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  • #905559

    Hi I read a little bit in the forum about the issue of Terms&Conditions duplicated in the checkout page but I didn’t find any viable solutions, or at least in my case it didn’t work.

    In this post it is suggested this filter

    add_filter('woocommerce_format_content', 'yanco_remove_inline_terms', 10, 2);
    function yanco_remove_inline_terms( $apply_filters, $raw_string ) {
    	if( is_checkout() ) {
    		return '';
    	return $apply_filters;

    However if I use it the terms&conditions page doesn’t appear anymore

    Moreover, since my T&C page as a special header and an accordion, I realised that the part of it contained in av_section_1 (containing the WC checkout elements) the accordion doesn’t work (it doesn’t open), while the duplicated accordion in the below section (av_section_2) works nicely.

    Could you please help me in solving this problem?
    I can hide the av_section_2 (suggested in this post), but I’ll keep the accordion that actually doesn’t work.

    Otherwise I can use the filter mentioned above, but no T&C would be visible

    Thanks for help


    Hey Elena,

    Can we please check your page, so we can be able to identify the issue?

    Thank you very much

    Best regards,


    Sorry for the delay: I lost your communication! The page https://whalesanddolphins.tethys.org/checkout/



    Hi elenapoliti,

    Terms and conditions should be a simple text page without elements that require complex JavaScript. When embedded as iframe there can be conflicts. Can you simplify the TC page?

    Best regards,


    That’s a problema as the text is long and it is managed with an accordion. It has always worked perfectly, but I guess after one of the latest release of Enfold or woocommerce (sincerely I cannot say which), the problem came out.

    The issue then is not solved. I’ll simplify the content of the page, but this is a real pity




    Please upgrade the plugin to version 3.3.1. The plugin authors pulled out the latest version (3.3) because it turned out to be incompatible with a lot of themes.

    // https://wptavern.com/woocommerce-3-3-removed-from-plugin-directory-due-to-theme-conflicts

    Let us know if it helps.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Ismael I just did it but the problem is still there.



    I’m sorry but we’re still not sure what’s causing the issue. Is it working correctly if you disable the advance layout builder for the terms and conditions page? Just use the default editor temporarily then test the checkout page again.

    Best regards,

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