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  • #223722

    Pages that were working fine, now have broken components — Easy Sliders not working, Portfolios not working.
    site is
    seems a little bizarre….




    I am not sure if this is to do with the theme update but now my Product Descriptions have disappeared from all of the products in Woocommerce.

    I think it happened when I was adjusting the settings for the Column and Product Count in Woocommerce.

    Can someone please help me with this. I can’t give you a link to the site because it is not live yet.

    I have installed WordPress 3.8.1 and using Enfold 2.5.2. My installs are as follows:

    bbPress by The bbPress Community version 2.5.3,
    Delightful Downloads by Ashley Rich version 1.3.4,
    Regenerate Thumbnails by Viper007Bond version 2.2.4,
    WooCommerce by WooThemes version 2.1.2


    To clarify, the product descriptions are showing in the backend/admin area in WordPress but do not appear on the site.



    I have just checked your website and it looks fine.
    Only issue i noticed is on image on description tab and you can fix it by adding following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under Styling tab

    .js_active .grid-image {
    opacity: 1;

    Which version of WooCommerce are you using? There are WC related JS issues in console

    Best regards,


    I just updated to Woo Commerce 2.1.5 because the zoom feature was not working properly on the products pages. Now the products have ALL disappeared?


    Instead of updating the entire Abundance Theme, what are the necessary files within the theme to update?

    This is a live site. I really need help ASAP.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by dcgraphics1. Reason: typo

    Yeah yours is broken like mine…
    No products showing on page built with “Product Grid/Slider” —

    But the products still show up on the default woocommerce ../shop page —

    plus other bizarre breaks — like paralax not working…



    srubens issue was solved here: – it was caused by some custom css code.

    – I recommend to update the entire theme to version 2.1. You can use ftp to update it. We also updated some framework files (abundance/framework folder) and I we didn’t keep track of the changes. For WooCommerce 2.1.x we updated all files in the wp-content/themes/abundance/woocommerce-config/ folder and wp-content/themes/abundance/includes/helper-templates.php

    – your server doesn’t serve an important js file and this triggers a js error/conflict which also affects the theme javascript files. I get this error:

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 406 (Not Acceptable)

    Make sure that the file exists on your server and you can access/open it with your browser.



    Dude — Thanks Man! That totally pointed me in the right direction.

    Woocommerce actually supplies a free plugin to fix this issue (other than contacting host)

    Worked for me! Hope this helps anyone else experiencing this.

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