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  • #1465451

    Is it possible to import just one page from a demo?
    Can you import this page:
    I need the sidebar and how it open the links in the same page. I cannot find yet how to this on my own… If you would know the right way, that’s an answer also of course.

    I am creating a web shop with the standard Woo-commerce shop theme.

    Thanks in advance!


    Hey Arjan,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    It’s not possible to import a single page, but we can provide you with the shortcodes used on this particular page. You’ll need to set the builder to debug mode and copy the shortcodes into the shortcodes field.

    This is the shortcode:

    To activate the debug mode, please check this documentation:

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    Thanks, but the first link says: 404 Snippet not found.
    Greetings, Arjan



    Sorry about that. The expiration of the snippet was set to 1 hour. We have provided another link in the private field with a one-week expiration.

    Best regards,


    After inserting the enfold shortcode and saving it, some settings must be made manually: Activating the sidebar and options (which sidebar should be displayed; etc.)


    Perhaps I do not understand the code very well. I have the side bar, but of course it does not load the pages yet. In the code I do not see any relevant links to change or something..



    I need to work with anchor links I guess? A bit lost now :)



    Thank you for the update.

    Did you set the builder to debug mode? Once debug mode is activated, edit the page, look for the shortcode fields below the Advanced Layout Builder, paste the shortcode from the demo, and then update the page. You don’t need to change anything in the shortcode. Let us know how it goes.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Yes. I did set it in debug mode and I added the short code. After more googling and setting anchor links it works!
    It’s not only setting a sidebar but it’s also about setting those anchor links.
    You can close this one.





    Glad to know that this has been resolved. Please feel free to open anotehr thread if you have more questions about the theme.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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