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  • in reply to: Styling Contact Form 7 as Enfold contact form #399981

    Hi mmagnani!

    seems like your code is working very well! Thanks a lot for sharing.

    Best regards,


    I can’t see any grey or white background neither on my phone. Your website looks good to me on mobile. Please also try on other mobile devices. However site is loading a bit slowly for me. Try to switch off all plugins, to make sure none is causing any issues.
    Also we strongly recommend to use a child theme for any customization on functions.php, so your changes (e.g. your mobile menu) will be safe on every update.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Pagination Color Styling #399976

    Hi djshortkut!

    use this for current border outline:

    span.current {
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px 0px rgba(44, 91, 156, 0.2);

    The opacity is set to “0.2”, you can set it to “1”, so the color will come through much stronger.

    Use this for hover color:

    .pagination .inactive:hover {
    background: #2c5b9c !important;


    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Andy.
    in reply to: delivery address field breaks during the checkout process.. #399950

    Hey aovivo!

    1) I can see what you mean. Really strange. CSS code to hide one item won’t work, because both items are the same, so both would disappear.
    Please try to deactivate all plugins to see if one is causing this issue. After it activate them all again one by one, to see which one is causing this issue.

    2) I can’t see what you are showing in you screenshot. It looks good for me:

    3) Same here:

    If you still experience this problem go ahead and send us admin access, so we can take a deeper look into it.


    in reply to: Demoinhalt lässt sich nicht installieren #399936

    Hey cloudsearcher!

    kannst du uns bitte einen Link samt Admin Zugang zukommen lassen? Login Daten kannst du hier als private Nachricht posten. Wir müssten uns das mal genauer anschauen.
    Versuche in der Zwischenzeit bitte alle Plugins zu deaktivieren, um auszuschließen, dass eins einen Konflikt auslöst.
    Eventuell hast du auch ein zu geringen php memory limit und müsstest den erhöhen. Falls du nicht weißt wie das geht, könnte dein Host das eventuell für deine Seite machen.

    Liebe Grüße,

    in reply to: Site Done But Load Speed Is Too Long. Any Help? #399823


    did you deactivate all unnecessary plugins? as more plugins you are using as slower your site will be. Also delete all other themes which are not necessary.


    in reply to: Mobile problems #399819


    I check your website on my htc one s and it looks totally fine. No black parts or anything. Did you already clear browser cache?
    As Yigit mentioned please check on another mobile device as well.


    in reply to: Create a footer like this #399393


    you can try to use the normal footer. Go to Enfold->Footer and in “Fotter Columns” select “3”. Then go to Appearance->Widgets and fill in the content for “Footer column1”, -2, -3. Show us the result when it’s done. Maybe we can tweak it a little bit with some CSS to fit your needs.


    in reply to: portfolio widget sidebar error #399387

    Hey Munford!

    that sounds to me like a typical conflict with a plugin. Please switch off all of them and switch them on again one by one to find the causing one.


    in reply to: strange issue with mobile logo #399385

    Hey codecreative!

    I can’t reproduce the issue. Can you please clear browser cache on your device?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Bild als link mit interner Lightbox öffnen #399377


    mein Team mate Josue hat mich noch darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass WP Super Cache (ein Plugin welches du benutzt) auch dann noch weiterläuft, wenn du es deaktivierst. Du müsstest also zunächst in die Einstellungen von WP Super Cache gehen und die Cache Funktion dort deaktivieren, bevor du das gesamte Plugin deaktivierst.
    Viel Glück!


    in reply to: Unable to add fonts #399240


    did you clear your browser cache? please switch off all plugins, especially the caching ones. If that does not help then maybe your host is using some kind of auto chaching. Please contact your server for support.


    in reply to: Vollbild-Slider und Video #399209

    Hi wackes57!

    kannst du uns das bitte zeigen? du kannst Screenshots auf hosten und bitte poste einen Link zu deiner Website.
    Du könntest hiermit experimentieren:


    in reply to: Varios problemas #399197


    bueno, si no me dices exactamente como queres cambiar las cosas, entonces tengo que adivinar :). Si queres “latest news” mas pequeno y mas a la derecha tendrias que cambiar este imagen que usas en el Seccion de Color. No se puede cambiar solo la imagen con CSS porque estas usando este imagen como background imagen dentro de un seccion de color y solo se puede cambiar todo el seccion de color. Asi que pon el imagen en el tamano correcto para que no afecte tu blog.

    Si queres el mismo tamano para tu logo en todos los devices usa esto:

    div .logo {
    width: 158px;

    Yo personalmente no tengo experiencia con un slider de video para movil, pero pordrias probar esto:


    in reply to: Replace Demo Theme into my own page #399166


    wir empfehlen dir mit einem Child Theme zu arbeiten, damit deine Änderungen Update-sicher sind. Falls du dich dennoch dagegen entscheidest, dann mache bitte folgendes:
    Bitte stelle den Ausgangszustand deiner functions.php wieder her. Dann finde diese Zeile:

    if(isset($avia_config['use_child_theme_functions_only'])) return;

    und füge unter dieser Zeile diesen Code ein:

    //set builder mode to debug
    add_action('avia_builder_mode', "builder_set_debug");
    function builder_set_debug()
    	return "debug";

    Damit wirst du ein extra Feld sehen unter deinem Editor, in dem du das hier einfügst:


    in reply to: Bild als link mit interner Lightbox öffnen #399152


    Login Daten sind gelöscht. Bitte private Daten immer als private Nachricht posten, so können nur wir Moderatoren es sehen. Bitte poste die Logins also noch mal, falls wir sie eventuell später noch mal bräuchten.
    Bitte installiere das neueste WordPress Update. Mir scheint, dass ein Caching Problem vorliegt, weswegen die Änderungen der color shemes nicht greifen. Eventuell verwendet dein Server irgendeine Art Auto Caching o.ä. Bitte kontaktiere deinen Host und bitte um Support.
    Nachdem du alle Plugins deaktiviert hast, hast du da noch mal deinen Browser Cache geleert und deine Seite hinterher einige Male neugeladen?


    in reply to: Sub menu (2nd level) disapearing when hover on it #398593


    it could be caused by many reasons and one could be that your Enfold is out dated. So please update to 3.0.8 and make sure to have a backup of all your files. I recommend to update via FTP:
    You can also try to deactivate all plugins to see if one is causing this issue.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Andy.
    in reply to: Varios problemas #398588


    Disculpa, usa este codigo, es solo para mobile device:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
    div .logo {
    width: 158px;

    Los codigos debes poner en Enfold->General Styling->Quick CSS (scroll hasta abajo para encontrarlo).

    Ah estas usando el easy slider. Este muchas veces hace problemas en movil. Asi que tendrias que poner imagenes como fallback.


    in reply to: Product Grid module to choose taxonomies (not only products) #398580


    feel free to make a feature request for Kriesi here:


    in reply to: Different column width in Firefox and Safari? #398579


    did you try to play around with the values in Ismael’s code and cleared browser cache afterwards?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Varios problemas #398577


    podrias poner tu logo mas pequeno. Controla el tamano con este codigo:
    @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) {

    div .logo {
    width: 158px;

    El problema con “latest news” no solo veo en iPad. Puedes probar este codigo:

    #top #main .avia-section .template-page {
    left: -126px;

    Yo veo tu video en iPad:

    Please clear browser cache.


    in reply to: Image box text not displaying on an iPad #398572


    you did not tell us how you want it to look like on iPad, so I can just assume a layout:

    .av-image-caption-overlay-position {
    top: 0px;
    .av-image-caption-overlay {
    top: 0px;
    height: 98px !important;

    Adjust it as needed.
    If you wish something else, then please send us a mockup of what you want to achieve.


    in reply to: Varios problemas #398559


    Gracias por los imagenes. Cuando quero entrar tu pagina dice: “se encuentra en construcción. Disculpe las molestias”.
    Nos puedes dar acceso de administrador porfavor? lo necesitamos para poder darte codigo de CSS.

    El login puedes escribir aca en mensaje privado.
    Para que no tenemos que buscar porfavor pon los URLs las paginas que se debe arreglar.


    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Andy.
    in reply to: Advanced layout editor not working #398370


    I can see in your source code that your are still using Enfold v3.0.4:

    Seems like something went wrong on your last update. Please update again via FTP:


    in reply to: Varios problemas #397952

    Hey Belema!

    can you please send us screenshots of the issues you see? you can use for hosting them.
    Make sure to use the newest theme and WordPress version. Also try to deactivate all plugins to see if one is causing any problems.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: I give up! #397949


    your footer is quite different from the page you have sent. Please tell us exactly what you want to change on your website, so we could be able to send you some code. You can send screenshots highlighting what you mean using



    try with this to hide your username: {
    display: none;
    span.text-sep.text-sep-date {
    display: none;


    in reply to: Layout issue #397930


    I can see the issue, very weird. Firstly please update to Enfold v3.0.8, maybe this will help already.
    If not, please deactivate all plugins to see if one is causing this problem.
    As a workaround (until we get it really fixed) you can try something like this in Quick CSS:

    .page-id-2206 .avia-button-wrap {
    width: 124%;
    margin-left: -123px;

    Adjust it if necessary.


    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Andy.


    can you please post a link to your website showing the issue? otherwise we can just guess.
    Try to play around with these values in Ismael’s code:

    left: 50%;
    top: 50%;
    -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
    -moz-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
    -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
    transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

    and adjust as needed.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Fullscreen Slider on iPhone #397643


    it’s showing fine for me, like in your screenshot:

    Does it work for you as well? If not clear your browser cache please.


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