Forum Replies Created
Hi djshortkut!
The icons are not working as links in your site, so make them work with hover state, would require some more work to be achived.
If you have more customization requests, as I see that there are many opened till now, please visit our partner, who will help you out.!
BasilisJune 15, 2015 at 7:36 am in reply to: Boxed width website with background not in the centre anymore #459119Hi uychkinnear!
I just loaded the web site, and I can see it centered correctly.
I guess the issue is been fixed.
Best regards,
BasilisHi djshortkut!
Please add the following to your custom CSS
.avia_desktop.avia_transform3d .av-caption-on-hover .av-masonry-entry.av-masonry-item-with-image:hover .av-inner-masonry-content { text-align: center; }
Let us know if u need anything else
BasilisJune 14, 2015 at 12:03 pm in reply to: Enfold theme – problem with fopen() when updating the theme #458905Hi!
I will close the topic here, as it is not relevant to an Enfold issue, while we did what we could to make it work.
Best regards,
BasilisHey bgerber!
First of all, thanks a lot for your kind words, we do appreciate that a lot.
Our support policy is for us not to offer such customization requests. Here is a link, which can send you to a following page: you can ask for customization. Our partner, will help you out eventually, for the best result.
To do that, you would need to use a conditional if stament, which would allow you to show things, only on one page, into your header.php.
Here is the link to the codex, you just need to add a CSS style, only for one page.
Example of code:
<?php if ( is_page( 'web-content' ) ) { ?> <style> </style> <?php } else { ?>
BasilisHey macdady!
Duplicate post, we will be working on the other task.
Best regards,
BasilisHey macdady!
Let us know please, what is your web site URL.
Best regards,
Your page is not published, but ” Pending Review “, so you will have to edit that.
Let us know if we could do anything else.
BasilisJune 12, 2015 at 7:09 am in reply to: How to align items to center on mobile but to the right or left on desktop #458192Hey!
As you are doing mods your self, please take a look here:
which will help you out to work on the issue. If we can not see an online version of the site, it is hard for us to debug and assist.
Please let us know when you are online, and we will be more than happy to help you out.
Best regards,
BasilisJune 12, 2015 at 7:04 am in reply to: Enfold theme – problem with fopen() when updating the theme #458191Hey!
I have checked your web site. The %#D characters that generate on your web site, do not work on linux, so the URL provided is wrong. You need probably to activate something, but I am not a sysadmin so I do not know how to convert those characters on the URL string.
The solution for now would be to update manually, as my colleagues sayed.
Let us know if we could do anything else for you. I am closing that topic now.
Can we please a live version of your web site, so we can actually assist?
Providing also username / password would help us to define and fix the issueCheers!
BasilisJune 11, 2015 at 8:18 am in reply to: Publishing date in portfolio title in Google search results #457650Hey!
Are you using any SEO plugin to the web site?
BasilisHi Rshaules!
Please provide us with a live site, so we can see the issue and help you out
Please try the following
<?php add_action('init', 'portfolio_register_extended', 999 ); function portfolio_register_extended() { global $avia_config; $labels = array( 'name' => _x('Portfolio Items', 'post type general name','avia_framework'), 'singular_name' => _x('Portfolio Entry', 'post type singular name','avia_framework'), 'add_new' => _x('Add New', 'portfolio','avia_framework'), 'add_new_item' => __('Add New Portfolio Entry','avia_framework'), 'edit_item' => __('Edit Portfolio Entry','avia_framework'), 'new_item' => __('New Portfolio Entry','avia_framework'), 'view_item' => __('View Portfolio Entry','avia_framework'), 'search_items' => __('Search Portfolio Entries','avia_framework'), 'not_found' => __('No Portfolio Entries found','avia_framework'), 'not_found_in_trash' => __('No Portfolio Entries found in Trash','avia_framework'), 'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'tv', 'with_front' => true ), 'parent_item_colon' => '' ); $permalinks = get_option('avia_permalink_settings'); if(!$permalinks) $permalinks = array(); $permalinks['portfolio_permalink_base'] = empty($permalinks['portfolio_permalink_base']) ? __('portfolio-item', 'avia_framework') : $permalinks['portfolio_permalink_base']; $permalinks['portfolio_entries_taxonomy_base'] = empty($permalinks['portfolio_entries_taxonomy_base']) ? __('portfolio_entries', 'avia_framework') : $permalinks['portfolio_entries_taxonomy_base']; $args = array( 'labels' => $labels, 'public' => true, 'show_ui' => true, 'capability_type' => 'post', 'hierarchical' => false, 'rewrite' => array('slug'=>_x($permalinks['portfolio_permalink_base'],'URL slug','avia_framework'), 'with_front'=>true), 'query_var' => true, 'show_in_nav_menus'=> true, 'taxonomies' => array('post_tag'), 'supports' => array('title','thumbnail','excerpt','editor','comments') ); $args = apply_filters('avf_portfolio_cpt_args', $args); $avia_config['custom_post']['portfolio']['args'] = $args; register_post_type( 'portfolio' , $args ); $tax_args = array( "hierarchical" => true, "label" => "Portfolio Categories", "singular_label" => "Portfolio Category", "rewrite" => array('slug'=>_x($permalinks['portfolio_entries_taxonomy_base'],'URL slug','avia_framework'), 'with_front'=>true), "query_var" => true ); $avia_config['custom_taxonomy']['portfolio']['portfolio_entries']['args'] = $tax_args; register_taxonomy("portfolio_entries", array("portfolio"), $tax_args); //deactivate the avia_flush_rewrites() function - not required because we rely on the default wordpress permalink settings remove_action('wp_loaded', 'avia_flush_rewrites')
Best regards,
Yes, you are right. That is how it is getting assigned to an element, and output the CSS.
We would be happy to help you with anything else, just let us know.Regards,
Not that we are aware of. It seems like you will have to contact the WishList plugin creator, so he can locate the issue with wishlist debug long and fix it.
We will happy to help if there is something we can do from our side.
Best regards,
Yes, it is possible.
You have to design an image, or use a font, and the target it with.avia-pop-class {
content: “yourimageurlhere.png”;
}Let us know if we can do anything else for you.
Best regards,
BasilisHi alfaweb2!
Thanks a lot for using our products, we do appreciate that.
Check the demo template: second option is the more closed to what you need.
You can activate that one, and try to customize it, design related if you need to.
As that works, I am closing the topic.
Let us know if we can do anything else regarding our products.
Best regards,
I tried with my iPad, and I could not locate that issue. Can you please uplaod for us a screenshot from the iPad so we can understand and help you out?
Best regards,
Thanks a lot for using our products, we do appreciate it.
That is a customization of our theme, and we can not help you out. Please visit ask for that. They will assist you the best they can!
GLad we helped you out. I will now close the ticket, let us know with a new one if you have more questions
I am glad I have helped.
I will close the topic, please open a new one, with more questionsRegards,
BasilisHey linktotheme!
That is not something included on our plugin.
There are other 3rd party plugins, that can be useful for that.Regards,
BasilisHi WolfvanHaeren!
Have you tried WP Rocket plugin?
I did tried it with Enfold and it is working perfect. You can give it a try, it will speed your web site better.Many of the cache plugins, are creating issues, so it is better to disable them while working, and activate them after.
Best regards,
Which of the enfold layout you want to copy as functionality?
Best regards,
BasilisJune 8, 2015 at 8:28 am in reply to: Enfold – Pinterest "verify" meta tag not working… I've tried several options #455772Hey!
I would suggest going on and use the html file, as that is the easiest solution for now, and we will see if it is something that we can integrate to theme options or an other way to use it!
That, would require custom coding, and it is not covered from our support policy.
You can use the following address for customizations, who are partners of us.
They will manage to do that for you.
Best regards,
Basilis -