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  • in reply to: Color Background video not showing on Firefox and IE #304480

    Hi Josue!

    Thanks for the tip! Curiously enough, I can see the video background on Firefox for the following site ( but not for

    So I guess you mean I should deactivate the third party plugins on and check that out, not the add ons on Firefox, right?

    Thanks for clarifying about IE. Much appreciated.

    have a great day!


    in reply to: Color Background video not showing on Firefox and IE #304308

    Hey Josue!

    I have it installed already, yet it’s not showing the video background on Firefox.

    Can you view the video in the background half way on the following site:

    I just see a black background on Firefox and IE.



    in reply to: Color Background video not showing on Firefox and IE #304263

    Hey Josue!

    I have Shockwave Flash installed as add-on on Firefox, is that the right one? If not, which add-on should I install?

    As for IE the version is 9.0.8112

    Thanks for the help,

    in reply to: unable to add content to site (photos, text) #304258

    Thank you Ismael,

    I’ll have my client do the changes to the galleries and see if she has no trouble. Hopefully, I won’t get back to you in this thread, which will mean problem is solved ;-)

    Thanks for now.


    in reply to: unable to add content to site (photos, text) #304017

    Hi Ismael,

    I contacted the server and the 500 error seems to be solved (at the moment).
    All plugins have been deactivated, including WPML, so now the site was only in English.

    Please try add an image into the photo gallery in the ‘Apartment’ page for example, save and update…you’ll see that images are not saved nor added.
    This behavior has been going on for quite a while now, so we cannot add any image or make any changes to the page, which is quite frustrating unfortunately.

    Hopefully, you’ll be able to help us out.

    Thank you,


    PS: I have meanwhile reactivated WPML to have the site back multilingual, but either with or without it activated, it’s still not possible to add images to galleries

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by abortolotti.
    in reply to: unable to add content to site (photos, text) #303377

    Hey Peter,

    The problem occurs not if I upload images to the library; it occurs when I try to add an image to an existing gallery, be the image new or an existing one already. If you try it yourself you should see what I mean. Take the ‘apartment’ page for example, in English or in German and check the gallery out there: try add a new photo or change the photos there… it oesn’t seem to work.

    And my client told me the same thing is happening with written content now, so I really don’t know what’s causing the issue, but I kind of have a feeling that it has to do with WPML?

    Thanks for looking it up.


    in reply to: Adding a Calendar in .ics? #287366

    Hi Yigit,

    sorry but I do not understand what i have to do. If I follow their demo, they give you this code:

    <div id=”inline-1″ class=”hide”>
    <p>This is inline content opened in prettyPhoto.</p>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p></div>

    How does that relate to the following url that displays the .ics calendar: ?

    In other words, in a page of my site what do I have to do to display this calendar?
    I use a Code Block element (?), then inside it I paste the inline code above and I insert the url somewhere inside that code?

    Maybe you understand what I mean if you see the page I am trying to build:

    and compare it to another one I did (, where the calendar was inserted via a widget which I cannot unfortunately get in the first case, because the issuing website only provides the .ics url.

    Thanks for your help.


    in reply to: Adding a Calendar in .ics? #287276

    Thank Yigit!

    So Pretty Photo is a plugin I can insert in WP? I’ll read through the link and try understand what that is and most importantly how i display the .ics calendar on a page in Enfold.


    in reply to: Page names to appear all on top of a specific page #262401

    Hey Ismael!

    Thank you for your awesome support, as always!
    I saw where I was wrong and fix it thanks to you.



    in reply to: Don't show Header and menu on specific page #243887

    Thank you so much! You are a star!


    in reply to: Don't show Header and menu on specific page #243883

    Working great, Yigit!

    Do I have to repeat the code within the quick CSS for every page I want the header to disappear or can I more easily add all the pages id in the following just once?

    .page-id-2402 #header { display: none; }
    .page-id-2402 .fixed_header.social_header #main {
    padding-top: 0; }

    in reply to: Don't show Header and menu on specific page #243866

    Great, Thanks! I’ll try it right away!


    in reply to: Don't show Header and menu on specific page #243860

    Hey Yigit,

    thanks for the super quick reply!

    I see in your example there are two different page ids (2402 and 2401). Which one should I look at? I suspect I only have to change one.


    in reply to: Styling issues with Enfold and OptimizePress plugin #238385

    Works like a charm! You guys are wizards!!!!!

    Thumbs up every time!



    in reply to: Styling issues with Enfold and OptimizePress plugin #237796

    HI Ismael,

    the fix kind of worked, in the sense that the blue vertical line on the border has been removed, however I guess there maybe some more code missing that would resize the frame accordingly and therefore place the written content inside as it shows in the correct view.

    See the examples (I repost here the links to the 4 snapshots I put above):

    Thanks! You guys are stars, like always!


    in reply to: Styling issues with Enfold and OptimizePress plugin #237570
    This reply has been marked as private.

    that’s a cool question! I d’ like to know that as well. My breadcrumbs in my forum mix up with the title and it’s all not readable, so it would be awesome to put them into two levels.



    in reply to: Adding backrgound to text? #220927

    WOW, WOW, WOW! Spectacular! You guys are absolutely the best, I am so glad I am your customer!

    Keep the good stuff! Thank you so much!


    in reply to: Help with optin form #215069

    Awesome!!! It works! Thank you soooo much!


    in reply to: Help with optin form #215059

    Thank you so much, Peter!

    Just a quick more question, should I add the code to Enfold’s quick CSS panel or somewhere inside the plugin editor?



    in reply to: Child theme screwed up main theme #209759

    Thanks for clarifying, Devin.
    The style settings though were not imported correctly. All the buttons and the hyperlink keep having the default green in Enfold and not the blue I set as standard in the Parent theme.

    in reply to: Child theme screwed up main theme #209608

    Hi Devin,

    i am not sure I understood. If you mean that after installing and activating Enfold Child theme there is a button that allows you to load all Enfold parent theme settings, it is what I have clicked and then I saw a website which looked 90% like the parent but had those things that didn’t match (button styling colors and all the oages in the menu like I specified above). I followed the link Yigit kindly provided me in another thread (

    If you meant something different, I am afraid I do not understand what I need to do to have the child theme look exactly as the parent Enfold theme I currently have.

    Where do I go wrong?



    in reply to: Child theme screwed up main theme #209526

    Thanks Yigit :-)

    I was actually able to restore the regular version with the parent Enfold theme.

    In the Child theme the changes are the following:
    – the menu on top of the page includes all pages, not just the ones that make part of the original menu, so there is a justaposition of hyperlinks that looks really bad.
    – there doesn’t seem to be the correct colored buttons and hyperlinks as in the original styling section: they all remain green as per Enfold default, instead of being the custom color I selected to fit in the site.
    – the divider bar in the blog is no longer 75% as before, but maybe I suppose I have to redo the change within the file with the code you gacve me, since it’s a different theme, right?

    Those are the first tings i saw. I couldn’t keep the site that way so i didn’t have time to investigate further and restored the original parent theme.
    It would be very useful to have the child theme running as the parent, but if I can’t get it, it’s kind of useless to me and I unfortunately have to redo all the custom changes manually everytime there is a new Enfold theme update (which is quite bothering).

    Thanks for your quick feedback.
    I really appreciate.

    in reply to: Horizontal Ruler between blogposts on main Blog page? #209472

    Awesome Yigit, that’s perfect! Thank you so much!

    Is the file going to be changed whenever there is a theme update, so I’ll need to do the hack manualyy every time?

    Thanks for your great support. Now it looks exactly the way I want!


    in reply to: Horizontal Ruler between blogposts on main Blog page? #209068

    Thanks Yigit,

    I know see it on Safari. I played it with it to understand the parameters, but would it be possible to have the divider be shorter, so it doesn’t interrupt the vertical line that connects the authors of all the posts? Ideally the divider would be 75% the length of the current one.

    Sorry to bother. If it’s too much asking I understand and apologize.



    in reply to: Horizontal Ruler between blogposts on main Blog page? #209032

    Dear Yigit,

    I just did as you suggest and see no difference on my end. I cleared the cache yet see no changes.

    Do you see any difference on your end?



    in reply to: Incorrect Styling Enfold Theme Options (WPML) #197004

    Hi Peter! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

    I owe you a huge thank you for solving such an issue. I was stuck at a dead end and I can finally go on and finish the site.

    Thank you again!


    in reply to: Incorrect Styling Enfold Theme Options (WPML) #196956

    I didn’t work either… I truly don’t know what to do…

    I deleted the dynamic css stylesheet located in wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/. Deleted the file “enfold.css” within the folder and made sure that the folder is writable (777 chmod permission), Then went to the theme option page and hit the “Save” button to regenerate the dynamic stylesheet.

    At the same time, I also deleted all the .css files within that directory, related to each language: enfold_de.css, enfold_fr.css, enfold_it.css, enfold_sp.css.

    I reset all the settings of WPML and deactivated the plugin.

    I deleted all the pages previously created with WPML

    I reactivated WPML and restarted the configuration…

    When I went to click on the homepage and clicked on the flags…same result as before!

    the french homepage looks fine whereas the styles of all the other languages are all messed up like before!

    How is that possible that there is no way to reset/delete/restart from zero whatsoever?

    Please can you look into that and see if there is a hack or something that can work?

    Here are the ftp credentials:

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Elliott.
    in reply to: Incorrect Styling Enfold Theme Options (WPML) #196945

    Thank you Dude, I’ll try that immediately.

    Thank you


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by abortolotti.
    in reply to: Incorrect Styling Enfold Theme Options (WPML) #196711

    Hi Peter,

    I contacted WPML support, followed all their suggestions, including resetting WPML, trashing translated pages, reinstalling plugins, reactivating.

    Yet I keep getting the same wrong styling and the funny thing is that such error does not occur in the French version of the homepage, as you can clearly see by looking at and clicking on the french homepage, whereas if you click on any of the others (German, Italian Spanish) all the stylings are messed up and they don’t respond to any selection I may make within Enfold Theme Options.

    I really do not know what to do and I need to have the site translated for my client. If I give you the credentials to access the site as the admin, can you do some tweaks or something to make it work properly, please?

    I am really desperate, for I have no idea where the issue is nor how to fix it.

    Thank you.

    I’ve done a complete back up of both the DB and files, in case you want to work on the site to try and reinstall its functionality.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Elliott.
Viewing 30 posts - 301 through 330 (of 402 total)