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  • #1448981
    Jason Pitman

    I’m not really after support, but I wanted to point out a bug with your theme. Are you aware that if you write the word “Get” first in a text block, once you update the page in admin, the page fails to load in admin? – the spinner just keeps spinning. It displays on a live web page, but not in admin, so you are unable to edit the contents and have to restore a previous version of the page.
    I’ve had this issue a few times with various words (I assume they are commands and the system freaks out).
    I wrote “Get in touch to find out more” in a text block and it broke
    When I changed it to “Contact Us to find out more” there wasn’t a problem
    I also tried adding it to a special heading element – that broke too.
    I have encountered this before with a different word (I cannot remember what it was).

    It’s frustrating if you have a lot of content on the page and a simple text edit breaks the whole lot and you have to start over again


    Hey Jason,

    We are aware of that, and it’s due to a firewall security setting:

    Troubleshoot: Text Block element not loading

    This is a rare case but if typing certain words, such as “get“,”include“, “select” or “head” in Text Block element breaks it after saving, there might be a modsec rule in firewall settings causing this issue.

    This is a security measure taken by hosting providers and it is not a theme issue. You can contact your hosting providers and ask them to whitelist those words and that should fix the issue.

    Best regards,

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