Forum Replies Created
not sure what you mean by your last question. Why do shortcodes not work for you? what exactly is breaking for you? can you show us what’s going on? please use screenshots and provide us a precise link where we can see the issue.
it’s working as supposed for me with my code. Please clear browser cache and refresh your website a few times.
Best regards,
you can change background color for this using following code: { background-color: transparent; }
I thought removing the dots is what you wanted? what else? maybe remove the border as well?
add this to my code { background-color: transparent; box-shadow: none; }
Not sure where the problem is belonging your subpages, because I can see that three links are working as expected, so just do the same for the other links.
Best regards,
not sure what you mean and please open another ticket for yourself, otherwise it gets too confusing for us and other readers. Elaborate on your issue and show us what’s going on using a link and/or screenshots (imgur, dropbox).Cheers!
you could try it, using iFrames for example or maybe a special plugin. Hope it will work for you.
sorry but we don’t have time and are not allowed to change any host files.
Let us know when we can access you website normally and we’ll take the time to check the issue for you. However I can’t see any issue with your menu, so please provide us screenshots showing what you want to achieve.Cheers!
I am sorry to hear that you have troubles with the height of the color section. Especially when you have to catch up with your timeline we recommend to hire a freelance developer for this kind of job.
I thinks Basilis code should work. Just adjust it as needed. Clear browser cache and hard refresh a few times.
you are using so many different color sections on this page. Please be a little bit more specific and tell us exactly which one you mean.
Best regards,
try this code:
.mc-field-group { width: 80% !important; } #mc_embed_signup .button { display: table-row; top: 0 !important; right: -2px; position: absolute; }
Best regards,
AndyHey hotspot!
Wordpress is resizing your images by default when uploading. You can get control over it using this plugin:
Hope this helps.
so it seems that the issue is caused by a 3rd party plugin. Can you please try to reach the plugin’s author for support? and ask why this plugin is causing your menu to behave not sticky anymore?
AndyJuly 9, 2015 at 12:37 pm in reply to: Mobile version of portfolio generates white gaps between photos #470783Hi!
ich bin jetzt noch mal in meiner lokalen Installation deine Schritte nachgegangen von diesem Post, aber bei mir funktioniert alles einwandfrei mit den Farben. Ich habe für den Footer-border #760B06 verwendet. Meine Link-Farben kann ich jedoch hinterher nach belieben ändern.
AndyJuly 9, 2015 at 12:21 pm in reply to: Alternatives "Layout" in "smartphone-view"/minimal-responsive #470775Hey!
wird recht schwierig das zu erreichen was du möchtest, aber wir bräuchten Admin Zugang, um dir genau sagen zu können, ob wir dir da helfen können. Login bitte hier als private Antwort.
Aktiviere bitte auch Custom Class für alle ALB Elemente und sag uns bescheid, wenn du damit fertig bist.Gruß,
you could make a feature request for this function here: and if it gets enough interests from customers like you then Kriesi will implement it in future updates.
I removed my last code from your Quick CSS and put it back again, but could not see any difference in behavior of your menu. Grey background for submenus is still working for me when my last code is implemented:
However, your menu looks a little bit chaotic to me and it might be caused by a plugin. Are we allowed to temporarily deactivate all your plugin? Please upgrade to Enfold v3.2.2.
AndyHey lenalavendel!
nein, wenn du beim boxed layout bleiben möchtest, dann wird das leider nicht so einfach möglich sein.
Du könntest jedoch versuchen auf stretched zu wechseln und dann deinen main content versuchen zu verkleinern, z.B. mittels:div#main { width: 85%; }
im Quick CSS field.
Andythanks @catalystmdc for staying with your own ticket.
Did you contact plugin’s author and got any support for the issue with WPSSO plugin?Cheers!
AndyHi Manuel!
also es gibt keine extra Logo Funktion im Slider, aber du kannst ja ein Bild im Slider verwenden auf dem das Logo drauf ist :) oder was genau möchtest du erreichen?
sorry for the late response. You can control this line using this code:
span.avia-menu-fx { top: 68px; }
Adjust as needed.
Hope this helps!
Best regards,
AndyJuly 9, 2015 at 11:19 am in reply to: Testimonial has white on white for any text/links. Text tab never opens. #470727Hey!
the link you have provided does not work for me (“Page not found”). Can you please check?
Best regards,
AndyJuly 9, 2015 at 10:06 am in reply to: Boxes with Text like at the frontpage of #470691July 9, 2015 at 10:03 am in reply to: Vimeo Background Video Color Section Not Working Again #470687Hi!
I tried to login, but login details you have provided do not work for me. Could you check please? Are we allowed to deactivate all your plugins temporarily?
Though your background video plays fine for me on your frontpage …Regards,
not sure what you mean. Do you mean that your ALB does not work at all? please let us know about the exact steps how to see the issue on your website. I can’t login, as login details do not work for me. Please check and let us know.
AndyJuly 9, 2015 at 9:56 am in reply to: Alternatives "Layout" in "smartphone-view"/minimal-responsive #470683Hey!
deine Website scheint im Wartungsmodus zu sein, deshalb bräuchten wir admin Zugang, um darauf zugreifen zu können. Poste Login details hier als private Antwort.
try this code in Quick CSS field:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .responsive .shop_table .product-quantity { display: inline-block; }}
Best regards,
AndyJuly 9, 2015 at 9:43 am in reply to: Mobile version of portfolio generates white gaps between photos #470679Hey!
achso, ich dachte du hättest aus versehen ein ” mit eingefügt im Farbcode. Kannst du diesen Fehler denn reproduzieren? also tritt er bei bestimmten Schritten immer wieder auf? Ich erinnere mich noch, dass ich den Fehler bei mir nicht reproduzieren konnte.
Die Stelle an der ein möglicher Code in deiner functions.php greifen müsste, habe ich dir bereits in meinem vorigen Post gezeigt. Alles weitere wäre wie gesagt ein Auftrag für einen Freelancer.
Andy -