Forum Replies Created
you did not even give us admin access, so we are not able to do it for you. However, please switch to Enfold by yourself and let us know when you are done. Consider to delete all theme files via FTP before getting a fresh copy from your themeforest account, to make sure there are no corrupted files which may cause the issue.
Best regards,
via FTP open /wordpress/wp-content/themes/enfold/header.php to put the text inside of it. However, we recommend to use a child theme for it.
About which columns and rows are you talking about? not sure what you mean. Can you explain further or even use screenshots to make things clear? use or dropbox.
you are using a very old version of the theme. Please update to Enfold v3.2.3
AndyAugust 19, 2015 at 2:36 pm in reply to: Disable Slider On Mobile and Tablets for Enfold using LayerSliderWP #490079Hey!
one image in your slider looks good to me and it has 1024×681 px, so I suggest to use this image size for all your images.
You can also control if the slider shows up on iPad screen size. You can do this using media queries.Best regards,
can you provide us admin access so we can take a closer look? post login details here as private reply.
not sure what you mean, because the standard Enfold fonts should be all listed when editing font family.
the plugin I mentioned can do exactly what you want. It will resize your images to the size you wish. Have a look at the plugin’s FAQ: or try to reach their support if necessary for you. Though I think it’s a simple one to use.
Best regards,
when I click on Login button it opens a lightbox without any content. Is this supposed to happen? Could you provide us admin access so we can take a closer look?
Best regards,
AndyHey Rhodo!
your masonry gallery looks exactly the way you have describes it. Could you fix it already?
Best regards,
what Rikard meant was not to simply update theme, instead please delete all themes files via FTP and afterwards get a fresh copy from your themeforest account.
Best regards,
AndyHey elames!
it won’t be easy to do, as their are no presets for it. If you can’t do it by your own I suggest to search for help here:
glad Elliott could help. We recommend to use Contact Form7 plugin.
Let us know in a new ticket if you have some more questions related to the theme. We are happy to assist you.Regards,
As you are the thread owner: please post admin access here so we can take a closer look. Put the code into Quick CSS field. Post login details here as private reply.Regards,
can you provide us admin access so we can take a deeper look please? post login detail here as private reply.
try this code in Quick CSS field:
.av-image-caption-overlay-center a:hover { color: white; }
I followed your steps and it has the same image on both galleries have same lightbox sizes for me. Did you clear browser cache and hard refresh a few times?
Best regards,
almost can’t identify what’s shown/written on your screenshot. However, do you want to hide your “indonesiche Impressionen” portfolio item under your heading “Weitere interessante Portfolios”?, if this one is already opened?
Not sure if it’s possible. Can you please provide us admin access so we can take a closer look? post login details here as private reply.Cheers!
image is not loading. But as Elliott told you we would need to test it to confirm and it would be much easier if you just ask Woo Support.
Best regards,
Please open your own thread as this one is getting huge already and it gets confusing for us moderators and for readers searching for answers. Try to deactivate all plugins to see if one is causing this problem. Contact WooCommerce Support as well, as they know their plugin best.Regards,
it does work for me as you wish on mobile. Could you fix it?
what happens if you activate a default WordPress theme and try again?
if it worked normally on your other Enfold installation as you said in your first post, then I think there might be some corrupted files on this one. Try to delete all theme files and get a fresh copy from your themeforest account.
glad we could help. Let us know in a new ticket if you have some more questions related to the theme. We are happy to assist you.
AndyHey DianaFuetterer!
1.) Das ist das normale Verhalten. Wenn du den ALB Editor für deinen Blog aktivierst, hast du zwar alle Freiheiten, aber musst diese auch nutzen und alles selbstständig was du haben möchtest einfügen.
Von welchen Codesnippets redest du?2.) Versuche es mit diesem Code im Quick CSS Feld:
a.slide-image { top: 175px; } .slide-content { top: -150px; position: relative; margin-bottom: 45px; }
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
glad you found a fix. I removed my screenshots from public view. If you want them to be removed from imgur as well, then please make a removal request:
Let us know in a new ticket if you have some more questions related to our theme.
AndyAugust 19, 2015 at 11:43 am in reply to: Preis-Tabelle: Zeilen-Zuordnung von Beschreibungs- zu Standardspalte #489960Hey!
da es sich bei allen um das selbe Element handelt (Tabellen Element), haben sie auch alle die selbe CSS Klasse. Wenn ich dir jetzt einen Code gebe, werde daher alle Tabellen davon betroffen und nicht nur die eine. Du müsstest als aller erstes erstmal das hier tun:
Sag uns bescheid, wenn du damit fertig bist und gib uns bitte Admin Zugang, damit wir uns das genauer anschauen können. Poste Zugangsdaten hier als private Nachricht.
bitte aktivere ein standard WordPress theme und sag uns wie es dort ist.
AndyAugust 19, 2015 at 11:35 am in reply to: Farbiger Menu-Button mit direktem Link auf externe Seite #489953Hey!
I think WordPress does not really allow external links inside menu. Try to use a plugin like this:
as I already said several times, please delete all theme files and get a fresh copy from your themeforest account. Let us know when you are done and still need help.
please provide us admin access so we can take a deeper look into it. Put the code into Quick CSS field, so we can check it. Post login details here as private reply.
Andy -
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by