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  • #720455


    Can you please ship an update with support for the woff2 font file format?


    Hi emilbroll!

    Please request such feature here – https://kriesi.at/support/enfold-feature-requests/ :)



    Hey Yigit, I’ve done that now – I did post a thread a while ago regarding just this – how you’ve had this feature request page now for over a year without completing more than a single request, so you sending me there to request features seems a bit of a waste on my part, since it seems you’re not taking any of the requests into consideration anyway. Enfold is a great theme, so I wish you could keep actively developing it with your users requests in mind…



    Kriesi does follow the demand of the users and develops based on the needs.
    If the font is something that will have many requests, he will go for it!

    Thanks a lot for your kind words for the template, we do appreciate it a lot!

    Best regards,


    Hi! Implementing WOFF2 will improve pageloading times for all your users, so it is definitely worth the time it might take to implement (which should not be much). Can you please consider this?



    You can upload the woff2 format font files from Enfold > Import/Export tab. Before uploading your font please generate the font kit as mentioned here.

    Best regards,


    Thanks, I realised I was imprecise – I mean, specifically, that the fonts included in Enfold, like fontello, are missing a woff2-version, meaning that browsers that support woff2 still have to download the bigger size woff-file.



    I found the woff2 source file but I’m not sure if it’s valid. We’ll forward this to our devs.

    // https://github.com/coderaiser/cloudcmd/blob/master/font/fontello.woff2

    Best regards,



    Scratch that. The woff2 version for entypo-fontello is not available.

    // https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/entypo

    Best regards,

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