@montyburns ; Fantastic site. One of the best I’ve seen on the showcase thread.
Keep up the good work.
Never mind this question, the cause of it not being aligned properly was the enter that somehow got inserted before the sentence “You’ll love this monitor”…
Thanks again.
Hey Yigit,
Thanks for your help, mate.
I’m also trying to align the text on the left side, next to the icon I’ve included in each cell, with the following code:
<div align=”center”>[av_font_icon font="entypo-fontello" icon="ue806" size="14px" position="left"]<span style=”margin-left: 5px;”>
You’ll love this monitor!<span style=”margin-left: 5px;”></div>
It does get the text on the left, but below the icon. I want to include the text on the same line. Any recommendations?