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  • in reply to: disable preload #348087


    I believe you can remove the space with CSS but to be able to advise any further, I will require a link to the page.


    in reply to: Contact Form Color Change #347842


    Add the following code to Quick CSS or custom.css

    .home #av_section_1 .avia_ajax_form select{
      background-color: #FFF;
      opacity: 0.7;
      color: #444;

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Avia Builder not work #347836


    Please try updating Enfold via FTP. You can find an instructional video on updating Enfold via FTP here:

    Should this not work, please try adding the following to a php.ini file and upload it via FTP to your wp-admin folder

    max_execution_time = 500
    max_input_time = 500
    memory_limit = 128M
    max_input_vars = 3000

    To create a php.ini file, open a text editor, save as all files and name it php.ini, .ini being the file extension.

    If you still cannot load Avia Layout Builder, please forward us administrative credentials to your site for us to have a closer look.

    Please check the “Set as private reply (Only you and moderators will see the content of this post)” option before posting any sensitive information.


    in reply to: 5 sites = 5 x zahlen? #347831

    Hi briefencv!

    Thank you using Enfold.

    Like all themes sold on Themeforest, we are bound by the rules and regulations governing the sales and use of software in the Envato Market places. I will therefore point you towards the License FAQ on Themeforest:

    Once again thank you for using Enfold.


    in reply to: full screen background image #347629


    To make the header slightly transparent, add the following to Quick CSS or custom.css:

      opacity: 0.4 !important;

    Tweak the opcaity value(0 – 1) to increase or decrease the transparency.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: CAPTCHA not appearing on blog comments #347622

    Hey glenniest!

    Just checked your site via all major browsers(IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera) latest versions and everything seems to be working fine:

    Could you clear your browser cache and try please.


    in reply to: Adding an hyperlinked image to header #347611

    Hi valmil!

    Add this to the bottom of your functions.php file in your Enfold/Enfold child theme folder

       function add_paypal_button_script(){
            $paypal_button = "<a class="paypal-donate-button" href="">Donate to Paypal</a>";
            echo $paypal_button;
        add_action('ava_main_header', 'add_paypal_button_script');

    Add this to Quick CSS or custom.css:

    #header_main .paypal-donate-button{
      /*Add your button styles here*/
      float: right;
      margin-right: 100px;

    Tweek the style to place the paypal button in the right position.


    in reply to: Product Page #347607

    Hey Micheal0424!

    You can add the following code to Quick CSS to modify the color of the review section:

    #top div.product .woocommerce-tabs {
        background-color: #FFF;

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Hover Effect.. #347604

    Hi victor!

    Add this to Quick CSS or custom.css

    .avia_transform a:hover .image-overlay {
        opacity: 0.2 !important;

    Play with the opacity value (0 – 1) to obtain the desired level of opacity you want.


    in reply to: Categorize by month dont work #347596

    Hey Martin!

    Are you using an SEO plugin for your site? Please check whether this plugin is not stripping away the category tag from your URL.

    Alternatively please try,

    1. Disable all third-party plugins to see if the issue gets fixed. 90% of the time, issues are caused by conflicting code from third party plugins. Disabling these plugins one by one and checking if this helps sort the issue helps pin-point the exact source of the issue.

    2. Has this started occurring after a theme, plugin or wordpress update? Restoring a backup version of your site might help in such a case.

    3. Switch to the default wordpress theme to see if it works. Switch back to Enfold to see if it fixes the issue.

    If disabling any third party plugins does not help, please forward us administrative credentials to your site for us to have a closer look.

    Please check the “Set as private reply (Only you and moderators will see the content of this post)” option before posting any sensitive information.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Arvish.


    Add the following to Quick CSS or custom.css

    div#main {
        padding-top: 0px !important;


    in reply to: Masonry Gallery shrinking footer #347570


    I corrected the issue by adding the masonry and 1/1 layout inside a color section and
    adding this to Quick CSS

      border: none !important;


    Hi bdm55!

    I’ll have a better idea of the correction to advise if you forward me with a link to the page.


    Hi 666666!

    You can add content and media elements to grid layout element(1/1, 1/2, 1/4 etc) inside color section.

    1. Add color section.
    2. Add layout grid element.
    3. Add content or media element to layout grid element.



    in reply to: Custom Css Class #347541

    Hey Micheal!

    No need to add a custom class for caption to appear over image on hover.

    In the Image Settings Modal, go to Caption Appearance and select “Only display on hover”


    in reply to: Responsive menu broken after update #347539

    Hey aduchate!

    It would appear the minification plugin you are using is interfering with the mobile menu.

    I would suggest using selective minifaction rather than minifying all Javascript files.


    in reply to: Masonry Gallery shrinking footer #347537


    Please forward us a link to your page you need to customise along with your WordPress admin credentials for us to have a closer look to help devise a solution.

    Please check the “Set as private reply (Only you and moderators will see the content of this post)” option before posting any sensitive information.


    in reply to: portfolio grid title and caption box sizing #347532

    Hey GGLNetwork!

    Add the following to Quick CSS or custom.css:

    #america .grid-content{
    min-height: 167px;

    You can vary the height by increasing the min-height value.


    in reply to: 1 Text box vs multiple #347531

    Hi kjwaggz!

    Crawlers rips off container tags to extract meaningful content. Container tags (header, nav, footer, main, aside, section, article etc) are markers indicating the location of the content on the page.

    For example, in the crawlers “selective” functioning the relevant content it will be indexing is the special heading and the text content following it and the positioning of said content. The question “how many div tags” in such a context becomes irrelevant.


    in reply to: Unable to install latest update… 3.0.2 #347527

    Hi reclaimednj!

    Please try updating via FTP by following this video tutorial:


    in reply to: Buttons to share Woo Commerce products? #347012


    Could you forward us the link and credentials to your site so we can have a closer look.


    in reply to: Enfold Showcase #347009


    Kepp the websites coming folks! It’s so great to see the different ways in which Enfold is being used.


    Hey onegirlrtw!

    You can use a third-party plugin for that:

    Best regards,

    in reply to: disable preload #346455

    Hi luxubux!

    Try adding this code to Quick CSS or custom.css

    background: transparent;


    in reply to: Question on Forms #346449

    Hey Antonio!

    The template used to send the email has very few HTML tags in it let alone CSS.

    Could you please forward me one of those emails (Email address hidden if logged out)

    Additionally, please try the following to see if it helps.

    1. Disable all third-party plugins to see if the issue gets fixed. 90% of the time, issues are caused by conflicting code from third party plugins. Disabling these plugins one by one and checking if this helps sort the issue helps pin-point the exact source of the issue.

    2. Has this started occurring after a theme, plugin or wordpress update? Restoring a backup version of your site might help in such a case.

    3. Switch to the default wordpress theme to see if it works. Switch back to Enfold to see if it fixes the issue.

    If disabling any third party plugins does not help, please forward us administrative credentials to your site for us to have a closer look.

    Please check the “Set as private reply (Only you and moderators will see the content of this post)” option before posting any sensitive information.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Header Transparency Is All or Nothing #346443


    You can use a serivce like to upload your mockups and screenshots and forward us the link here.


    in reply to: Categories and possible background image behind the logo #346433

    Hey DionRaath!

    1. Add this to Quick CSS or custom.css:

    .html_header_top.html_bottom_nav_header #header_main {
       background: ur(URI TO IMAGE) no-repeat centre;

    2. To change the sort links to button, you can add this code to Quick CSS or custom.css:

    #av-masonry-1 .all_sort_button{
    /*Your button style goes here*/

    You can use a css button style generator to generate the styles for your button:

    3. To hide the seprator “/” you can use the following CSS:

    #av-masonry-1 .text-sep{display:none;}

    4. To change the color of the menu strip, add this to Quick CSS or custom.css:

    #av-masonry-1 .av-masonry-sort{

    You can change the CSS to your liking.


    in reply to: Codeblock Problem #346428

    Hi pegasso4444!

    Please try the following to see if it helps.

    1. Disable all third-party plugins to see if the issue gets fixed. 90% of the time, issues are caused by conflicting code from third party plugins. Disabling these plugins one by one and checking if this helps sort the issue helps pin-point the exact source of the issue.

    2. Has this started occurring after a theme, plugin or wordpress update? Restoring a backup version of your site might help in such a case.

    3. Switch to the default wordpress theme. Switch back to Enfold to see if it fixes the issue.

    If disabling any third party plugins does not help, please forward us administrative credentials to your site for us to have a closer look.

    Please check the “Set as private reply (Only you and moderators will see the content of this post)” option before posting any sensitive information.


    in reply to: Issues with using the colored section #346427

    Hi marieilene!

    Instead of adding everything to a color section, why not change the “Main Content Background Color” In Enfold Theme Options > General Styling > Main Content to your desired color:

    You can use colored sections to change colors in individual sections in pages.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: gallery shrinking? #346419

    Hi dewasurya!

    Please try the following to see if it helps.

    1. Disable all third-party plugins to see if the issue gets fixed. 90% of the time, issues are caused by conflicting code from third party plugins. Disabling these plugins one by one and checking if this helps sort the issue helps pin-point the exact source of the issue.

    2. Has this started occurring after a theme, plugin or wordpress update? Restoring a backup version of your site might help in such a case.

    3. Switch to the default wordpress theme and switch back to Enfold to see if it fixes the issue.

    If disabling any third party plugins does not help, please forward us WordPress and FTP administrative credentials to your site for us to have a closer look.

    Please check the “Set as private reply (Only you and moderators will see the content of this post)” option before posting any sensitive information.


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