Is it possible to turn off or hide “Hide Extra portfolio settings”?
Thanks for answer.
Tom Custers
Hey tom,
Thank you for the inquiry.
You can add this filter in the functions.php file to hide the “Additional Portfolio Settings” panel:
function avf_builder_boxes_mod( $boxes ) {
foreach ( $boxes as $key => $box ) {
// remove portfolio additional settings
if ( isset( $box['id'] ) && $box['id'] === 'preview' ) {
unset( $boxes[$key] );
return $boxes;
add_filter( 'avf_builder_boxes', 'avf_builder_boxes_mod' );
Best regards,
Thanks. Where should that go in functions.php, at the top, at the bottom?
If you are not using a child theme, then please install one. Your changes will be overwritten on updates otherwise. After that, you can add the script anywhere in the functions.php file.
Best regards,