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  • in reply to: Grid Row – Columns 100% height #1294888

    Hi Nikko,

    I had to move the test page to the home page of the website yesterday.

    Apologies for the inconvenience that might have caused.

    Thank you,


    in reply to: Grid Row – Columns 100% height #1294757

    Hi Nikko,

    Thank you for the reply.

    Your code works well, thank you. The only thing is that gutters outside are smaller than on the inside.

    Also it would be great if it would be possible to isolate this section in terms of custom CSS so that other elements are not effected in the future.

    Thank you!

    Here is a screenshot to give you an idea:


    in reply to: Grid Row – Columns 100% height #1294183

    Hi Nikko,

    I think that I have already asked this before, but I need help.

    Would you be able to help me with setting gutters in between the sells on this page ?

    I am looking to accomplish something similar to the home apple page: .

    Looking forward hearing from you.

    Thank you!


    Hi Ismael,

    Cannot appreciate your help enough! Thank you very much!

    I have not tried this method of integration with the code you provided because the ad campaign is about to start and there was really little time for any changes at this point.

    Allow me to provide the feedback once the I integrate the code into one of my websites.


    Hi Ismael,

    The code generated by Shopify:


    Hi Ismael,
    Thank you very much for a reply.
    I believe that I have not tried what you suggested, my code knowledge is very minimal and I havent really understood what you meant by your reply too. I have though inserted the code provided by Shopify into a code block and copying the code block down the page resulted in a broken fron-end (both codes were shown one after another and the second code block was empty).
    Are you suggestion to use the above mentioned code in the code block before the code provided by Shopify?

    The random jumping of the anchor is gone, thank you! Although the glitch that persists is related to a highlighted segment. The highlighted segment in the menu is acually a previous segment for each one. Hope that makes sense. But in other words if you select/click onto “made to” section it will go to the “made to” section the section highlighted in the menu would be “about”. This goes for all sections on the entire page.

    looking forward to your reply.


    in reply to: Integrating new GA4 Analytics code #1267793

    Apologies for bothering you for nothing really

    in reply to: Integrating new GA4 Analytics code #1267790


    For the very smart people like myself:

    This is how the complete version of the code inserted into the functions.php should look like. Hope this saves times to someone new to this too.

    * Google Analytics GA4 tracking
    function new_google_analytics(){
    <!– Global site tag (gtag.js) – Google Analytics –>
    <script async src=””></script&gt;
    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
    function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
    gtag(‘js’, new Date());

    gtag(‘config’, ‘G-00XXX0X0XX’);
    add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘new_google_analytics’, 1);


    in reply to: Integrating new GA4 Analytics code #1267775

    Hi Darryl,

    Please disregard my previous message. The functions.php code did not work completely. So I have removed it from the website.


    in reply to: Grid Row – Columns 100% height #1267759

    Hi Nikko,

    Like a charm! Thank you so very much!

    Just one last question, did you set the borders between the Grid Rows to be that big or is it something I have missed in the settings. Have been trying to figure this our for the past few days.

    Other than that I have no further questions. Thank you so much again!


    in reply to: Integrating new GA4 Analytics code #1267747

    Hi Darryl,

    After integrating the give code into the functions.php file the website does not work correctly.

    A while line above the menu has appeared with the tracking code in it. Could you please take a look at it if possible?


    in reply to: Grid Row – Columns 100% height #1267524

    Hi Nikko,

    Thank you for a promt reply. This is rather weird, I have included the ‘equal-columns’ note in the custom CSS class in every element I wanted this to be active in and it does not seem to work.


    in reply to: Grid Row – Columns 100% height #1267278

    Hi Nikko,

    Thank you very much again for looking at the website again, appreciate it.

    It seems as if the first Grid Row works as intended, but all other Grid Rows placed under the first one do not seem to work. You can see it here:

    Please let me know if I am missing on something.


    in reply to: Grid Row – Columns 100% height #1266364

    Dear Nikko,

    I have been trying to incorporate this method on both of my website to no avail.

    Would you please be able to look at the website once more to try to determin what exactly is causing the issue.

    It definitely doing something as when I shrink the page to mobile version then the column stays as long as another column. Actually not the effect I am looking for. On the mobile version of the page I desire to keep the settings to standard. Only on desktop the grid needs to have even boxes.

    Looking forward to your reply.


    in reply to: Grid Row – Columns 100% height #1266296

    Hi Nikko,

    Thank you for your reply. And thank you lots for your help! It worked!

    Have a nice weekend :)


    in reply to: Grid Row – Columns 100% height #1265982

    Hi Nikko,

    Hope you did not forget about me. Please let me know if you could find a solution for the Column padding.

    Looking forward to hear from you.


    in reply to: Grid Row – Columns 100% height #1265733

    Hi Nikko,

    Thank you so much for taking the time too look at my site.

    Although the code worked well, there is yet still another hiccup.

    Honestly speaking I am trying to achieve the apple-like website blocks. Thus I was trying to set 10px gutters around the blocks (Columns). You can see this with an image of a tube. The only thing is that with the code you provided I am no longer able to set these gutters.

    Before that I was using another code found in the forum but this was not entirely my goal. I would like to keep as much of a standard functionality of the theme and Grid Rows as possible, thus need to only stretch the Column background to fill the Grid Row section.

    Hope this makes sense.

    Do you think it would be possible to achieve this?


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