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  • in reply to: Lightbox Image Sizing #1056803
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Lightbox Image Sizing #1055694

    Hi Mike,

    So, I wanted to get you an updated sign-in with before I try this (Below in private content). Any functions.php edits I have done have always crashed my website, haha, I’m not positive what I do wrong usually…but I usually have to have my host restore it… so I am a little weary of your recommendations before you have access.

    The goal would be to open an single image via lightbox upon click, at the actual size I uploaded it at, even if clicked upon via the main menu nav.

    One issue I’m running into, is that I can only add the wp/upload… url to have my nav open up the image vs. just having the regular image open up in lightbox. I did try to download a new lightbox plugin after disabled the default lightbox (via enfold options), but I could not even get any of the new plugins to work or show up on my images.

    Thanks again for any help, really trying to get this right for my family’s business.

    in reply to: Lightbox Image Sizing #1019096

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for getting back to me. I haven’ tried this yet as I’m not positive how to add an ID to that media element? My top menu navigation also utilizes the dinner menu. Each just opens the dinner menu by pulling the images URL location.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Can't update Enfold theme to 4.1 #861097

    I’m having this same issue. Most other sites I use on the same host auto-update automatically, except this ONE website. I’m trying to figure it out with the host right now. Likewise, I’d rather not do it via FTP, should be a pretty simple function of this theme.

    in reply to: Search Results Page & Breadcrumb Default Text #805111

    Good Morning,

    No I don’t, I had to restore the website and start over. I just changed the default text in the php file and it crashed, so not sure what I did wrong.

    So again, just would like to know how to change the default text correct in the 2 questions I asked from above.

    Thanks again Victoria!

    in reply to: Category Pages/Page ID H1-H2 Font Color Changes #792356


    This worked perfect. Is their additional changes I could also use with this CSS?

    For instance, on that same page, can I remove the “by” portion of text. We didn’t want the author/published by portion to show up. I think I used a plugin to get rid of the author name, but that portion of text is still bothering me!

    Lastly, can I decrease the margins in between posts, the gap is pretty large right now.

    Thanks again for all your support.

    in reply to: Category Pages/Page ID H1-H2 Font Color Changes #791950

    Hey Jordan, posted in private content below, thanks.

    Hah, no problem. Let me know if you have any luck, as of right now, there is a conflict with the h2’s on my category archive page and some other pages, so I’d rather specify changing that using the page ID or an overall category page switch. Let me know if anything works out for you. I tried a bunch of variations going back and forth in my google inspector and my quick css but couldn’t get anything to change.

    Good luck!


    I’m attempting this same thing, but I’ve had no luck. I tried using multiple variations with the page ID to change the color of my H2 in my category pages, but I can’t get it to work. It is currently white, which I just need to change the H2 color on that page. If possible I’d like to change the H2 to a different color on all category pages. My CSS is below (I also uploaded a screenshot to see my chrome inspector elements, etc.)

    .page-id-441 {
    color: #5c5c5c;

    in reply to: Full-Width Buttons Breaking! #787274

    Hi Victoria,

    Everything is working so far!

    Could you explain each of the elements here please? I didn’t necessarily want to get rid of the spacers in between. I did edit the margin height to 45px instead of 50px. But just wondering how the other elements work that you’ve had me change on their CSS in case I want to edit those as well.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Full-Width Buttons Breaking! #784124

    Hi Victoria,

    In my last comment, I had 2 issues. The 2nd issue is about the padding or margins not working on my full-width buttons on my homepage on the leftside column. It looks like chrome is saying there is a syntax error, and when checking, it isn’t putting in “px” after the margins. Once I input this into the inspector, it works on the frontend. However it looks like your theme isn’t working properly in this area and I don’t know how to go about fixing it.

    in reply to: Full-Width Buttons Breaking! #783579

    Hi Victoria, thank you so much for the reply.

    I’m actually not having any color issues, just the spacing issue between my title and slider at this point. If I remove the elements/spacer in between the title and slider, it breaks my slider. The problem is that I can’t reduce the spacing in between the title/slider because of that.

    **In addition, I can’t seem to increase the padding on the left column buttons anymore either, even though I’ve increased the top/bottom padding in the spacer elements that I have between all the buttons. I think something is not allowing this to happen, perhaps it has to do with the slider issue? (I have had the left column buttons act strangely before when working with the title / spacing elements above the slider).

    Thanks again for any advice!

    in reply to: Full-Width Buttons Breaking! #782955

    Hi Victoria, yes please, I didn’t get any response to my last comment.

    I’d still like to minimize the space between the title and the slider. The main problem is that the 1/1 and spacer I have is allowing me to keep the title in the 3/5th’s element. If I remove the spacer or 1/1 element below that, it breaks my other elements/slider below.

    Any suggestions? The slider acts really strange and changes based on other elements that I put above it, I don’t really understand it.

    in reply to: Full-Width Buttons Breaking! #780652

    Hi Rikard,

    That does work to take out the space between the title and that column, and it looks good, except it creates a space between the top of the slider’s content and the border of that column. I’ve tried as many variations as possible but either come up with some padding above the slider or I break the slider. I’ve reverted back to the way I had it before, in case you’d like to log-in and try a few things of your own.

    Thanks so much for the support on this, hopefully we can figure out a solution.

    in reply to: Full-Width Buttons Breaking! #780135

    Hi Mike,

    Huge thanks for getting back to me on this. It looks like that fixed it. That code was to fix another issue provided by another one of your admins, but it is no longer necessary I believe since then.

    Yes, I don’t know how many quick CSS got back in there as I was going to try using the CSS plugin for easier editing in another browser window :) I’ll go a head and delete the quick css out and will keep the css that I’m utilizing in my plugin instead.

    One more question if possible, I can’t seem to reduce the padding above the slider and the above elements. Could you provide a solution for this? The reason I have the elements above that is because it is the only way I could get the header title “CLINICAL & RESEARCH INFORMATION FOR THE EYECARE PROFESSIONAL” to fit into a 3/5th’s element without breaking the slider below. I’ve failed in every other attempt to keep the current look, but with a smaller space in between the title and slider. Any suggestions here?

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: Mobile Content Hierarchy Change #771311

    *I updated my theme, added the PHP code, it did not crash my site this time, however the custom css field is still now showing up on any elements. Again, log-in data is above, my homepage is “how do you control myopia?”

    Not sure what else to do.

    in reply to: Mobile Content Hierarchy Change #770632

    I need help on this still please.

    in reply to: Mobile Content Hierarchy Change #770094

    I have an idea of how the client wants it. I just need to be able to use custom CSS for my ALB elements. I’ll test the hierarchy after I can get the mobile/desktop hide views to work. Please help me with the PHP error, it keeps crashing my website when I get it wrong and I have to back it up via bluehost. Your guide is too minimal.

    in reply to: Mobile Content Hierarchy Change #769530

    Could I have an update on this please, client is trying to launch next week and I’ve asked for support about this since Monday. Thank you.

    in reply to: one-fifth column width help #768940

    That is where I am putting it.

    I asked that because it is not working via mobile, and if we should utilize the custom-css-fields to create a desktop/mobile version of this. It looks like Yigit provided the solution above. BUT I still can’t activate the custom-css fields at all, it isn’t working in my PHP file. The guide provided does not work for me.

    in reply to: one-fifth column width help #768524

    HI Yigit,

    Your team is currently troubleshooting why turning on the custom css fields for elements isn’t working. I followed your guide and entered in your code into my functions.php file, updated, and found no change to any elements. I tried safari/chrome with cache clears. I believe I’ve used it in another website before using Enfold theme, not sure why it isn’t working now. I am using a child theme fyi.

    in reply to: Mobile Content Hierarchy Change #767802


    Another quick update, I’m using a child theme, and have been updating that functions.php file , not the original enfold functions.php file.

    Thought this might change things for providing me with support on this topic, thanks again.

    in reply to: one-fifth column width help #767797

    Hi John,

    Just another quick note. It looks like this really throws things off via mobile too. Any work arounds for this? I believe you’re also helping me with getting the ALB elements to actually work in another thread. Should there be a desktop/mobile view for this?

    in reply to: one-fifth column width help #767735

    Hi John,

    I got this to work finally with that addition.

    Sorry I wasn’t more specific too, is it possible thought to keep the elements above (so the icons w/ titles) where they originally were, and with the same width? I really liked the alignment before, but just the whole column couldn’t really fit that survey too much, so now we’ve solved that, but it is pushing the other content too close to the center image slider.

    Thanks for any advice here..

    in reply to: Mobile Content Hierarchy Change #767734

    I said above that I tried activating it via the PHP file. It is just adding one line, so seems pretty simple unless your guide needs to be updated.
    I noticed that a lot of your other issues on this was solved by removing some // lines because it was “commented out.” Well mine is pretty much blank besides the line that your guide says to add.

    I also added my log-in details above that will let you check.


    in reply to: Mobile Content Hierarchy Change #767126

    I tried to get my ALB elements to work, and the options to appear on the builder end, but I could not get it to work!

    I worked through 3-4 of your other support topics on activating it via the PHP file with no results. I’m not sure what I’m doing incorrectly :(

    in reply to: one-fifth column width help #767124

    It looks great on your screenshot, and I actually think that width could work to compensate the space for the needed survey width.

    I can’t get anything to work on the front-end after trying that Quick CSS though! Tried Safari/chrome with refreshes as well!

    Thanks so much for your help.

    in reply to: Full width easy slider constant height Issue #738655


    .avia-slideshow ul.avia-slideshow-inner {
    height: 300px !important;
    overflow: hidden;

    .avia-slideshow li img { padding: 0; }

    The following css height adjustment is only working with my firefox browser, and I still have a large padding showing up. Perhaps it is rather the top-padding above my accordion section?

    in reply to: Full width easy slider constant height Issue #738493

    Hello support team, I know you are busy, just reaching out for this issue again, I have a soft-launch in a couple of days! Thanks.

    in reply to: Mobile Content Hierarchy Change #737380

    Vinay! This is a really great way of approaching it, I will test this out and let you know if I run into any issues! Thank you SO much :) You’re the man!

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