Forum Replies Created
Could you fix it?
When I click on one of your products, for example on this one:, than I have the option to click on the category “Abstracts on paper” and furthermore to click on tags like ” 8×11, abstract, baby pink, blue”.
So for me it seems that the sorting options you were searching for are already working.Please let us know if you have others/more questions. If the problem is still there and I did not understand you properly, than please provide us admin access and post it here as a private reply (add please try to explain it with examples of your specific products).
Best regards,
you can try to add this to Quick CSS:
div .av_one_fourth { margin-left: 5%; }
Just adjust “5%” to any number you want.
Could you please provide us admin access? post it here as a private reply
Best regards,
Your headings seem to work fine now :). If you have any other question we are happy to assist you.
You can try to set read/write/execute permissions to the plugin’s folder and if it does not work properly you may ask the plugin’s support.
AndyHey MeisDesign!
ich habe es getestet und bei mir scheint es zu funktionieren. Bitte aktualisiere Enfold und WordPress, falls du das noch nicht getan hast.
Ansonsten welche Browserversion verwendest du? Bitte leere deinen Browser Cache und versuche es anschließend erneut.Gruß,
super! falls du noch eine Frage hast, sind wir gerne für dich da.
Liebe Grüße,
Bitte versuche folgende Datei auf deinem Server mit chmod 777 beschreibbar zu machen:
I found the contact form by myself and it works for me in firefox. Could you fix it?
AndyHi monjacq01!
Your Link does not show any contact form. It says “Page not found/Nothing found”. Please provide us the correct link to have a look at the issue.
Best regards,
AndyHi zeawasvlbg!
Ich habe mich als Admin bei dir eingeloggt und versucht unter General Layout Änderungen vorzunehmen und es funktionierte. Habe Testweise unter “Logo and Main Menu” Left Sidebar eingestellt. Ging alles.
Bitte lösche deinen Browser Cache und versuche es auch an einem anderen Rechner, falls das Problem weiterhin besteht.
This is really a problem between Safari and Youtube. Please try to switch OFF the point in Safari Preferencess > Advanced > Stop plug-ins to save power
Lets see if that helps for you.Cheers!
your calender and breadcrumbs work fine for me. Could you fix it?
I don’t think it’s because of Safari 7.1. Try to clear browser cache. Did you do a restart after updating OS X and Safari?
What about another Mac? maybe one a friend’s computer?Regards,
AndyHi felixstrasser!
außer den circle-timer rechts oben kann ich keinen preload-kreis in der Mitte des Sliders sehen. Hast du dich entschieden ihn ganz zu entfernen?
I am using Mac OS X 10.9 and Safari 7 and after installing the update of Adobe Flash Player your background video works perfect (before the update it did not!). See screenshot:
Best regards,
Ja genau, die functions.php meinte ich :)
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by
you already set BerninaSans-NorrowLight as standard font in the CSS, but it is neither a theme font nor a google font. So only the one who has this font installed on his computer will be able to see it. Which does not make sense for websites, does it?
dass die auto suggestion auf deiner website nicht funktioniert ist wirklich komisch. Sieht aus, als gäbe es da ein (Einstellungs-) Problem beim Webserver.
Du kannst dieses Plugin installieren:
und anschließend folgendes in deine function.php hinzufügen:add_filter('avf_ajax_search_function', 'avia_init_relevanssi', 10, 4); function avia_init_relevanssi($function_name, $search_query, $search_parameters, $defaults) { $function_name = 'avia_relevanssi_search'; return $function_name; } function avia_relevanssi_search($search_query, $search_parameters, $defaults) { global $query; $tempquery = $query; if(empty($tempquery)) $tempquery = new WP_Query(); $tempquery->query_vars = $search_parameters; relevanssi_do_query($tempquery); $posts = $tempquery->posts; return $posts; }
Das dürfte helfen.
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by
add this to the Quick CSS:
.footer_color a, .footer_color .widget_first, .footer_color strong, .footer_color b, .footer_color b a, .footer_color strong a, .footer_color #js_sort_items a:hover, .footer_color #js_sort_items a.active_sort, .footer_color .av-sort-by-term a.active_sort, .footer_color .special_amp, .footer_color .taglist a.activeFilter, .footer_color #commentform .required, #top .footer_color .av-no-color.av-icon-style-border a.av-icon-char {
color: #000;
}.footer_color, .footer_color div, .footer_color header, .footer_color main, .footer_color aside, .footer_color footer, .footer_color article, .footer_color nav, .footer_color section, .footer_color span, .footer_color applet, .footer_color object, .footer_color iframe, .footer_color h1, .footer_color h2, .footer_color h3, .footer_color h4, .footer_color h5, .footer_color h6, .footer_color p, .footer_color blockquote, .footer_color pre, .footer_color a, .footer_color abbr, .footer_color acronym, .footer_color address, .footer_color big, .footer_color cite, .footer_color code, .footer_color del, .footer_color dfn, .footer_color em, .footer_color img, .footer_color ins, .footer_color kbd, .footer_color q, .footer_color s, .footer_color samp, .footer_color small, .footer_color strike, .footer_color strong, .footer_color sub, .footer_color sup, .footer_color tt, .footer_color var, .footer_color b, .footer_color u, .footer_color i, .footer_color center, .footer_color dl, .footer_color dt, .footer_color dd, .footer_color ol, .footer_color ul, .footer_color li, .footer_color fieldset, .footer_color form, .footer_color label, .footer_color legend, .footer_color table, .footer_color caption, .footer_color tbody, .footer_color tfoot, .footer_color thead, .footer_color tr, .footer_color th, .footer_color td, .footer_color article, .footer_color aside, .footer_color canvas, .footer_color details, .footer_color embed, .footer_color figure, .footer_color fieldset, .footer_color figcaption, .footer_color footer, .footer_color header, .footer_color hgroup, .footer_color menu, .footer_color nav, .footer_color output, .footer_color ruby, .footer_color section, .footer_color summary, .footer_color time, .footer_color mark, .footer_color audio, .footer_color video, #top .footer_color .pullquote_boxed, .responsive #top .footer_color .avia-testimonial, .responsive #top.avia-blank #main .footer_color.container_wrap:first-child, #top .footer_color.fullsize .template-blog .post_delimiter, .footer_color .related_posts.av-related-style-full a {
color: #000;
}a:hover, a:focus, a:visited {
text-decoration: none;
The link does not work, but I looked through your website and the translations seem to work fine now. Could you fix it?
use this as your widget code:
<div class="footer"> Martin Klapheck | Auf der Helte 5a | Telefon: +49 (0) 22 24. 94 16 20 | E-Mail:<a href="mailto: (Email address hidden if logged out) "> (Email address hidden if logged out) </a> <a href=""><span class="impressum_alignright">Impressum</span></a></div>
And add this to Quick CSS:
.footer .impressum_alignright { float:right }
please install the newest version of Adobe Flash Player. After this your background video will work for Safari on Mac.
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by
Hey David!
try to add “display: block”:
<a href=""><span style="color: black; text-align: right; display: block;"> Impressum</span></a>
I am using OS X 10.9 and everything looks fine as you can see in my screenshot:
Could you fix it?
AndyOctober 20, 2014 at 11:53 pm in reply to: Little bug Easy slider on Safari / Impact on font weight #338758Hi!
post the admin access here as a private reply. Only the support team will be able to see it.
AndyOctober 20, 2014 at 5:32 pm in reply to: Little bug Easy slider on Safari / Impact on font weight #338489Hi!
Do you mind giving us temporarily admin access? maybe it helps if we have a look at the items in your slider
Can you please create us a WordPress administrator account? post it here as a private reply.
AndyHey thtrprof!
To check your issue, of course we would need admin access :). Could you please create an account for your website? post it here as a private reply
AndyHi mirokato!
Wenn man das Browser-Fenster verkleinert, passt sich auch die Größe der Bilder an. Genau wie auf dem Smartphone. Die Größe kann jedoch nicht immer 1:1 übernommen werden, weil sonst an den Rändern weißer Leerraum entstehen würde. Das was du also auf deinem Windows Phone siehst, ist das gewöhnliche Responsive Layout.
Lieben Gruß,
Andy -
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by