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  • in reply to: Blurry Logo in Chrome + Safari #742233

    I didn’t know HOW much bigger it needed to be so apparently the @3x was too much.
    Looks great now at 2x the display size.

    Thank you – I will remember this for the future.
    You can close this thread :)

    in reply to: Font Size Tool in Text Block #742196

    This works perfectly.
    Thank you. Can I suggest these types of additions for future Enfold releases?

    You can close this thread :)

    Great service as always.

    Hi Rikard :)

    I am using Firefox.
    Let me know if I can provide any more information in order to reproduce the issue :)

    in reply to: Blog Pagination Loads to top of page #727735

    Hi Nikko,

    I had our other web developer take a look real quick (because we are at our limit for ftp access accounts) and he found that I implemented the code provided above wrong and now it works :D

    Sorry for the bother!

    You guys are great! Happy holidays!

    You can close this thread.

    in reply to: Gallery Thumbnails are not all the same size #726912

    Mine aren’t the same size either. Is there a way to force them to be 180 by 180 with css?

    Edit: I just forced them with css. Super weird.

    in reply to: Urgent – Enfold Contact form causes 403 Error #726374

    Ok so after a long battle with my host provider it is definitely not an Enfold issue that is causing the 403 error :)
    Thanks for your help regardless guys :)

    This topic can be closed.

    in reply to: Sidebar Menu Not Staying FIxed #726373

    Ok SO I found the answer for anyone else who may need it.
    IF the sidebar menu does not fit within the browser you are using then it no longer stays ‘sticky’
    So I had to go and tell the elements in my sidebar menu to be a certain max size using @media depending on the screen size. It will now stay ‘sticky’ on various devices and monitors :)

    This topic can be closed.

    in reply to: Sidebar Menu Not Staying FIxed #721401

    Sorry to post again but it’s relating to the same site.
    I am having a hard time telling fixed background images in colour sections to sit in a different position across different screen sizes using @media.
    I have found a few bits of custom css through this forum but can’t seem to get any to work on this particular website. If anything comes to mind on this too would be great.

    in reply to: Sidebar Menu Not Staying FIxed #721400

    I have 4 monitors I am looking at the site on.

    One is an iMac 27 inch : 2560 x 1440 pixel <– the whole menu fits and it is sticky as I want it*
    One is a secondary monitor which is quite a bit smaller I think it’s around 1600×900 pixel *guesstimating* <– menu does not stick and scrolls
    Then I have Macbook air which I believe is: 1440 x 900 pixel <– menu does not stick and scrolls
    We have 2 tablets in our office and one scrolls and one is sticky.

    I don’t really know where to start in turning on and turning off custom styles to locate the issue as I can’t recall making any adjustments to the standard left-hand side menu that enfold comes with. Almost all my styles have been on page content.

    Any assistance is appreciated – I know it’s a biggie.

    Edit: We did edit the menu on tablet portrait to sit at the top as the left hand side menu did not look very nice in this size and orientation.
    Could this be causing the non-stick behavior even if I set it to only work at portrait tablet size using @media?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Briana. Reason: Remembered more information
    in reply to: Overlay not covering whole background image on ipad #716291

    Thank you Rikard! I didn’t not know that was there. Silly me. Enfold support is worth every penny as usual.

    in reply to: Overlay not covering whole background image on ipad #716224

    I am having the same problem on both orientations but mine is about a 20px gap.
    I adjusted the height value on your supplied css code but it isn’t changing anything.


    Edit: it’s the colour overlay on top of the image of the storm.

    in reply to: Mobile Anchor Link Issue #710994

    Hello there,

    I am using the newest version of enfold and I am finding that my menu links that have anchors ie: are not working at all on mobile, they do nothing but reload the page as is.

    I found a previous thread that had instructions on how to edit the avia.js file but nothing changed.

    Some people are mentioning that when the mobile menu is clicked that it is scrolling near the anchor link but not to the right spot. Mine does not scroll at all.

    Any ideas??

    /*update*/ Never mind I was implementing my anchor text incorrectly and found the solution in your documentation. You guys are fab.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Briana. Reason: Found solution on my own
    in reply to: Enfold update 3.7.1 Google map function does not work #682392

    I am having the same issue. I updated my theme and registered a browser API key and it flashes with my map then says “oops something went wrong”. Also the Google API page says something about referrer websites? Are there any instructions on this within the Enfold theme documentation or is it not necessary?

    I ended up putting an embedded google maps iframe in for now.

    in reply to: Urgent – Enfold Contact form causes 403 Error #682390

    I logged in today and everything seems to be working fine. Is it possible it was something with my network specifically and when you logged in it went back to normal? It was scary!

    in reply to: Urgent – Enfold Contact form causes 403 Error #682022


    When I added a form or had a previous form in and tried to save it gave me this.

    I received this error:

    Error message

    The link I gave to the old contact page. Can you go back to a previous version of the page – a month or more and see if you see the error?

    in reply to: Enfold Fullscreen Slider Caption Title style edit #681905

    It worked for me.

    in reply to: Shrinking Header Logo Size #676794

    When I try replacing that peice of code with:

    var logoH = 88; // height value here
    logo.css({‘maxHeight’: logoH + ‘px’});

    it makes both the regular and scrolled logo at 88 not only the scrolled one :( My scrolled logo overhangs the header bar it’s so tall.

    in reply to: Google Maps #672925

    I have managed to get this to work on desktop using the method provided by mensmaximus but it looks like there needs to be another api key for each type of device.

    Google API says:
    “To use this API you need an API key. An API key identifies your project to check quotas and access. Go to the Credentials page to get an API key. You’ll need a key for each platform, such as Web, Android, and iOS. Learn more ”

    How do I implement this fix for mobile and tablet not just web?

    in reply to: Blurry gallery thumbnails #661115

    I was just about to send you admin access and the page is now rendering the images properly.
    Nothing has changed since I asked for assistance so thats’s odd.

    I won’t need assistance but will keep a tab on this thread for possible answers to this happening.

    in reply to: Grid Row Width #660765

    I made an error in my code nvm.

    in reply to: Grid Row Width #660764

    Hey there I have set my grid to :

    #para-grid2 {
    background-attachment: fixed;
    background-position: left top !important;
    background-size: cover !important;
    background-image: url(“;) !important;
    margin-left: 5% !important;
    margin-right: 5% !important;
    max-width: 1500px !important;

    And it won’t adhere to the max of 1500px is there something I did wrong?

    in reply to: Blurry gallery thumbnails #660743

    I am having the same problem. My images are each 1000px wide by 700px high and when put into a new gallery (the basic one) they looks super blurry.

    I put in the code that Rikard supplied but for some reason my testimonial is still shifting the content up and down.
    I am not sure what I have done differently. :S

    You guys have the best support ever.
    That worked perfectly.

    Thank you :)
    You can close this thread.

    in reply to: Text Content on Mobile has Big Left Indent #652785

    I managed to fix this issue thanks for your help :D
    You can close this thread.

    in reply to: Received Data Format from Contact Forms #652784

    I ended up using contact form 7 so I am just letting you know you can close this thread :)

    in reply to: Posts set to "Link" to open in new tab #652783

    I have restructured how the blog works so you can close this thread :)

    in reply to: Enfold Website Launch Issue #652782

    Okay I will look into these options.
    Thank you.

    You can close this thread :)

    I am having the same problem on multiple websites that are live on different host servers – created and launched months apart (so some have the newest enfold theme version and some don’t).

    I can’t preview any changes made to a page already published.

    I don’t want to set a live page to private or password protected when I want to make edits – then visitors to the site won’t be able to see the content. I want to be able to make subtle changes and instantly have the updated page display – which is why the preview function is so valuable – no site visitor has to know I am in the middle of edits.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Briana.

    I need some assistance on this as well but for tablet. I am aware that parallax has been disabled on tablet which is fine SO I made a secondary version of my color sections WITHOUT parallax to be shown on tablet only (using @media) and I set them to stretch to fit and scroll and they are still showing a broken parallax that only covers half the color section.

    I simply want to be a plain stretch to fit image behind my elements – I can’t get it to stop broken-parallaxing.
    Please help :(

    I did try the code above to try and force it to stretch-to-fit to no avail. I am using a apple ipad 2.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Briana.
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