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  • #1406772

    I can’t change anything in the theme options page. It always says “Saving didn’t work! Please reload the page and try again” when I want to save an adjustment. The web hosting indicates that there are too many inodes (100015 / 100000). There are especially many inodes in folder dynamic_avia. Could it be that things are going wrong there? I don’t change anything, even page changes don’t work now.

    Can you help me? If you need any further information from me, please let me know.


    Hi scheij,

    Thanks for giving us admin access as well as cpanel access.
    It seems the problem is that the space allotted has exceeded, here’s the error:
    Unable to write wp-config.php.
    Error opening wp-config.php for writing: Disk quota exceeded.

    Screenshot link in private content.
    Try to remove some of the unnecessary files and try to check again.

    Best regards,


    Lots of files are created (16GB) in directory /wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia
    I have deleted this folder. Now many files are created again in folder test/wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia within a day.
    Now I delete this folder again.

    Why are so many files created all the time? The disk fills up very quickly.

    And the theme is still not working.


    Hi scheij,

    Since that is happening, please go to Enfold theme options > Performance > Show advanced options and check it, then set Unique Timestamp Of Merged Files And WP Object Cache Bug to Disable adding unique timestamps only then wait for some time and see if this helps.
    For further instructions and information please check our documentation here:

    Also, I tried to login to your site but it keeps redirecting to the maintenance page.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your advice. It has worked. It has stopped creating files. Unfortunately, the website is not working optimally yet. I think there is still an error looping. The log says this kind of messages:
    Error on sending request(GET /wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/avia-merged-styles-c9edd31fc63a9322c577ad214782385b.css HTTP/1.1); uri(/index.php) content-length(0): ReceiveAckHdr: nothing to read from backend (LVE ID 932), check


    I think I have solved the problem of the errors. The only problem I have now is that all the css styles doesn’t work. Could you check for me how this can be fixed?


    Hi scheij,

    Can you try to temporarily disable CSS File Merging And Compression and Javascript File Merging And Compression.
    Also, temporarily disable any caching plugins.

    Best regards,


    I’ve adjusted it, but I don’t notice any difference.


    Hi Scheij,

    I have checked it and it seems the generated css file does not seem to exist (css file link in private content).
    Basically when you save the theme options, (if CSS file merging is disabled) should generate enfold.css which contains all the CSS set in the theme options, without it, Enfold will just use the default values.

    Best regards,


    I found out that the css file does exist. But the file is in

    When I make an adjustment everything is saved in

    I have copied the files to the right folder for now.

    How can I change it so that everything is saved in ????


    Hi scheij,

    Please go to Settings > Media, and change the address where your files are stored.
    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,


    Thanks, it works!


    Hi scheij,

    I’m glad that we could help you :)
    Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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