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  • #1443244
    Hogne Vevle


    I represent Webhuset AS (, a web hoster in Norway. One of our clients is having trouble using Enfold, more specifically when trying to install demo content.

    The download is attempted from , but it seems you have blocked the IP of our web server (the connection times out). We have verified this by trying the download manually from a secondary IP on the same server, which then succeeds without an issue.

    The IP which appears to be blocked by you:

    Please advise on how we can proceed to resolve this issue.

    Best regards
    Hogne Vevle
    Webhuset AS


    Hi Hogne,

    I’m sorry for the delayed response.

    I contacted our hosting provider to check if your IP is blocked.

    As far as I know, our hosting provider’s security system automatically blocks IP addresses if it detects brute-force-like requests. This might have been the case. We’ll give you an update once we hear from them.

    In the meantime, does the manual demo import ( ) work for you?


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