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  • in reply to: Sovling issue responsive on smartphone #706096

    Dear @Nikko,

    Thank you very much. You solved my problems. Now it works perfectly.

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Sovling issue responsive on smartphone #705504

    Take a look on screenshots.

    This is how is seen in a good way on pc screen
    Seen in a good way

    On tablet is seen in a wrong way On tablet is seen in a wrong way

    This is how it seen texts on smartphone This is how is seen texts on smartphone

    I hope that you understood and can see,


    in reply to: Sovling issue responsive on smartphone #703974

    Dear Enfold team,

    I solved the problem with arrows and small dots, thank you very much. About size of pictures, i mean all pictures that you can see on “Homepage” and scrow them. The sizes of pictures on “homepage” on PC and Smartphone works good, for example the first picture of bedroom with breakfast tray on the bed, you can see in perfect size on Smartphone and on Pc screen, but unfortunately not on Tablet screen, take a look yourself please, you cannot see on tablets the first picture of bedroom with breakfast tray on the bed, same problem of all pictures that you can scrow them on “homepage” on Tablet, that cuts sizes completely the pictures on “Homepage”. The problem is on Tablet now.

    I need other help, the texts under “what customers say about us” on Smartphone are too thin and restricted, how can i see in a normal way, like on PC screen?

    Finally, where can i put all these codes? Avoiding to leave all them on Quick CSS?

    I hope that you understand everything.

    Thank you very much


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by AlexBellaTropea. Reason: i need more help
    in reply to: Sovling issue responsive on smartphone #703760

    Hello Enfold team,

    I looked at your changes, it’s ok for smartphone, but on tablet screen the images of “Home” are too short and cut. Any help? i would like to have responsive but not short and cut images of “Home” on tablet screen. Then, can i reduce the shape of arrow and small balls when i scrow pictures? the are too big, especially on smartphone screen.

    This kind of code in my Quick CSS, where can i locate and save them? i don’t want to see them on Quick CSS.

    Thank you very much


    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by AlexBellaTropea. Reason: more details
    in reply to: Sovling issue responsive on smartphone #702983

    Hello again,

    I posted my login credentials. Yuo have permission to deactivate plugins if necessary.

    in reply to: Sovling issue capital letters everywhere #702965

    Dear Enfold team,

    i solved in some pages, but not on “Home” the capital letters remained. To avoid to type codes on Quick CSS under Enfold–>General Styling, is there different place where i can type this codes?



    in reply to: not appear social icons and extra info on tablets/smartphones #689064

    Hi @Yigit,

    thank you. i solved it.

    Kind regards,


    in reply to: not appear social icons and extra info on tablets/smartphones #688404

    Hi everyone,

    With code above i solved email and telephone number problem, but social icons disappeared again! Can you help?



    in reply to: not appear social icons and extra info on tablets/smartphones #686775

    Hi @Rikard

    with your code i solved email and telephone number, but social icons disappeared again



    in reply to: not appear social icons and extra info on tablets/smartphones #686211

    Hi Jordan,

    i solved with color of social Icons, but where is email and tlephone number on the top? I cannot see. What do you mean put on style.css file? if i put on this style.css file i don’t damage or lose anything?


    in reply to: not appear social icons and extra info on tablets/smartphones #685967


    Take a look on smartphone or tablet that social icons and extra info on tablets/smartphones not dispaly on the top.

    in reply to: doesn't load and not working pages at all #684937


    I created another user with admin credentials and then logined with the new user and noticed that worked ALB.
    After that I saw that it worked and then I deleted my old admin user and then recreated it with the same information, and it worked fine from then.

    it is so weird, but it worked

    Kind regrads,


    in reply to: doesn't load and not working pages at all #684802


    This worked for me too. Thank you very much @Michael0424

    Hi @Rikard, this worked for me too, but i lost media files. When you said “There might be something going on with the account you are using as well so please try creating a new admin account to see if that works better. ” You meant WP account? As you are experts, how just possible that changing the account of WP solved the problem of loading of ALB ?

    Thank you very much to all.

    Kind regards,


    in reply to: doesn't load and not working pages at all #684741

    Hello Rikard,

    To back up Child Theme customization, which free pogramme you suggest to use? I have just tried to back up Worpress with softaculous. All solutions didn’t work, i should overwrite theme files with a fresh copy from Themeforest account, but i am afraid to lose Child Theme customization. How can i save all settings of Child Theme ?

    Kind regards,


    in reply to: Layout Builder does not work #684481

    Dear masters,

    I have the same problem

    Please, help me. I have just updated the last version of wordpress and installed and then uninstalled Polylang. Then, I found a big problem on my wp-admin. When i am going to open one page, to edit it on my admin website, doesn’t work at all, i cannot open “default editor”, “layout elements”, “contents elements”, “media elements”, when i click on them, nothing happens, buttons broken on WP? And more, at the middle of any edit pages there is spinning circle and don’t finish load at all. What is going on? Can someone help me?

    I tried to downgrade WP, deactivate plugins, not solved and help at all.

    Yours sincerely,


    in reply to: MissingKeyMapError doesn't work #683405

    Good evening Master Vinay,

    Fortunately, thanks to you i solved the problem on Google maps Widget and on Avia Layout Builder too, but i didn’t understand one thing, why Google Map API key plugin is deactivate, but work in the same way? Anyway, thank you very much all team of Kriesi, and thank you very much Vinay. I can close tihis topic.

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Google Maps Error too! #683349

    me too

    in reply to: MissingKeyMapError doesn't work #683244


    I tried, but didn’t solved. You can see my WP and FTP credentials. Can you help me, please?

    Yours sincerely,


    in reply to: Google Map API problem? Broken again with WP4.6 #681805

    Hello again,

    I tried to configure how you explained, delete all old API key’s from google account, set up the API key and add * before and after the domain name without http, etc. Added my API key in the theme options Enfold > Google Services. Everything that i did, unfortunately not solved anything, th same problem remained. Google maps doesn’t work in widgets, etc.

    What can i do more? You have got my personal credential to help me.

    thank you very much


    in reply to: MissingKeyMapError doesn't work #681613

    Hello again,

    I tried to configure how you explained, delete all old API key’s from google account, set up the API key and add * before and after the domain name without http, etc. and i tried with http, etc.
    Added my API key in the theme options Enfold Google Services. Everything that i did, unfortunately not solved anything, the same problem remained. Google maps doesn’t work.

    “Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError”js:32:350

    “Google Maps API warning: NoApiKeys”

    What can i do more to solve the problem? please, Help me. I added my FTP and WP credentials.

    thank you very much


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by AlexBellaTropea. Reason: not solved the problem
    in reply to: MissingKeyMapError doesn't work #680563

    Dear masters,

    Please. Can you help me ? Someone can help me? I added a Google Maps widget and i put Api code on Google Maps API Key, but Doesn’t work. Honestly, i tried with the FTP details here with framework php; class-framework-widgets.php file but doesn’t work neither. I have posted privately my WP and FTP credentials. Please. Help me and let me know if yuo solved on my personal page. Thank you very much.

    Someone is available to help me?

    in reply to: Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError #679570


    Plese. Can you help me ? I added a Google Maps widget and i put Api code on Google Maps API Key, but Doen’t work. Honestly, i don’t know where i can find the FTP details here so that we can check the files. Where can i find the framework > php > class-framework-widgets.php file via FTP? Someone can help me? Thank you very much

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