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  • #1252585


    I’m having a problem with my blog here: When I’m logged in it perfectly shows only blog posts where I have featured images. When logged out it shows pages and blog posts, as well as some weird non-existent pages that when you click on them they say “No results found” and it takes you to a link that looks like this:

    I’m concerned my site might have a virus and I need to fix this so that the blog only shows blog posts again.

    I’m using the masonry grid to display blog posts, but it also happens when I just designate it as a blog page using WordPress’s standard blog page.


    Any ideas about how to resolve this? It’s kind of embarrassing to have this as my blog at the momento.


    I came up with a temporary fix….a labor-intensive temporary fix. I’m updating all the dates of my blog posts so they appear more recently and that way pushing the pages further down the chronological timeline. But I still need to figure out how to make only blogs show up when I am logged out.



    First off, could you try updating the theme to the latest version ( to see if that helps please? If not then please point out which elements should not appear on you blog page.

    If your site has been hacked then you would need to get it cleaned, I would recommend reaching out to Sucuri for that.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I uploaded the new version of Enfold via FTP to but I still have the same problem. The items that should not be there are pages. So if you go to and you “Load More” (It’s in Spanish so it says “Cargar más” I have some strange ‘posts’ show. up: some that are blank, one that says ‘podcast’, and in general it mixes Posts with Pages. I only want Posts to show up, but it’s showing both Posts and Pages.

    I only want posts to show up. Now when I’m logged in as an Admin, only posts are there (I used the Masonry element and chose all the blog post categories). So when I’m logged in it shows only posts but when anybody else sees it, or when I log out, it mixes posts with pages.

    And installing the latest version of Enfold didn’t help.

    Please advise.


    Ok I figured out what’s happening. The blank pages that appear on the ‘blog’ page /educacion-gratuita, also features links to drtaft pages or draft blog posts. So when I create a new page or a new post, and I just safe it as a draft without publishing it, it creates a place-holder on the blog page for that link, but when you click on it (if you’re logged-out or a visitor) you get an error.

    ✖ No hay resultados
    Lo sentimos, esta entrada no está disponible, ¿quieres probar con nuestro buscador?

    The text is in Spanish and it says: “No results found. We’re sorry, this is post is not available. Would you like to try our search functiion?



    Thanks for the update. I checked the page you referred to earlier but it doesn’t looks like you are using the Blog Posts element on the page, did you change that, or am I looking at the wrong page?

    Best regards,


    Ahhh I did a redirect….here it is I un-redirected it:



    Thanks for the update. I can edit that page, but I can’t view it since it’s being redirected to the page in private?

    Best regards,


    This is the page that I’m talking about: I’m. not redirecting it to anymore.


    Well, you see that’s just crazy…I removed the redirect but it’s still redirecting. I don’t understand it. I went to the 301 Redirects under ‘Settings’ and there was no more redirects, bu tit’s still redirecting. I think I need to do a flush cache but I’m not sure how to go about it.

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thanks for the update. I don’t get redirected when using an incognito window in Chrome, please see screenshot in private for the results I’m getting on my end. There are some error messages on the page as you can see, but I’m not sure what is causing them. Did you try to disable all plugins to see if that has any effect?

    Also, when I try to load your site the first time, it seems like it refuses to connect, or takes to long. I have to refresh the page to get it to load anything at all. Again, I’m not sure why that is unfortunately.

    Best regards,


    Ok I disabled all the plugins and it worked! Now I’ve got to figure out which plugin was causing this.


    It was the WishList Member Plugin I bought. I’m. going to contact their support department. Thank you!



    I’m glad you found the culprit! Did you need additional help on this topic?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    It was the WishList Member plugin, I had the settings et to protect all my posts for some reason.


    Okay. Should you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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