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  • #1303671

    I would like disable permalink about all H1 on Post Title. This is not good for SEO. A hyperlink on the title of the post that leads to the same post?

    And I want to delete too the category (and permalink) below the post.

    Thank you.


    Hi kikosanchezestudio,

    To achieve this, you’ll need to use a child theme then tweak single.php.
    If you don’t have a child theme yet, you can download and find instructions in our documentation:
    Then you’ll need to copy and paste single.php from the parent theme to the child theme and remove the link in the avia_title function.
    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nico, thank you for your reply is so technical for me. Another way to explain more easy? Best regards


    Hi kikosanchezestudio,

    Please try to follow these steps:
    1. Download the child theme in
    2. Login to your site, then go to Appearance > Themes > Add New, then upload downloaded from step 1
    3. Install and activate the child theme
    4. Go to Enfold > Import/Export > Import Settings From Your Parent Theme, then click the Import Parent Theme Settings button
    5. (FTP access is necessary at this point) Go to wp-content > themes > enfold, copy single.php, go to enfold-child then paste the file.
    6. Edit the file in line 22:

    if( get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'header', true) != 'no') echo avia_title(array('heading'=>'strong', 'title' => $title, 'link' => $t_link, 'subtitle' => $t_sub));

    replace it with:

    if( get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'header', true) != 'no') echo avia_title(array('heading'=>'strong', 'title' => $title, 'subtitle' => $t_sub));

    Other option would be to give us admin access and we’ll do the steps above for you :)

    Best regards,

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