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  • in reply to: enfold not updating #1282926

    Hi it worked with the 2nd plugin. The 1st one you suggested is deprecated. : ( )
    Thanks for the help

    in reply to: enfold not updating #1279979
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: custom styling buttons in buttonrow #1241464

    Hi again
    I have tried now your suggestion for button row:

    .avia-buttonrow-wrap .avia-button:nth-of-type(1) {
    … some css rules

    That one worked fine, thank you!

    Kind regards

    in reply to: custom styling buttons in buttonrow #1241315

    Dear Guenni
    Thank you for your replies. I have followed your 2nd suggestion for the buttonrow. The one that is in this topic:
    It works for the 1st section (see the link in private section). When I am inspecting it I can see that a -button1 or -button2 is added to the id I have added to the row
    However for the 2nd section(see the link in private section) , where I have added a new id to the buttonrow , the -button1 qnd the -button2 are not added to the new buttonrow id.
    Can you please help further?

    I am not sure if I understand the 1st option you suggested for the buttonrow styling. I thought the 2nd option was easier to follow.

    Thank you for your help again!
    Kind regards

    in reply to: custom styling buttons in buttonrow #1240286

    Dear custom support

    Somebody that could help me please? Posted my request 5 days ago and no reaction sofar fro support.
    Thank s in advance

    Kid regards

    in reply to: icon inline with text dissappearing #1240052

    Hi Nikko

    Thank you, all clear now!

    Kind regards

    in reply to: icon inline with text dissappearing #1239667

    Hi I can see that is working, thank you. I have noticed you have added extra code : av_uid=’av-29a70b’ to this shortcode. This code is not there when I add the code myself with the magic want. Why is this part. code needed?

    Thanks again in advance
    Kind regards

    in reply to: icon inline with text dissappearing #1239483

    Hi Nikko

    Thank you for your reply. I have looked at your suggestion. If I used the magic want tool I ‘ll get my icon somewhere at the left bottom of the page. I would like to have it inline with the text . How can I achieve that? For example see the link in the private content.

    Thanks again

    in reply to: icon inline with text dissappearing #1239208

    Sorry for late reply. I don’t know how to add an icon element inside a textblock. That’s why I have tried with the inline element. Please have a look at the link in the private section below
    Thank you!

    in reply to: how to add an icon to the mobile menu #1235068

    Hi Ismael
    That worked very well thank you!

    Kind regards

    in reply to: how to add an icon to the mobile menu #1234183

    Sorry for late reply. I do still have a question:
    Thanks to the css code the whatsapp icon is now positioned on the right side of the navigation link. But if you open the flyout menu you can really see it moving from left of the nav word (‘whatsapp’ )to the right side of the nav word. That doesn’t look good. Is it possible to change that so yiou will not see the icon moving?

    Thank you very much!

    Best Regards

    in reply to: how to add an icon to the mobile menu #1233038

    Hi Victoria
    Apologise , I already saw the answer for my first question! That is solved

    I will look into your solution for the social icons at the bottom
    Best regards

    in reply to: how to add an icon to the mobile menu #1233037

    Hi Victoria
    Thank you , the styling worked for moving the whatsaapp button to the right. :-)

    I still have this question:
    1) If I go to the menu, I can see there code that cannot be changed. I would like to know how and where that code is added so I can use myself for adding another button the next time.

    2)The link you gave me is about adding the social buttons at the bottom, that is a long list of information in that thread . I will look into this and see if I can understand and do that myself.

    Please help me for now with my 1st question, I will attach an image to clearify
    Thank you!

    Beste regards

    in reply to: how to add an icon to the mobile menu #1233009

    Hi Victoria
    Wow , thank you almost perfect :-) but it is on the wrong side ..
    I need the whatsapp icon on the right side of the text (now it is positioned on the left). How can I do that? I saw the code in the menu but I can’t seem to change it. Please tell me how and where I can change that?

    My other questions was to have the 3 social icons( linkedin, instagram and mail icon) positioned under the mobile menulist . How can I add them?

    Thank you very much!

    Best Regards

    in reply to: how to add an icon to the mobile menu #1233007

    Hi Victoria
    Wow , thank you almost perfect :-) but it is on the wrong side ..
    I need the whatsapp icon on the right side of the text (now it is positioned on the left). How can I do that? I saw the code in the menu but I can’t seem to change it. Please tell me how and where I can change that?

    My other questions was to have the 3 social icons( linkedin, instagram and mail icon) positioned under the mobile menulist . How can I add them?

    Thank you very much!

    Best Regards

    in reply to: how to add an icon to the mobile menu #1232936

    Can you please help me further with this subject?

    in reply to: how to add an icon to the mobile menu #1232407

    Hi Victoria

    I have tried that one already , as many other suggestions in the forum too. Nothing seems to be working sofar. Please help with further advice.

    Thank you

    in reply to: css changes in enfold-child are not visible in frontend #1037693

    Dear Yigit

    I have found out already, it was because I forgot to change in the media query

    Kind regards

    in reply to: css changes in enfold-child are not visible in frontend #1037691

    Dear Yigit

    Thank you for the quick reply . I saw the change but to test it now I have changed the colour back to black (instead of red, just to test ) saved, uploaded in filezilla, refreshed the page and it doesn’t change on the front end. What could be wrong. Thanks again in advance

    Kind regards

    in reply to: css changes in enfold-child are not visible in frontend #1037314

    Can you please advice. I had uploaded my login credentials already a few days ago, but I haven’t received a reply yet. Maybe I forget something?
    Kind regards

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