Forum Replies Created
Hey Brandon!
you are funny! How could we know what you mean :)? Please show us using screenshots which party on your website you want to change, so we can provide you some CSS code for this specific part. Don’t forget to include a link to your website!
You can host screenshots on regards,
AndyHey mscott819!
can you post a link to your website so we can see what is going on? Admin access would be useful as well. Post login details here as a private reply.
Which plugin are you talking about? please send a link of it.Best regards,
AndyHey Charlotte!
can you show us the issue using screenshots please? please show what you want to achieve. You can use to host your screenshots.
Are you using any caching plugin? if yes go into it’s settings and deactivate caching. Afterwards clear browser cache and refresh your website a few times.
Best regards,
Support gibt es nicht über Email, sondern ausschließlich über dieses Support Forum hier.
Ich empfehle dem Kunden klar zu machen, dass immer die neuste WordPress und Theme Version verwendet werden sollte. Vielleicht kannst du ihn mit dem Argument überzeugen, dass u.a. Sicherheitslücken durch Updates geschlossen werden und wenn er kein Update durchführt er für Angreifer/Hacker ein leichtes Ziel darbietet. Das ist natürlich nur eins von vielen möglichen Argumenten.
Ich habe mir die Website angeschaut und das erste was natürlich auffällt ist die extrem veraltete Theme Version Enfold 2.8.1. Bitte führe ein Update zur aktuellsten WordPress Version und zu Enfold 3.0.8 durch. Am Besten via FTP:
Es werden sich nach dem Update mit Sicherheit Fehler einschleichen (vor allem im Layout schätze ich), einfach weil 2.8.1 eine Version ist die schon extrem viele Updates erfahren hat. Daher ist es immer ratsam sofort ein Update durchzuführen, damit falls kleinere Fehler entstehen sollten sie z.B. von uns gleich wieder behoben werden können. Jetzt werden sich wahrscheinlich so viele Fehler einschleichen, dass wir/du/dein Kunde extrem viel Arbeit haben werden …
Nichts desto trotz: das erste was getan werden müsste ist das Update. Anschließend kümmern wir uns so gut es geht um die Fehler. Bitte zeige uns die Fehler per Screenshots ( und zeige uns in einer Skizze was genau erreicht werden möchte.
Für das iPad sind es sehr viele Menüpunkte, daher ist das einzige was mir dazu einfällt das Logo kleiner zu machen:
@media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) and (min-width: 768px) { div .logo { width: 210px; }}
wie gesagt wird das Standart Kontaktformular von Enfold auf manchen Servern blockiert. Bitte erfrage bei deinem Host wie du die Spameinstellungen für den Emailempfang anpassen kannst. Ansonsten kannst du ja das Contact Form 7 verwenden, oder?
AndyMarch 3, 2015 at 4:44 pm in reply to: Al clonar web problema con el menú superior (limita entradas y se desconfigura) #405230Hi soydemoral!
porfavor mira lo que esta escrito en esta pagina
Support and Disclaimer
No WordPress backup plugin will work reliably on all hosts. If you have any problems, try doing a “Database Only” backup (use “Advanced Options”), transfer the wp-content directory over with FTP, and then restore new site. You should also deactivate and delete any page caching plugins (i.e. W3 Total Cache) before backup. If you still have an issue, please post to the support forum where we support this plugin for free, and we’ll respond on a “best-effort” basis.Mucha gente ha tenido suerte con este plugin: WP MigrateDB or WP MigrateDB PRO. Dime si todavía necesitas ayuda después de usar este plugin.
This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by
@Manuel Dengler
Danke für die Hilfe.
Sag bescheid, wenn du noch Hilfe brauchst und wenn ja, dann zeige uns bitte Screenshots von dem Problem ( und schick uns einen Link zu deiner Website, um zu sehen was du genau meinst.Gruß,
Welche Email Adresse verwendest du? bitte versuche es mit deiner domain eigenen Adresse, also z.B. (Email address hidden if logged out) . Manchmal landen Emails an gmx, gmail, yahoo etc. im Spamordner.
Bitte kontaktiere deinen Host und stelle sicher, dass die Spameinstellungen bei deinem Server so eingestellt sind, dass du Emails empfangen kannst. Enfold verwendet das Standart Verfahren um Emails zu versenden:, aber auf einigen Servern wird es dennoch blockiert.Gruß,
AndyMarch 3, 2015 at 4:37 am in reply to: Weird spacing above textblock element when image is floating to the right of it #404926Hi champlainconted!
can you please provide us admin access so we can take a deeper look into the issue? post login details here as a private reply.
glad you could fix it. Do you want to share how you did it?
You can make a feature request here:
AndyMarch 3, 2015 at 4:09 am in reply to: Enfold Photography > header sidebar > add a widget below menu #404921Hi royaltask!
please refer to this post:
AndyHey f1v!
I am not sure if I understand fully what you mean, but I don’t think it’s possible what you want to achieve. It would require a lot amount of customization of the theme and you would need to hire a freelancer for this.
AndyMarch 3, 2015 at 4:01 am in reply to: responsive images doesnt work on empty landing pages using the blank template #404919Hey M4sterme!
you are using an old version of the theme. Please update to Enfold v3.0.8.
Best regards,
Sorry for the late response.
I created a post with some text & with featured image => it didn’t work.
I just created a post with some text and a feature image which is working fine for me, as you can see here:
Sidebar seems fine for me as well.
Could you fix the issue already?
If not please clear browser cache and refresh your website a few times.
AndyHi cworkman1!
the problem with color section is that images used as background images can’t be controlled by CSS, only the color section itself. So my first suggestion would be to use normal images instead, so we can provide you with some CSS code to make them look like you want.
This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by
Hey Ryan!
you can remove captions with this code in Quick CSS field:
.grid-content { display: none; }
The hover function would be possible, but it would require a lot of customization and I am sorry but this is out of our support scope. But actually you could try this solution which shows a second image on hover (so you would need to design a second image with the hover style you want):
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
AndyHi voice903fm!
which feature images do you mean? do you mean the images in your layer slider? please show us on screenshots what you mean. You can use to host screenshots. Your layer slider images you can control in layer slider settings.
For the image on your blog (without head) you can use this plugin to control image sizes:
AndyHey djshortkut!
add this code to control opacity for the button:
.clear-button a.avia-button { opacity: 0.7; }
AndyMarch 3, 2015 at 12:28 am in reply to: Category Posts in Custom Menu plugin doesn't work – any alternative? #404859Hi Lidia!
tendrias que poner este codigo en tu functions.php:
add_filter('avf_default_icons','avia_add_custom_icon', 10, 1); function avia_add_custom_icon($icons) { $icons['facebook'] = array( 'font' =>'entypo-fontello', 'icon' => 'ue907'); $icons['twitter'] = array( 'font' =>'entypo-fontello', 'icon' => 'ue908'); return $icons; } add_filter('avf_social_icons_options','avia_add_custom_social_icon', 10, 1); function avia_add_custom_social_icon($icons) { $icons['Facebook'] = 'facebook'; $icons['Twitter'] = 'twitter'; return $icons; }
Luego tienes que ir a y elegir el icono que te gusta y reemplazar el codigo del icono (ue907 y ue908) con los nuevos del fontello. Para saber el nuevo codigo del icono haz click en “Customize Codes” en la pagina de Ahora tienes que importar los nuevos iconos a Enfold.
This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by
March 2, 2015 at 8:15 pm in reply to: Probleme mit Enfold 3.08 / WooCommerce 2.3.5 / MarketPress German Market 2.4.10 #404747Hey Stefan!
um das Problem sehen und nachvollziehen zu können, müssten wir einen Test Bestellvorgang durchführen und die Bestellbestätigungsseite sehen. Wäre dies möglich?
Bitte schalte alle anderen Plugins ab, um zu schauen, ob eins einen Konflikt verursache. Hast du es bereits mit verschiedenen Computern versucht?
Kannst du uns Screenshots von dem eigentlichen Problem zeigen? du kannst für screenshots verwenden.
Bitte Kannst du uns bitte auch einen Admin Zugang einrichten? Login Daten kannst du hier als private Nachricht posten.Bitte wende dich ebenfalls an den Support von Woothemes/Woocommerce, damit du noch schneller an eine Lösung kommst.
Wenn dein SSL abgeschaltet ist, können wir das Problem mit dem SSL leider nicht nachvollziehen.
This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by
Hi stefanbean!
can you please update to the newest version v3.0.8? If that does not change anything, please provide us admin access so we can take a deeper look into it. You can post login details here as a private reply.
Best regards,
AndyHi Geoff!
on the link you have posted Dude is saying that it seems that it’s not possible:
But did you try the solution with the “smarter navigation plugin” some posts later? Here you go:
If that doesn’t work for you, I think you would need to hire a freelancer for this.
Feel free to make a feature request for Kriesi here:
Best regards,
please add this code:
.js_active .av-minimum-height .container { opacity: 1; }
Best regards,
I think you first need to deactivate the integrated layer slider, to be able to use your purchased one. Follow these instructions:!
I looked through your website and everything seems fine to me. I can’t see any issue. Images in your slider are showing fine for me. Can you please show us the issue using screenshots? you can use to host them. Please give us a mockup of what you want to achieve.
However you are using a very old version of Enfold (v2.9.1). There have been lots of changes made in the meantime, so please update to v3.0.8.
Best regards,
for thousands of other users it’s working fine, so I think there might be some corrupted files. Please delete all Enfold files completely and get a fresh copy from your themeforest account. Make sure to have a backup.
Andy -
This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by