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  • #1401768

    Hi there,
    I have a question about an enfold-Update.
    Is it necessary to update? What risks do I take? Which data goes lost when I do it??? Does the update delete my General or Advanced Styling?
    Thanks in advance


    Hey Arantza,

    Is it necessary to update?

    Updates add new features, fix the bugs, and bring up compatibility with newer versions of PHP and WordPress so keeping the theme up-to-date is strongly recommended.

    What risks do I take?

    We test intensively before releasing new versions to make sure nothing breaks during updates however since all installations are not the same, things still may go wrong. We’d recommend creating a staging copy of your site and updating the theme there.

    Which data goes lost when I do it?

    If you modified theme files directly on the parent theme, those will be overwritten. If you use a child theme ( and modified the files on your child theme, your modifications will be safe.

    Does the update delete my General or Advanced Styling?

    No, a theme update doesn’t delete your theme options including General and Advanced Styling.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your detailed answer!



    You are welcome! Let us know if you have any other questions and enjoy the rest of your day!

    Best regards,

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