I searched through the threads and saw quite a few things from a few years back on the magnific popup feature ( |
But I’m still confused about where the content comes from and how display is set. While I’ve used this feature before to display a PDF, I don’t know how to use it to display a content element that’s created in Enfold (and comes from the suite of Avia Layout Builder elements).
Meaning: I would like to have a small picture with a caption, and when clicked, a colored text box pops up explaining the picture appears in a small lightbox.
How would I set that up?
Hey raisonbrands,
When using the magnificPopup lightbox, you create your content in a “code block” element, this link might explain the steps better:
But there is also another way to do it, you can create your content using any element and link to it so that it pops up in a lightbox:
Best regards,
Awesome and thanks Mike,
Those look pretty straight forward–I’ll give it a shot and let you know how it goes.
We’ll keep this thread open for you! Let us know if you need further help.
Best regards,
Hey thanks,
The top one was the way to go!