i have this shortcode in my costum widget to display a contact form, but i get no test mail if i try (delivery confirmation is shown after sending)
av_contact_preselect=” width=” av_uid=’av-eiz7jf’][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label='Betreff' type='text' check='is_empty' options='' multi_select='' av_contact_preselect='' width='' av_uid='av-e91xnn'][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label='Nachricht' type='textarea' check='is_empty' options='' multi_select='' av_contact_preselect='' width='' av_uid='av-e69e23'][/av_contact_field]
Do i have to install e SMTP Plugin like Mailbank or do you have any idea where the bug is??
Thank you for helping!
Hey Stefan,
Thank you for your patience, I see that the form is giving the successful confirmation and I don’t see any browser console errors related to the form, I believe that your emails are going to a spam folder or the server is marking it as spam and deleting them.
Typically you don’t need to use a SMTP plugin if you are using an email address that matches your domain, if you are trying to have the email sent to your gmail address or a different domain then you should use a SMTP plugin, I have not seen anyone use Mail Bank before, typically I see WP Mail SMTP in use.
Best regards,