Forum Replies Created
Hi TheElear!
To quote my mate Dude from
“You can translate all static text strings with Codestyling. Download and install the plugin ( ), go to Tools > Localization and select “Themes”. Then search for “Enfold” in the list and select your language and click on “Rescan” to search for all text strings. Afterwards click on “Edit” and translate the required strings from the “avia_framework” textdomain. At least click the “create mo file” button next to the “Textdomain” selection dropdown (top left corner).”
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
I am sorry, but I don’t understand. Quizas seria mejor si hablamos en espanol? Porfavor explicame exacto lo que queres hacer.
AndyHi Seelengaertner!
did you install WordPress in german? if yes have a look at this post:
AndyHi Yory!
Sure. In Avia Layout Builder you can choose to use e.g. Portfolio Masonry. In the settings of it you’ll find the option “link handling”, where you have the option to open the thumb in a new page.
thank you for taking the time to post a feature request. Let us know if we can assist you with another issue.
Best regards,
AndyNovember 22, 2014 at 3:18 am in reply to: Anchor links don't work in mobile menu (iOS) and Safari #355756Hi!
I don’t use iPhone but xCode which is an iOS simulator. Your anchor links work fine thee for me.
Please deactivate all plugins to check if the issue goes away.Cheers!
please deactivate all plugins and check if the issue goes away.
Best regards,
AndyNovember 21, 2014 at 8:37 pm in reply to: How to change the max width of the single-post page? #355535Hi marcelmontel!
Change this Code:
@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) { .post { 550px !important; }}
to this one:
@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) { .post { 150px !important; }}
And you should make the font size of titles smaller:
@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) { #top .fullsize .template-blog .post-title { font-size: 13px; }}
it seems fine for me as well on Mac OSX 10.9.5 and Chrome.
As Yigit said, please provide us a screenshot of the issue.Best regards,
same for me:
Erro 403
Acesso negado
AndyNovember 21, 2014 at 7:37 pm in reply to: Page with color section breaks codes on search page when click on tag #355471Hey!
glad it worked for you! Let us know if we can help you with any other issue.
Best regards,
du hast recht. Das ist wirklich komisch. Es funktioniert aber, wenn du die Seite veröffentlichst.
Falls es dir so wichtig ist, dass es auch im Entwurfs-Modus funktioniert, dann kann ich dir nur raten, eine frische Kopie von themeforest via FTP in dein WordPress Ordner zu laden. Eventuell sind einige Dateien korrupt oder fehlen.Du könntest aber auch erst veröffentlichen und dann wieder auf Entwurfs-Modus zurück stellen, wenn es dir so wichtig ist, dass es sonst niemand sehen kann.
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
November 21, 2014 at 6:55 am in reply to: Add extra image to single product page between header and product image #354913Hi!
Right now I can’t see any image between header and H1/product image. Please add it so we can provide you with some CSS code.
AndyNovember 21, 2014 at 6:45 am in reply to: Mobile responsive Logo area does not match the below scrolling sections #354911Hi!
I think this thread is about the same topic as here:
right? So please follow my instructions there.Cheers!
alright, so what about this:
.main_menu { margin-right: -15px; }
Hope that helps.
try using this code:
.html_header_top.html_bottom_nav_header .main_menu { width: 106%; left: -30px; }
a mockup/screenshot showing what you want to achieve would be good to help you. To reduce space between logo and menu:
.html_header_top.html_logo_center .logo { margin-top: 15px; }
Try to play around with that number to find what fits to you. It should work fine with the alignment of the anchor link.
a good size might be large (1030×1030) and extra large (1500×1500) as you can choose in the slideshow settings.
Best regards,
AndyNovember 21, 2014 at 5:08 am in reply to: Versandkostenhinweis in Produktübersicht wird nicht angezeigt #354879Hi!
bitte folge den Anweisungen auf dieser Seite: Gruß,
to make sure it is a theme related issue, please answer the question of Jossue: Can you check if these console messages persist with the default WordPress theme activated?
Best regards,
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
November 21, 2014 at 4:21 am in reply to: When scaling down the browser there is no scroll bar to view the whole site #354868Hi!
For me the bottom scroll bar is working.
Please try this in your Quick CSS:
.avia-button-right { margin: 50px; }
AndyHey Finkemeier!
kannst du uns bitte den Link zu deiner Website posten? Admin Login wäre auch super, um das Problem nachzuvollziehen.
Would be easier, if we have a link to your website. Try this:
.container .av-content-full.units { left: 200px; }
Play around and try a different number than 200px, so that it fits your needs.
Best regards,
I am not sure if I can understand what you mean. Do you want to show your latest blog posts? If yes, you can do so in Avia Layout Builder->Content Elemtents->Post Slider
while editing your page, on the right side you can set your header to transparent. For more information:, the blur effect is caused by a linked image. Just remove the link.
Yes, you are right, Layer slider ist made for those popping effects.Cheers!
AndyNovember 20, 2014 at 3:44 am in reply to: Mobile responsive Logo area does not match the below scrolling sections #354109Hey consult!
your website on mobile looks fine for me. Logo looks nice, as well as “Learn more” button. Where is the problem?
please refer to this link for flushing permalinks:
Please try the php version.Cheers!
glad you fixed it! Let us know if you have any other issues.
Best regards,
AndyNovember 20, 2014 at 2:40 am in reply to: Image in caption over slider is enormous on mobile #354097Hi!
Yigit’s code should work. Please clear browser cache and than reload your page again.
Andy -
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by