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  • #1216636

    Hello Kriesi Team,

    I bought two licenses for Enfold Theme. One of them is still in use. The other one not. I do not know which of the two licenses is already been in use. Can I find out which one it is?

    Thank you very much for your support!

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by mkessler2.

    Hey mkessler2,

    Did you generate tokens for both of them? If not then please try doing so: The theme files are the same for both your licenses, so you can use any of them on your second site.

    Best regards,


    Hello, many thanks for help.

    I uploaded the Enfold-Theme Files on a Test-Installation.

    Now, I have another problem:

    – The template is currently installed on a Test-Server and a Test-URL.
    – It will be switched to the Live-URL in a short time.
    – Is it neccessary to wait bevor register the Enfold-Theme-License?

    The theme is actually not running properly and correctly. I hope an update makes the error messages disappear.

    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by mkessler2.


    Thanks for the update. I would recommend that you have a valid license once you go live, but you really only need it once it’s time to update. If you need help with the test installation then we need to see the problem in question.

    Best regards,


    immediately, the Enfold Theme is running on the Live-Server.

    After I entered the key, the Theme should be updated. However, the error messages still appear on the page ‘Start/Home’.

    Certainly I can turn off the error messages.

    Though, I would like to know where the errors come from.

    Enclosed I transmit an excerpt of the issue:

    Thanks for help.
    Best regards



    Could you post a link to where we can see the problem in question please?

    Best regards,


    thank you for your answer.

    The error-messages are only displayed in the backend.
    If I want to change the article on the ‘Start”-Page I get some of them.

    Another Problem is, that there are some bugs in the backend. If I want to change the text in one of the text-areas.
    The previous text disappears. For the new input of text, I first have to delete the entire source text that then appears.

    I don’t know how to explain this to the customer ??? He should take over the template in a few days and would like an explanation of all the functions from me.I thought all the errors went away with the update, but unfortunately nothing changed since the update.
    thanks for help.
    Best regards.



    Thanks for the update. Please post working WordPress login details and the login URL in private so that we can access the backend.

    Also please point out where the text is disappearing and how to reproduce the problem.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by Rikard.

    Hello, thank you for your response. Please note my further comments.
    Best regards



    Thanks for the update and instructions. I see that you are running an old version of the theme, could you try to update to the latest version (4.7.5) to see if that helps please? The update to 4.7.x has to be done manually from the version you are running, please refer to my replies in this thread:

    You can either update manually via FTP:, or use a plugin to upload the theme zip file:

    If that doesn’t work then please try to delete the whole theme folder, then replace it with the new version. Make sure that you have backups of the site before starting updating.

    Also please read this after you have updated:

    Best regards,


    Hallo, thank you for your reply.

    We bought the license, but we didn’t download the new folders. Your link leads to a redirect, where I have to pay 59 euros again. Is there an inexpensive alternative?

    Best regards



    I am sending the valid license attached.

    Best regards



    Thanks for the update. If you own a license then you can always download it from your Themeforest account, did you try that out? You don’t have to purchase the theme again.

    Which link is redirecting you and to where?

    Best regards,


    Hi, Ok.
    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by mkessler2.


    Thanks for the update. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,

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