Forum Replies Created
June 22, 2018 at 1:43 pm in reply to: Image Media Element / margin / diagonal section border #976325
Dear Victoria.
1. I can’t understand, why section is defined only at bottom. Why is it not also for Top?
You can classes or ids to the elements in question and do all the necessary adjustments with the css.
If you present more examples in the help, which are clearly show, what is to do: I’d be happy to.
But with this help: No chance.
Remember: Many of the users work in other professions and may have minimal basics in programming.
So if, then this help should contain about 5-10 examples, shown from scratch:
So how do I address my element exactly.3. I see no big differences between the elements.
It’s pretty confusing. Although I regularly work with Enfold, I always have to try several times to find out which element is the right one.
Example Slider: Without Layerslider you have three!!!! sliders that do almost everything the same.
Easy-Slider, Fulwidth Slider, Fullscreen Slider? Can be one with option
Images and images with hot spots: Can be one
Gallery and Masonry Gallery. Could be one.
Icon list and icon box: can be one
Button, button row, button in full width: Can be one
Headline-Rotator and special headline: can be one
Content slider, post slider: can be oneSometimes less is more. Most elements do the same with different small options.
This generates code, maintenance, etc.
But it’s a matter of complexity.4. And with you, Victoria, it’s very hard for me to even talk to you. Because most of the standard answers you give me are the answers of least resistance. Neither a “I like to pass it on to the developers” nor anything else.
The most given Answers from you are short: “Use custom css”. That’s what I think of your answers in my innermost mind.@ AK-Muc.
Bitte stets checken
a: Firefox-Plugin “lightbeam”, zeigt, was alles so raus geht –> mal alle seiten wahllos durchklicken.
b. Dev-Console: Siehe mein Screenshot weiter oben (aber nicht immer verlässlich)
In Chrome: strg+shift+i: Network, FontsMoin.
Also noch jemand, der gern Enfold bei Kunden anwendet. :-)
Ich habe mir die Fonts nun bei Google heruntergeladen und manuell hochgeladen über die Enfold-Funktionalität. Das ging sehr fix bei allen Kunden. Bei mir waren es die “Special headings”, wo komischer weise noch etwas nachgeladen wurde bei den “websafe-fonts”-. Mit dem manuellen Upload passiert das nicht. Und dann eben noch Maps und Google-Videos. Seit neusten gibt es dort aber auch eine Option: Erst bei Interaktion laden. ich setze dort einen Verweis auf die Datenschutzerklärung und wenn der User klickt, hat er ja sein opt in. Nur schade, das es nicht global anzuwenden geht, sondern stets nur einzeln. Das ist natürlich richtig schlecht.
Ansonsten arbeitet Kriesi wohl noch an einem Update.
Beste Grüße
June 4, 2018 at 10:04 pm in reply to: GDPR / Google Web Fonts Replacement / Host Google Webfonts locally #966846Dear Smilefactory, upload the google fonts direct to your server. This is also good for Performance. You don’t must request to google servers.
The shortcode in the privacy policy section gives user the wrong sign and wrong security.An automatic opt-in short-code / modal windows is useless: With the first visit, all datas are sended to google. It makes no sense to give the user the option for opt out after the datas are sended. This is not the sense of privacy policy. The sense is: The user must have always the control about which data is sent, when and why. And with a “after sent data” opt out is it not possible.
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
And once again I am very angry about Kriesi. Now I’m going to our lawyer for data protection and internet law this Monday. I’ve had enough.
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
Basilis: Stop making legally binding statements here that are not true.
A follow-up instruction “Oh, your data has now landed on Google…But next time, next time you can’t allow this by opting out” is as pointless as a goiter and penetrate and trampling the GDPR with your feet.
Here is an Podcast from a lawyer about the risk to Implement a privacy checkbox in contact forms.
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
Ja, das muss nun jeder scheinbar tun..:Schade, das sich Kriesi offenbar im Rahmen des Supportvertrags nicht mit einer Rechtsanwaltskanzlei ausreichend beraten hat, sondern nur nur mit Leuten, die sich mit “Juristischen Angelegenheiten auskennen.” Sonst hätte Kriesi für alle eine saubere Lösung bringen können. Aber ich erwarte wohl zu viel von der Menschheit. Das werde ich morgen gleich mit meinem meinem Anwalt besprechen, der sich nun mal der Sache annimmt und dies aus einer fachlichen Sicht interpretiert.
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
And they delivered… they didn’t promise that you don’r need to do any work by yourself :-)
Nein: Sie geben jedem unbedarften Enfold-Nutzern (die nicht dieses Tiefe haben und Enfold vertrauen) ein Modal-Window in die Hand und suggerieren nach meinem Verständnis DSVGO-Sicherheit, obwohl viele weitere Einstellungen manuell zu tätigen sind, anstatt dieses Pop-up zu implementieren.
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
Ich rede immer Klartext. Man kann Vogelkot als Gemälde verkaufen und schön reden. Man kann auch sagen, wie es ist. Das passt den meisten Menschen nicht. Das Ding ist: Man muss es nicht so weit kommen lassen. Es erzeugt Stress! Und auch Klienten bekommen von mir mal die Antwort, die Sie nicht erwartet hätten. Wenigstens mache ich keine falschen Versprechungen oder beschönige Sachen oder Sonstiges. Die Wahrheit ist manchmal unbequem und manchmal schmerzt sie auch.
Fakt ist:
We are following up on the news and we will make sure Enfold meets requirements of GDPR before deadline.
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
Und das man nun alle Google Maps und alle Google Videos durchklicken muss (die man alle manuell auf eine “BlackBox” setzen kann (OOOOOH wie wunderbar und schön, das passt ins Webkonzept, obwohl hier bessere Lösungen vorgeschlagen wurden wie das caching des Vorschaubildes auf dem eigene Server und ist auch so handlich…ich muss nun nur 635 Seiten durchsehen und die Seite anpassen, wo Videos sind – Hah… ist doch fix gemacht *Ironie*) und das ganze ist am 22.5.2018 veröffentlicht worden: Wow…sehr gut. Voll im Zeitplan und Benutzerfreundlichkeit^3. Besonders für Nutzer, die vielfach Enfold bei vielen Kunden einsetzen (ja, es hat viele Vorteile aber einiges erzeugt bei mir Brechdurchfall – und das ist der Umgang mit Lösungen und von erkennen von Dingen, die offensichtlich sind bzw das Schieben von Problemen und Bugs, die seit 2014 bekannt sind).
Ja, was kann ich erwarten von einem Theme “Corporate Business”, das ich an viele Kunden vermittelt habe inkl 12 Monate Support? Ja, was kann man da erwarten?
Außerdem sind wir OFF TOPIC. Es war gefragt:
how I can set the maps and webfonts (all new shortcodes) ….. as disabled per default?
Und Sie kommen mit Insellösungen. Danke. Thema verfehlt.
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
Google Fonts… you can serve them from your server. BTW Google Maps automatically loads the Google font Roboto (there’s a thread here in the forum with a solution for this).
I have set no GOOGLE FONTS. WTF eplain you here. I use Websafe Fonts Helvecita and Verdana, defined in backend.
YouTube, Special headings… you can set it up so that nothing is loaded unless the visitor clicks.
FALSE It’s loaded to IP’s outside my server. Use Dev Console. Do you think just because a popup appears, what is automatically switched opt-in, then nothing is loaded?
Wenn man eine Website besucht, baut diese sich auf und Elemente werden geladen. Nun sieht man sehr oft, das dort ein Pop-Up oder ein Banner aufgeht zur Deaktivierung von Youtube, Google Fonts, Maps etc. Sorry, aber ist das nicht totaler Unsinn? Ich mein: Die Daten (wie Ip-Adresse) sind doch schon beim Laden und erstmaligen Aufruf der Website an Server von Google gegangen. Da hilft doch weder ein Opt-out oder auch eine Datenschutzerklärung? Die Daten sind raus und die kann man doch nicht wieder holen?
Antwort vom RA für Datenschutz:
Ja, darüber kann man sich vortrefflich streiten. Im Ergebnis bin ich bei Ihnen.
Manch ein Jurist aber vertritt deshalb hier die Meinung, dass man erst zu einer Landingpage geführt werden muss, wo man Nutzungsbedingungen und Datenschutzhinweise etc. erst zustimmen muss, um weiter zur Seite zu gelangen. Hier wäre die Absprungrate wohl sehr hoch. Besonders praktikabel ist das nicht. Wenn man also keine Besucher auf der Seite haben will, ist das sicherlich ein Modell hierfür. Sicherlich wäre das der juristisch sicherste Weg.
So, Du hast wohl die Kohle, dich zu unterwerfen oder einen Rechtsstreit durchzuführen. Oder eine strafbewehrte Unterlassungserklärung auszufüllen, in der du Dich dein ganzes Leben lang unterwirfst, NIE wieder einen fehler zu begehen bei Strafe XYZ (mehrere tausende Euros) Klever. Sehr Klever. Na klar gibt es nur Anwälte, die darauf aus sind. UND? Muss das sein? Meine Güte. Es waren 2 Jahre Zeit, sich darauf vorzubereiten. Und ich – bzw. die meisten, auch meine Klienten, haben darauf vertraut, das alles ok ist.
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
Ahh ok… i expect to much from the GDPR pop up, which i can set in backend. Ok, than is ALLLLLL good.
I must set all manualy again.Google Maps, YouTube & Vimeo… you can set it up so that nothing is loaded unless the visitor clicks
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
Google Maps, YouTube & Vimeo… you can set it up so that nothing is loaded unless the visitor clicks
Excuse me: I dont use other tools. I think, you have no idea, what you explain here.
Activate the GDPR stuff from Enfold, and see what happen. Use dev console and see, what is sending out to google.
The big thing is: The page is loaded and all is Opt In. read again my thread.
At the first loading, all is sended out to goolge server. Clear, user can deactivate this. But at first visit: All is sended.Also, maybe you should consider that Germany is the only country where lawyers can just send you a cease-and-desist and ask you to pay their fees even if there’s no reason for the cease-and-desist at all.
And with this statement, the problem is solved for me or my clients? The statement was: Enfold is safe until 25.5.2018.
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
June 3, 2018 at 3:35 pm in reply to: GDPR / Google Web Fonts Replacement / Host Google Webfonts locally #966149June 3, 2018 at 3:29 pm in reply to: GDPR / Google Web Fonts Replacement / Host Google Webfonts locally #966147Hey. Do you have checked this with Firefox lightbeam or Console and click around your pages, what events are loaded and what fonts comes from outside servers?
I have for headings Helvetica and Veranda for body text defined.
Youtube and “special heading” as h2 loading stuff from google at my page. Youtube loads “roboto” as video description.All cookies are deleted before. For my understanding, kriesi has forgotten to change the rule for this. But it’s only my opinion.
You will don’t find it in source code. I have tested it. It’s only in other tools visible.The question was from SDUS:
“how I can set the maps and webfonts (all new shortcodes) ….. as disabled per default?”
Kriesi set this option automatically to “ENABLED” instead “DISABLED“. This is an unallowed, unasked, automatic Opt-In for visitors This penetrates the GDPR in my eyes. This is exactly what should not happen: The datas are loaded before a customer visit the page. All is sended to google.
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
June 3, 2018 at 2:57 pm in reply to: GDPR / Google Web Fonts Replacement / Host Google Webfonts locally #966138Do you have tested this with “special heading” element and Google embedded video?
I have set all fonts to websafe fonts. But google fonts are loaded in some elements.
Hi. Is it a fresh installation or a revision of an older installation? If you have older version, please try to delete enfold folder via ftp and copy the new version at this place complete. This was my solution last time. Some files are old and dublictaed and several places
We are following up on the news and we will make sure Enfold meets requirements of GDPR before deadline.
It isn’t
Fonts, Maps, Google Video: all loads stuff outside the own servers
Dear Vinay.
Excuse me: You explain us, if a visitor comes to a page at first time (Google Maps, Google Video, Google fonts are implemented on a Enfold page and loaded): This is not tracked, before user can disable all? And if the visitor has clicked this mega field and deactivate all, nothing is sended to google and you bring all datas back, while the page has loaded?
Ok, i trust you. If a lawyer write to me or my clients, i will forward this to Kriesi directly. Thanks you for this expert meaning. I save your answer as hardcopy to my computer. I have cleared all stuff and cookies, have attached all which you have explain here and make a fresh reload. What is loaded and sended?e.g. Google Player, Google Fonts, Google Maps… All this go to an other server as mine or my clients. This goes direct to several google servers.
(And i have set websafe fonts in the backend instead google fonts)We are following up on the news and we will make sure Enfold meets requirements of GDPR before deadline.
This was at March, 13 from YIGIT.
Kriesi has promised, that all is solved until 25.5.2018 and ENFOLD is full compatible to GDPR.
I have set the fonts to Websafe Fonts. And what happen? Something load webfonts from Google Servers E.g. Google Embedded Vdeo.
I have told this your guys month ago: Don’t preload video (also for performance reasons, which are splitting the page loading time to a half)Great.
And on other pages, also.
roboto is loaded in “special headings.” for example.Than, the check of coding tell me the following for Google Maps API. .
RetiredVersion Warnung
Sie haben offensichtlich eine abgelaufene Version in Ihrem Skriptelement angegeben. Versionen mit der Bezeichnung 3.0 – 3.24 wurden außer Kraft gesetzt, und Sie können ggf. stattdessen eine Version 3.25 erhalten. Bitte aktualisieren Sie Ihre Anwendung, sodass Sie eine der verfügbaren Versionen verwenden._
I will discuss this matter with my lawyer on Monday and have the accuracy of your information checked. I will protect my clients – it’s my name and my reputation and my ratings in WWW. They have paid big sums for GDPR protection and they have trust me and trust Enfold and i have invested much times to secure all of them.
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
Dear Support,
I’m sure, that is a misspelling of code and defined css code.
For my understanding is this a bug. Other elements like text block or slide show have similar options and at this elements the markup working fine and as expected.I have added screenshots
The inherit-rule for font size breaks the rule. All other elements like text block have font-size: 100 %, but no font-size inherit.
Only: Font:inherit; is there. But not font-size!!!
And about responsive headings and longer words, we had discussed 2 years ago. A h1 at a 28″ display should have another style as a h1 at a 430px mobile. But it’s ok now. At every client, i must copy the same manual css responsive code.And I’m not happy about that: This three Topics are mentioned since 2014. And nothing is happen.
10 month ago. The Dev of “Tooltip pro” has mentioned, Enfold have some open div-strings in your code and “tooltip pro” close this automatically – caused to work fine at all themes around the world. Vice versa, both are not compatible and makes error. A small fix was delivered by the dev and it were easy to implement this. Nothing is happen. This occur at my side and at two of my clients which are also use Enfold.
I must also make a compliemnt for the new minification of code. Most of my enfold clients running now at good levels. Only if they use Coutube videos, than the values are rotten again. Caused by youtube code. I can only mention again: please load only a static picture from youtube embeeded video and load script only, when a viewer like to watch the video.
Please take a look at “lazy-load for videos” from kevinI have tried to use this in combination with enfold. But it works not fine. But the loading time of the page was a hald (reduced from 4s to 1.8). Only with the plugin.
Ok, and what is the parent element? Nothing. p=12px, at no place defined. I can select h3 or something else: The font size is everytime p=12px. If i want define different rotators, i must define unlimted rules for every rotator with responsive font sizes.
font-size: inherit; makes no sense. If i deactivate this via dev console, the font size is as expected.-
This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by
What is happen, if you define “font-size:inherit”?
If the headline rotator give the option for a HTML-Markup as “H2”, what expectations can i have?
For my understanding: That i have the same layout as another h2-tags in my installation, but not a heading in font size 12 px.
Dear Kriesi,
i have often seen, that if people reopen the “Datenschutzerklärung” / “Privacy notice” and save this again, the code snippet is deleted.The only way is,that you include something for every of your users until 28.5.2018 (DSVGO)
Some guys has also seen it and deliver a solution. But don’t give the “manipulating functions.php” to your users.UPDATE: Björn brachte den Einwand, dass der JS-Link für den Cookie Opt-Out beim erneuten Speichern der Datenschutz-Seite entfernt wird (Danke für den Hinweis). Damit das nicht passiert, kannst den Link wie folgt per Shortcode einfügen:
1. Öffne die Datei functions.php deines Themes unter /wp-content/themes/deintheme/. Unter dem bereits vorhandenen Code fügst du folgendes ein:
// Shortcode for Google Analytics Cookie Opt-Out
function mm_ga_cookie_optout() {
return ‘Google Analytics deaktivieren‘;
add_shortcode(‘mm_ga_cookie_optout’, ‘mm_ga_cookie_optout’);
2. Ersetze den Link für den Opt-Out durch den Shortcode1
Alternativ kannst du für das Einfügen des Codes das Plugin „Code Snippets“ verwenden. Mit diesem Plugin kannst du auch künftig weitere Funktionen für deine Webseite einfügen, behältst einen besseren Überblick und die Funktionen bleiben auch bei einem Wechsel des Themes erhalten.Best
And that is also my expectations when I buy a modern theme. A page loading time of more than 5 seconds on a high performance server (not shared hosting) it’s not acceptable.
Googles CDN – Yeah, here is google again. Where are the datas, if i use googles CDN? Is it conform with GDPR?
And Enfold can also deliver his own minifaction etc. That users load plugin is for my understanding not needed, if all is delivered by enfold and in the code included. Only in this form is it safety, that all works fine with enfolds script.I have seen so many stuff, which destroy elements or pages running not perfect.
And for my understanding: Same is with embedded YouTube scripts.
1. This scripts are loaded from server with massiv loading time impact
2. Many scripts are loaded, before user has seen this video
3. The page loading time is reduced in many cases to a half, if this scripts are not (pre)loaded
4. There are many techniques to prevent YouTube preloading, with same effect for user. A static picture can be shown. This techniques are long time known.
5. And of course. Googles “mobile first indexing” which comes in july will give all fast pages an big impact and vice versa – And today, i see black for enfold. Many scripts in css and js are unminified and uncompressed. Why Kriesi deliver this not in one package: I have no idea! The mobile first stuff is known since 2015 and kriesi has sleept about this for preformace. User must loading plugins from other resources (and we must trust this ressources) like
– WP Disable to unload unnedded things like emojis etc
– Remove Query Strings From Static Resources
– lazy load for videos
– fast velocity minifyAll these must user include to wordpress, to get a pingdom / gtemtrix values from F to C or B and a page loading time reduction from 5 to 3 seconds or 3 to 1 seconds ( if no video is preloaded).
The rule “minify your needed plugins for security reasons” is destroyed.Hope, you improve this in near time.
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
Dear Datadirt,
i go with you in most points. For Google-Fonts: I’m sure, that is only one rule in code for Kriesi with resulting in an option.
(at google services or fonts-area with a checkbox: “Use Google Fonts or Websave fonts – global”I think, something was described here. But i’m not a fan to say to users: Modify your own funtions.php
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by