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  • in reply to: Seperate accordion to every product #1308715

    You can close it :)

    Thank you,

    in reply to: Show boxed layout only on single product pages #1308714

    Hi! Thanks for you help!
    Unfortunately it doesn’t work.. Shows double pictures instead. Tried this code:

    #top .single-product-main-image {
    margin-left: 10%;

    #top .single-product-summary {
    width: 48%;

    Which kinda was what I was looking for the magnifier on the picture won’t move. And, this is just the gallery and text that moves, not the “You might also like..” underneath it. And I don’t it to have white space on the sides in mobile view.

    Is there not a way to just add some padding to the sides on the WHOLE page, not just specifik columns?

    Thanks again for helping me!

    in reply to: Show boxed layout only on single product pages #1308479

    Hi Nikko! Thanks for your respond!
    Unfortunately it’s in maintenance mode. But it would be great if you had a code that made every one of my single product page to a boxed layout or at least gave the pages some more white space on the sides (except on mobile view- I like how it looks in mobile view right now).

    I’m using Woocommerce.

    in reply to: Hide product meta on single product page #1308478

    Hi Nikko!
    It’s not a specific page on my site, it’s every single product page I want to remove the tags from.

    in reply to: Use product category or single pages in menu #1308323

    …And if others is having the same problem I downloaded the plugin Rank Math where I easily could redirected the links.

    in reply to: Seperate accordion to every product #1308321

    Okay thanks for the help! I solved it by choosing “simple product” to every product. And then linked the colors together by downloading the plugin WPC Linked Variation for WooCommerce. So now I can link together the products by attributes and at the same time have different pages for each product.

    Best regards

    in reply to: Change product view but save the picture view #1308320

    Okay great, thank you! I’ve almost managed to get this right but have a few more questions.
    1. I want to move the meta info so it’s above the short description text but when I’m doing this is still shows where it were placed in the beginning (so it’s shown twice). Do you know why and how I can change it?

    2. …And regarding the accordion. I’ve now placed one in the “short description” so will have to add one to every product I have. Is this the best way to do it?

    3. When I’m searching for the product I’ve posted with an accordion the code of the accordion is shown:

    [av_toggle title='Frågor & svar' tags='' custom_id='' av_uid='av-kqjadkso' sc_version='1.0']

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?
    Consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
    Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in?
    Voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

    Do you know why and how I can make sure this isn’t showing up in the search result?
    Best regards

    in reply to: Use product category or single pages in menu #1308319

    Hi! Okay thank you Ismael for the info.
    I think I found a way around it. Redirected the category links to specific pages instead (where I use product grid).

    Have a good one!

    in reply to: Hide product meta on single product page #1308318

    Hi! Similar question as Glenn but I only want to hide the tags. Which code should I use?

    in reply to: Use product category or single pages in menu #1307762

    Hi! Thanks for your respond. How do I change the layout of the product category pages that are generated automatically? Is there anyway I can change them like I change pages (in avia)?

    Thanks again Rikard!

    in reply to: Seperate accordion to every product #1307760

    Okay, thank you! So if I want to have seperate accordion I can’t choose “variable products” as product type, instead I have to choose “simple product” and make one page for each product?
    In that case, is there any way for me to link the products together? I’m using “Variation Swatches for WooCommerce” as a plugin so I want the color choices to show on every product page. Do I have to put a link on the color choice that goes to a seperate page then?

    in reply to: Change product view but save the picture view #1307758

    Unfortunately it’s in maintance mode and I haven’t posted any products yet so I can’t provide you with a link. But I’ll do my best to explain it!
    I want the single product view to have the info to the right as followed:
    1. Titel of product
    2. Colors (circles with the colors)
    3. Price
    4. Meta info
    5. Text description
    6. An accordination
    .. Similar to this:

    And to the left I want to keep the image gallery style that’s already set as default gallery when I’m adding products.

    How can I change the text settings to the right, but keep the gallery without doing any changes there?

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