How can I change the color of a word in the Title of my page? The one over the video. Each word in the GLOBAL KEY title should show in a different color.
Hey Jim,
It looks like you are using a special heading for the words GLOBAL KEY so to style these words you can’t use html in the title element without seeing the warning: Warning: Characters <,>,[,] might break ALB backend or frontend if you follow the read more in the warning you will read our documentation about our Special Character Translation plugin and this is the codes to use with it after you install the plugin
Following translations can be used:
###lt### => <
###gt### => >
###amp### => &
###91### => [
###93### => ]
###quot### => "
###34### => '
So to make the word “KEY” red you would add this to the special heading:
###lt###span style=color:#ff0000###gt###KEY###lt###/span###gt###
for this result on the frontend:
you can do this for your other words with using other colors.
Best regards,