover over that, the banner gets lighter/dimmed and an animated arrow in a blue circle appears…

    Thanks, Yigit.

    Another thing would be: How can I make the product picture larger?

    And how can I remove the “double arrow” rollover behaviour on the product picture. (The double arrows look nice, but I’d like to remove them because I have a plug-in installed which shows a rollover magnifying glass. Unfortunately that magnifying glass gets disabled by the double-arrow rollover).

    in reply to: Padding underneath header #170430

    Hi Yilgit,

    Thanks for all your answers to my other questions. The site is still in development (on localhost).

    Basically, I’d like to get a bit of spacing between the “landscape” grey header and the blue sky. (Same as Between the yellow line and the landscape bit).

    Is this possible at all?

    in reply to: Matching Logo Colour with Background #167820

    Also: Screenshots may complicate the issue even further, because (at least on MacOS), Screenshots get saved with a colour profile. If you then view the screenshot in yet another browser (with and without colour sync capabilities), it’d look different AGAIN….

    (hope this makes sense?)

    in reply to: Matching Logo Colour with Background #167754

    Sorry, I can’t send a link because I’m still in development phase (localhost via MAMP)…

    in reply to: Some CSS questions #167129

    Hi Yigit,

    Thanks very much for your help! (I just saw your answer at this very moment – thought I would get an e-mail notification, but didn’t).
    Will try your solutions & post feedback here if I encounter any problems :)

    Great customers support, guys! Seriously!

    in reply to: How can I add a portfolio item to the menu? #165535

    Worked great – Thanks very much for your help!

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