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  • in reply to: Accordion/Toggle Element Styling/Text-Centering Issues #736827

    Okay, thanks Basilis! I appreciate your efforts.

    in reply to: Accordion/Toggle Element Styling/Text-Centering Issues #736787

    I found this code, and it seems to have worked. (Strong elements seemed to have worked if you write the html within the title with proper close tags).

    .main_color .toggler {
    align: centered;
    color: #af2323;
    font-size: 15px;
    background-color: #f2f2f2!important;

    Do you have any Quick CSS that could also center the “+” icon?

    in reply to: Accordion/Toggle Element Styling/Text-Centering Issues #736058

    Hi Rikard, no problem. It is on the ‘How do you control’ page, as it is the only page that is developed at this time.

    in reply to: Fullwidth Button Height Adjustment #729924

    Hi, thanks for everyone’s response, I’m very appreciative.

    Yigit, that did not work. I did try refreshing, and refreshing my cache. What is strange is that my macbook at home, using chrome, was showing an adjustment I tried that made the circle padding closer to the actual symbol within my icon element. Now, when I’m here at work, that edit is no longer showing up. Both browsers were using chrome I believe. Here is my icon quick css code, it would be great to be able to change the text color to be mobile responsive as well, as I am often losing readability based on my original color choice.

    a.av-icon-char:hover span {
    color: #ac97c1;

    .av_font_icon.av-icon-style-border .av-icon-char { padding: 5px; }
    #top .avia-icon-tooltip { font-size: 10px!important; }

    .iconbox .iconbox_content .iconbox_content_title {
    font-size: 10px;

    in reply to: Fullwidth Button Height Adjustment #729904

    Hello, I got this to work last night somehow before you got back to me. I’ll keep your post in mind if I have any further issues.

    One last question, do you know how to adjust the icon title text sizing?

    in reply to: Fullwidth Button Height Adjustment #729464

    I don’t really think you need to log-in, I just need some feedback on adjusting the height to the buttons really.

    in reply to: Booking plugin on Enfold #665345

    No problem Vinay, thank you for the prompt reply. For future readers or Enfold Users, the fix is this for Bookly:

    After initially setting up your Bookly settings or adjusting your appearances- you must have a staff member selected in order for any of your updates to show up on the front-end.

    in reply to: Booking plugin on Enfold #664857

    Hi, I had this same issue. I actually used the shortcode [bookly-form], which seemed to place it okay if I used a code-block within a color section. The only issue now is that the form isn’t updating at all. I tried activating/deactivating plugins, cache-clearing, but no success.

    Could there be something within the Enfold theme that is blocking the form from actually populating the custom categories/services within my bookly form? Honestly, all the actually fields are blank (but are filled out fine in the backend of the bookly plugin). I’ve reached out to them as well but thought you guys might also have some suggestions. Thank you.

    in reply to: How to Start a responsive full width Instagram section #663054

    *Quick update on my 2nd question, – it looks like it did work for that section. There is just a medium padding that is put in between when the 2 image sections with captions stack into single column for mobile. Along with my question above, is this padding normal for when a row stacks sections into a single column? Thanks again.

    in reply to: How to Start a responsive full width Instagram section #663049

    Thanks Ismael, hmm, the -1px padding you recommended is working a lot more, but not 100% of the time. Should I try a -2px maybe to see if I can get that extra sliver out perhaps..?

    Lastly, I had also mentioned that I as having a width adjustment happening in another section. Could I use the above code for making my mobile section more responsive but replace #instagram with #split (the name of my current container section I’m having issues with)?

    Thanks so much, you are such a huge help as this business will be opening within the next weeks..

    in reply to: How to Start a responsive full width Instagram section #661528

    Large still has the same results, small actually sort of breaks it. Any other suggestions? The full-width is also breaking when it goes to tablet and mobile view. It starts to add padding which makes the images really small. Any suggestions on this as well pretty please?

    *I’m also getting the same padding in another section when going to tablet and mobile. It’s my *food and drink* section.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by artisforever.
    in reply to: Mobile responsive columns don't stack on part of page. #660070

    Update** I got the columns to start stacking and becoming more responsive. I just can’t get them to go full width now or not have paddings/margins around the sides. I’m super close, just need help with this last part. Not sure what is hindering the full-width to work at this time.. Thanks again.

    in reply to: Mobile responsive columns don't stack on part of page. #660037

    Hello Vinay, I’m having the same issue!

    It’s happening in my food and drink columns, I got the captions to be responsive, not the image themselves, they are not stacking when going to tablet or mobile.

    Image dimensions are 623 x 261px

    Site in Private Content below:

    in reply to: How to Start a responsive full width Instagram section #659976

    Whilst editing further, it looks like there is also a medium sized bottom padding that is coming as well. I’ve taken off all padding on this section but it remains, I used chrome inspector to check and it was part of the instagram div, any solutions to eliminate this as well? Thank you very much.

    in reply to: How to Start a responsive full width Instagram section #659966

    Oh strange, I had thought I did that step already. It looks like this worked for the desktop view, but I’m getting a large padding for tablet and mobile when resizing, any suggestions here? **Lastly, I keep asking, but there is still small white spaces that are showing randomly on some of the tops or bottoms of the photos. Instagram publishes at the same size so for some reason there is like a sliver of 1-2 pixels of white, I think this is something on the back-end, please help with this as well, I’m very stumped here. Thanks again.

    in reply to: How to Start a responsive full width Instagram section #659354

    Hello, it looks like the display name was easily removed with that short code, thank you.

    I just have 2 other questions that were unanswered from above please: it looks like full-width is not working correctly, and I’m still having small uneven padding showing up, here is the three pieces of code I’m using, please help with these last 2 issues!

    #avia-instagram-feed-2 .widgettitle {
    display: none;

    .av-instagram-item {
    padding: 0px !important;

    #instagram .container { width: 100% !important; max-width: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; }

    in reply to: How to Start a responsive full width Instagram section #655313

    Of course, added in the privacy content below.

    in reply to: How to Start a responsive full width Instagram section #654904


    I’ve found both the widget and how to insert a widget piece into a color section (it was hiding from me before). I’ve attempted to add in the quick css code as recommended here: and I got it to go full-width

    However, it looks like the section name is showing up above the section now, is there a way to hide or remove this? Not sure if “Instagram” is there by default because it is the widget name.

    Also, it looks like a some of my posts have different heights by maybe 5px or so, shouldn’t they all be the same height? I haven’t been able to fix this yet.

    in reply to: How to Start a responsive full width Instagram section #654899

    BTW, my last post asks for the location of the instagram gallery widget, but the post underneath also discusses adding the widget to a color section. I’m not positive about how to do that as well since I seem to only be able to access the widgets just from the widgets menu.. may need help here as well, thanks so much.

    in reply to: How to Start a responsive full width Instagram section #654895

    I found out what I was looking for, it’s called the “enfold instagram gallery widget”, where is this located?

    I found information in this post as to what I was looking for…

    Thanks for any assistance.

    in reply to: How to Start a responsive full width Instagram section #653921

    Hello, it looks like you gave this other poster on this thread plenty of assistance. Again, I was initially asking how to begin the full-width instagram section.

    Here is the post which received tons of support before:

    in reply to: How to Start a responsive full width Instagram section #653905

    Here is a link which was referred to in a different post looking for the same effect-

    Our goal would be being able to do 4 posts across and then have 2 rows total. These would be the most recent posts from their Instagram account. This would need to be responsive, and possibly go down to fewer and fewer posts from tablet to mobile, ending with just showing a single post, that would still maintain a full-width responsiveness..

    Thanks so much for the assistance!

    in reply to: Instagram Widget No Space on sides #649342

    Below is a response you guys gave at the top of this discussion, I can’t begin to build this as I don’t know where the insta widget is located. Please advise, I’m trying to build this same type of full-width instagram section and don’t know where to start, even after reading through these answers, thank you.

    “The current structure will not allow you to do it easily… Please use a color section and insert the insta widget inside it then we can provide you custom css to make it full width.

    in reply to: WordPress 4.5 Update Issues #633316

    Hi there,

    We just got off the phone with our host, and still no luck. They suggested, if possible, that you get us a clean file of the updated theme, and then we can go into our cPanel and change/upload this ourselves.

    Unless one of your moderators can log-in and check some things. We’re sort of running out of options now.

    in reply to: WordPress 4.5 Update Issues #633243

    Hello again,

    I have done everything suggested and still no luck on getting my. We even re-installed the theme and still nothing. Not sure what is going on. Still having issues with Please see recent posts above for tasks that were attempted. I also providing my log-in info in the first post if that will help you dig in more.

    Thank you for your time in advance.


    in reply to: WordPress 4.5 Update Issues #632241


    Thanks for your prompt response! We have it set on auto updating and it won’t update. Sorry, I forgot to include that in my response. It says, “No Updates available. You are running the latest version! (3.1.5).” Which is very strange. Can you look into this for me as well? I’m stumped.

    Thank you!

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