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  • #1397773

    Hey Gunter,

    Sorry, forgot to add this to the other feature request thread.

    Back when you introduced v5 you had this in the changelog:
    feature: added swipe to all devices supporting touch screens (not only to mobile devices)

    I mistakenly took this to mean that you could now swipe in the lightbox (in addition to using the arrows as navigation) but clearly I misunderstood.

    Which brings me to the first feature request:

    On mobile (or devices that support swipe) could we add the ability in the lightbox to swipe left/right on images, rather than just rely on the arrows?

    Secondly, on the ALB Gallery element, it would be great to have an option for desktop to also display the navigation arrows when the “Big Image with Thumbnails below” setting is selected, meaning the user doesn’t have to hover the thumbnails to change the image (which may not be super intuitive for some users). Perhaps there could be 3 options – hover thumbs, show navigation arrows, use both hover and arrows.

    Any questions please let me know.

    Thanks for considering it.

    Have a great day.


    • This topic was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by THP Studio.

    I would really see the swipe option for lightbox too :)

    Best Wishes,


    Hi Tim,

    I have posted your requests on our GitHub and added a link to this thread as a reference. We will let you know when there’s an update :)




    Update for swipe feature:

    Please replace enfold\js\avia-snippet-lightbox.js and enfold\js\avia-snippet-lightbox.min.js


    Do not forget to clear server and browser cache (or toggle theme options if using merged js) and make a backup of the files for a fallback.

    Best regards,


    Hello Gunter,

    – Am I supposed to replace the complete code content of these 2 files with the code as on the github links?

    – Is this a method supported by the Enfold developers?

    – How do I do this in a Child Theme?

    Thanks very much for your help :)

    Kind regards,


    Hi Alwin,

    – Am I supposed to replace the complete code content of these 2 files with the code as on the github links?


    – Is this a method supported by the Enfold developers?

    Certainly! Günter is the lead developer :)

    – How do I do this in a Child Theme?

    Please add the following code to functions.php file of your child theme

    function ava_change_wp_enqueue_scripts_mod() {
        $vn = avia_get_theme_version();
        $options = avia_get_option();
        $min_js = avia_minify_extension( 'js' );
        wp_deregister_script( 'avia-lightbox-activation' );
        wp_enqueue_script( 'avia-child-lightbox-activation', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . "/js/avia-snippet-lightbox{$min_js}.js", array('jquery'));
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'ava_change_wp_enqueue_scripts_mod', 100 );

    and place the two files inside /js/ folder in your child theme


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Yigit.

    hey Yigit – does your code snippet load both files at the same time ( twice so to say ) – shouldn’t it load conditionally – as in funcitions.php to look if
    avia_minify_extension( ‘js’ ) is set?


    function wp_change_lightbox_script() {
    	global $avia_config;
    	$vn = avia_get_theme_version();
    	$options = avia_get_option();
    	$child_theme_url = get_stylesheet_directory_uri();
    	$min_js = avia_minify_extension( 'js' );
    	wp_deregister_script( 'avia-lightbox-activation' );
    	$condition = ! empty( $avia_config['use_standard_lightbox'] ) && ( 'disabled' != $avia_config['use_standard_lightbox'] );
      	avia_enqueue_script_conditionally( $condition , 'avia-lightbox-activation-child', "{$child_theme_url}/js/avia-snippet-lightbox{$min_js}.js", array('avia-default'), $vn, true);
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wp_change_lightbox_script', 100 );

    by the way: on the functions.php there are a lot of conditions for different scripts/styles – does the code only look to the closest conditon that is found?

    Why i ask: i do want to change two scripts : sticky header and now lightbox . But on both there is only one $condition ( as in functions.php too )

    function wp_change_parent_scripts() {
    	global $avia_config;
    	$vn = avia_get_theme_version();
    	$options = avia_get_option();
    	$child_theme_url = get_stylesheet_directory_uri();
    	$min_js = avia_minify_extension( 'js' );
    	wp_deregister_script( 'avia-sticky-header' );
    	$condition  = ( isset( $options['header_position'] ) && $options['header_position'] == 'header_top' );
    	$condition2 = ( isset( $options['header_sticky'] ) && $options['header_sticky'] == 'header_sticky' ) && $condition;
    	avia_enqueue_script_conditionally( $condition2 , 'avia-sticky-header-child', "{$child_theme_url}/js/avia-snippet-sticky-header{$min_js}.js", array('avia-default'), $vn, true);
    	wp_deregister_script( 'avia-lightbox-activation' );
    	$condition = ! empty( $avia_config['use_standard_lightbox'] ) && ( 'disabled' != $avia_config['use_standard_lightbox'] );
      	avia_enqueue_script_conditionally( $condition , 'avia-lightbox-activation-child', "{$child_theme_url}/js/avia-snippet-lightbox{$min_js}.js", array('avia-default'), $vn, true);
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wp_change_parent_scripts', 100 );

    Hey @guenni007,

    hey Yigit – does your code snippet load both files at the same time ( twice so to say ) – shouldn’t it load conditionally – as in funcitions.php to look if
    avia_minify_extension( ‘js’ ) is set?

    True. Thanks for the heads up. I updated the code I posted.

    Why i ask: i do want to change two scripts : sticky header and now lightbox . But on both there is only one $condition ( as in functions.php too )

    Can you please provide more details? Not sure if I understood clearly.




    I forgot to mention, that the fix will be part of next release 4.5.2.

    So you can actually replace the 2 original files in ..\enfold\js\…

    No need to copy to child theme.

    Script from Yigit is not correct, as it loads the same code twice (.min is minified only).


    Your code should work. Depending on theme option either the normal version of the file or the .min. version is loaded.
    If you do not upload a .min. version you can skip {$min_js} (or set it to ” hardcoded).

    Best regards,


    yes – i tested the code – my question was just for interest to understand how the conditions work. The $condition appears several times ( also in the functions.php in the original ) – is it so that if a condition is called only the closest is decisive ?

    $condition = ! empty( $avia_config['use_standard_lightbox'] ) && ( 'disabled' != $avia_config['use_standard_lightbox'] );
    $condition = ( avia_get_submenu_count('avia') > 0 );
    $condition  = ( isset( $options['header_position'] ) && $options['header_position'] == 'header_top' );
    etc. etc.

    Hello Günter,

    I forgot to mention, that the fix will be part of next release 4.5.2.

    Do you mean that the swipe option for lightbox will be part of version 4.5.2?


    @Alwin yes you can see it listed there already:

    @Gunter thank you so much for adding this so quickly! I haven’t tested it yet, will likely wait for the official release, but thanks again for acting on this request.

    Any thoughts on the second request of the navigation options? I’ll paste it here again for ease of use:

    Secondly, on the ALB Gallery element, it would be great to have an option for desktop to also display the navigation arrows when the “Big Image with Thumbnails below” setting is selected, meaning the user doesn’t have to hover the thumbnails to change the image (which may not be super intuitive for some users). Perhaps there could be 3 options – hover thumbs, show navigation arrows, use both hover and arrows.

    Thanks a lot.


    Hi Tim,

    ALB Gallery element

    I’m checking it for next release.


    only the closest is decisive

    Yes, the last value assigned to $condition is used, in your case

    $condition  = ( isset( $options['header_position'] ) && $options['header_position'] == 'header_top' );

    Best regards,


    Awesome, thanks again Gunter, really appreciate it.


    and to have a similar request – maybe it would be very interesting if the postnavigation ( left right arrows on portfolio and posts ) works with swipe too.
    so far I have done this with an edited plugin; however, it would be nice if it were implemented natively in Enfold.




    thanks for this input.
    Added it to our dev repo (maybe already in next release).

    Best regards,

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