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  • #823097

    Hi, this is the second time I got this message (picture included) when I try to open my website

    I fix it by re-upload the missing file from my backup to the enfold themes folder. Since this is the second time I got this error, I afraid it will continue in the future. Is there any solution for this? The file just disappear without any cause.



    Hey EdNal,

    Please, could you re-upload the screenshot and provide to us the link? Because I can`t see the error.

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    here it is
    error message



    Thanks for that, so you are saying that overwriting the theme files via FTP helped? What exactly is on line 424 in your functions.php file?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    As you see in the error message on line 424, it ask register-widget-area.php file

    So when I check the folder, the file register-widget-area.php was gone. I fix it by re upload the register-widget-area.php from my bcakup at my pc to the folder via cpanel.

    My concern is why this file disappeared? This is second time I experience this case (I forget if at the first time its the same file or not)


    Hi EdNal,

    Files can get corrupted during update sometimes, when something interrupts the process or server does not allow some things to happen. I’ve seen this a few times.

    Best regards,

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