August 11, 2022 at 8:05 pm #1361493
My site is taking 10-15 seconds to load (any page, not just the homepage with videos) only when using the Enfold or Enfold child theme. We have checked our server/databases and everything is fine there – other sites hosted on it are running fast. Speed optimization plugins are installed which decreased the load time from 20 to about 15 seconds. I have never had a problem with Enfold and site speed before, and I have made quite a few Enfold sites. I will link the site below. Thanks for any help/advice you can provide.
August 12, 2022 at 12:21 am #1361501hey,
can you share a link to your website so we can check it.August 12, 2022 at 12:24 am #1361502August 12, 2022 at 1:05 am #1361505Do you have Enfold’s performance options active?
Theme Options > Performance
Have you tried some of the built in optimisations that are available in the theme to combine css files and js filesAs a complement I suggest Wp Rocket Plugin will help you reduce waiting times.
August 12, 2022 at 3:06 am #1361507Yes, I have tried Enfold performance options as well as different combos of WP Rocket, Autoptomize, WP-Optimize, and various cache plugins. Those decreased load times by 5 seconds, but it still takes 15 seconds for a page to load only with the Enfold theme.
August 12, 2022 at 7:29 am #1361509see here the results on gtmetrix: https://gtmetrix.com/reports/www.the-hawkeye-effect.com/lrxz6lz6/ the TTFB ( Time to first byte) is extremly high and the FCP (First Contentful Paint ) as a consequence as well.
In my opinion, however, these variables are initially independent of the theme you use.
On the layerslider Options Dialog there is on top right an icon – these three dots: Click on Systemstatus and look if all your php Values are high enough for a WordPress CMS.
maybe you can post here too the Servervalue Results.
Then what @carlosquispehernandez mentioned – activate first the merging of enfold on Enfold Options – Performance : MergingAugust 14, 2022 at 11:59 pm #1361675Thanks for the response. My PHP values were all the same (and higher for memory limit) as in the image you sent. I also ensured that merging was turned on. It’s looking like I will have to bite the bullet and switch themes. Thank you for your advice and time though, I appreciate it!
August 20, 2022 at 8:03 am #1362250see here a solution with your video – after you have checked it – i will go and set in a different video and image.
here are the results on gtmetrix: https://gtmetrix.com/reports/enfold.webers-webdesign.de/k7GTMbfW/
the TTFB is higher than normal on my server – this is due to the video – but it is 1s ( long enough but not 4.5s) – with only enfold merging enabled.___________
by the way and off topic:
see that page – and look if the responsive behavior isn’t this way better too. https://enfold.webers-webdesign.de/gallery/
what i did:
first i give a custom class or ID to that color-section – in my case it is an ID: hawkey-bg-video
the settings on that color-section are: no minimum height
the settings on the bg-video ( aspect ratio: 1920:700) – yes you can insert this valuesnow to have the correct responsive height of the color-section we had to synchronize it with that video aspect ratio
700/1920*100 = 36.45
that means : if the width is 100vw the height of that section had to be: 36.45vw
but your content must have enough space inside that section – so a min-height had to be set for small screens:#hawkey-bg-video { height: 36.45vw; min-height: 330px; } #hawkey-bg-video .container { max-width: 90%; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); z-index: 5 }
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